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Read This Twice

Jacquelyn Gill

Рекомендованные Книги

Jacquelyn Gill is a paleoecologist and Assistant Professor of climate science at the University of Maine.
20 книг в списке
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Run Towards the Danger book cover
Run Towards the Danger
Confrontations with a Body of Memory
Sarah Polley - 2022-03-01
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"Run Towards the Danger" by Sarah Polley is a collection of six powerful essays that explore the author's memories and experiences, while delving into the fallibility of memory and the possibility of experiencing the past anew. Polley's storytelling is celebrated for its honesty and complexity as she contemplates stories ranging from stage fright to high-risk childbirth. In a reciprocal-pressure dance between the past and present, Polley finds a way forward: running towards the danger. This is a remarkable book that explores what it means to live in one's body, in a constant state of becoming, learning, and changing.
Jacquelyn Gill
This book also helped me reconnect with reading, something that's always been a big part of who I am, but has become hard to do in recent years. How fitting that the (last) title chapter, about concussion recovery, is about how sometimes, self-care is about doing what scares us.      источник
Margaret AtwoodMark Duplass
Otherlands book cover
A Journey Through Earth's Extinct Worlds
Thomas Halliday - 2022-02-01
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Otherlands is a captivating exploration of the Earth's evolution, featuring sixteen fossil sites brought to life by cutting-edge science. Thomas Halliday takes us on a journey from the Ice Age to the first emergence of microbial life 550 million years ago. We witness the changes that have occurred throughout history and how life has found ways to adapt or disappear. Halliday also offers us a panoramic outlook on the current state of the planet and the fragility of ecosystems. The book is a remarkable achievement that provides insight into our planet's history, evolution, and current crisis.
Jacquelyn Gill
If you enjoy it when I talk about ancient ecosystems, give this a listen! And follow @TJDHalliday, and read his lovely book.      источник
Родня book cover
Жизнь, любовь, искусство и смерть неандертальцев (Kindred
Rebecca Wragg Sykes - 2020-08-20
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- Опираясь на находки последних десятилетий, расскажет, где и когда жили неандертальцы, каким образом использовали орудия, чем питались и кого любили - Расширит хрестоматийные представления о неандертальцах (как они готовили, общались, для чего использовали минеральные красители и зачем собирали раковины и орлиные когти), что позволит распознавать спекуляции на тему антропогенеза в СМИ - Удивит тем, как благодаря современным методам исследований сокращается разрыв между «нами» и «ними» — нашей неандертальской родней О чем Ребекка Рэгг Сайкс, британский ученый с огромным опытом в области археологии палеолита, показывает неандертальцев в новом свете, отбросив стереотипные представления об одетых в лохмотья дикарях, шагающих по ледяной пустыне. Они предстают перед нами любознательными знатоками своего мира, изобретательными и легко приспосабливающимися к окружающим условиям. Неандертальцы обитали не только в тундрах и степях, но и в дремучих лесах, и у Средиземного моря. Они успешно выживали во времена масштабных климатических потрясений на протяжении более 300 000 лет. Хотя наш вид никогда не сталкивался с такими серьезными угрозами, мы убеждены в своей исключительности. Между тем в нас присутствует немало ДНК неандертальцев, и многое из того, что нас определяет, было присуще и им: планирование, сотрудничество, альтруизм, мастерство, чувство прекрасного, воображение, а возможно, даже и желание победить смерть. Только поняв неандертальцев, мы можем по-настоящему понять самих себя. Об авторе Ребекка Рэгг Сайкс – археолог палеолита, сотрудник Ливерпульского университета и Университета Бордо. Параллельно с академической деятельностью она активно занимается популяризацией науки: ее статьи публиковались в The Guardian, Aeon и Scientific American, она часто выступает на BBC Radio 4. Удостоенная многих премий «Родня» — ее первая книга.
Jacquelyn Gill
@storygal87 @OrareBenJonson @LeMoustier @johnhawks In fact, I highly recommend Becky's book, Kindred, which is all about what we know about Neanderthal culture, and how we know it. Given your interests, I bet you'd love it!      источник
Brian CoxGreg Jenner
A Brief History of Life on Earth book cover
A Brief History of Life on Earth
Clemence Dupont - 2019-04-09
