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Glen Weldon

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Glen Weldon is an American writer, cultural critic, and podcaster. He has written for publications such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, Slate, The Atlantic, and McSweeney's.
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Secret Identity book cover
Secret Identity
A Novel
Alex Segura - 2022-03-15
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Step into the world of comics with Secret Identity, a thrilling mystery novel by Anthony Award-winning writer Alex Segura. Set in the struggling comic book industry of 1975, Carmen Valdez is tantalizingly close to fulfilling her dream of writing a superhero book. But when a colleague is found dead with all of their scripts turned in without her name, Carmen must piece together what happened before it's too late. With a surprise visitor from Miami and a tenacious cop on her trail, Secret Identity is a must-read for anyone who loves gritty, hard-edged, and absorbing fiction.
Glen Weldon
Flattered to be included, but my main point is: I just started devouring this book and am living for it.      источник
Andrew Levy
My Life as a Goddess book cover
My Life as a Goddess
A Memoir through (Un)Popular Culture
Guy Branum - 2018-07-31
Рейтинг Goodreads
A collection of personal and introspective essays by a popular stand-up comic who, from a young age, felt like an outsider. Guy Branum shares stories of finding a sense of belonging at Berkeley, navigating typecasting as the "Sassy Gay Friend," and finding artistic freedom in stand-up comedy. He also explores society's deprivation of personhood from fat people and the importance of self-acceptance with a little patience and a lot of humor. A must-read for fans of Mindy Kaling and Samantha Irby.
Glen Weldon
This book is a very very good book. More later.      источник
Flora of Middle-Earth book cover
Flora of Middle-Earth
Plants of J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium
Walter S. Judd - 2017-08-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the plant life of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth with Flora of Middle Earth, an in-depth guide to over 160 plant species found within the fictional continent. Written by botanist Walter Judd, this comprehensive book provides detailed species accounts, including the etymology of each plant's name, its significance within Tolkien's work, and its ecology and distribution. Accompanied by stunning illustrations by artist Graham Judd, this guide is a must-have for any fan of Tolkien's universe looking to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the natural landscape that plays such a vital role in his legendary works.
Glen Weldon
This book, which exists! And is not a goof! Is the most beautiful wondrous ridiculous puzzling thing in the long & storied history of ever.      источник
Jacquelyn Gill