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Discover the amazing story of life on Earth with this stunning concertina picture book! From the beginning of time 4.6 billion years ago to the present day, follow the evolution of life in a spectacular timeline. With bright artwork and detailed illustrations packed into every page, this book takes readers through every major geological period. Fully expanded to an impressive 26 feet, this book is a beautiful celebration of life and an unforgettable way to learn about our planet's fascinating history.
Jacquelyn Gill
@multikultivator This book is cool, and folds out so you can see the timeline: This one is good, but simple: And there's this one: There aren't really any I love, though. It's hard to convey a lot of info in one graphic.      источник
Hope in the Dark book cover
Hope in the Dark
Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities
Rebecca Solnit - 2005-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2004)
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This inspiring book by Rebecca Solnit explores the idea of hope as an active commitment in an uncertain world. Drawing on history and activism, she argues that radical change is possible, but often goes unnoticed. With powerful insights and a refreshing perspective, Hope in the Dark challenges readers to believe in the power of their actions and embrace the unknown future.
Jacquelyn Gill
@spacecrone @RosemaryMosco Oh, yes, that book was extremely formative for me!      источник
Mobi Dick Or The Whale book cover
Mobi Dick Or The Whale
Herman Melville - 2003-02-21 (впервые опубликовано в 1851)
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Hardcover book, 2001. Adult/children's classic story, ages 9 and above.
Jacquelyn Gill
@seelix You are in for such a treat. That book is so far from what I expected in so many good ways and I was delighted.      источник
Prehistoric Life book cover
Prehistoric Life
Prehistoric Life
William Lindsay - 1994-05-10
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Explore the Prehistoric world like never before with this visually engaging and informative "Eyewitness" book. With over 100 titles in the series, this trusted reference series has sold more than 20 million copies in 41 languages and 88 countries worldwide. Ideal for students, teachers, and parents alike, the combination of pictures and text make this book perfect for reluctant readers and ESL students. Don't miss out on this perfect homework help tool!
Jacquelyn Gill
@estee_nj There's a massive shortage of good prehistoric mammal books for kids. Most of them focus on dinosaurs, sadly. One of my favorites is the DK series:      источник
Four Lost Cities book cover
Four Lost Cities
A Secret History of the Urban Age
Annalee Newitz - 2021-02-02
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"Four Lost Cities" takes readers on a captivating journey to explore the rise and fall of four ancient cities. From the Neolithic site in Central Turkey to the indigenous metropolis of Cahokia in the Mississippi River, acclaimed science journalist Annalee Newitz investigates the cutting-edge research in archaeology to reveal the mix of environmental changes and political turmoil that caused the downfall of these civilizations. With a focus on the often anonymous workers who built these cities, Newitz traces the early development of urban planning that lays the foundation for cities as we know them. This book is not only a fascinating look at the forgotten past, but also a glimpse into our own future as urbanization continues to grow.
Jacquelyn Gill
Drop everything and read @Annaleen's essay, and then go read her book: "The idea of collapse is appealing because it allows us to handwave away the political reality of how civilizations transform..." 1/2      источник
Пятое время года book cover
Пятое время года
N. K. Jemisin - 2015-08-04
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Грядет новая Зима. Мир, в небе которого парят Обелиски, пережил уже много Зим. Одни цивилизации гибнут, возникают другие. А когда землю не сотрясают извержения вулканов, люди все так же ненавидят не похожих на них. Глухачи презрительно называют роггами тех, кто способен слышать землю и двигать горы. Кто они — проклятые или боги в цепях, которых стерегут улыбчивые и жестокие Стражи?.. Иссун, потерявшая сына и дочь и жаждущая мести. Дамайя, преданная родителями и отданная Стражам. Сиенит, все лучше контролирующая свои способности… Но бывают испытания, которые ломают даже богов. Что же станет последней каплей, встряхнувшей весь мир до основания?
Jacquelyn Gill
For good reason! And for the love of stones and stories, read these incredible books, if you haven't yet.      источник
Sahil Lavingia
Phallacy by Emily Willingham
A Terrible Thing to Waste by Harriet A. Washington
Flora of Middle-Earth by Walter S. Judd
The Scientist's Guide to Writing by Stephen B. Heard
How to Clone a Mammoth by Beth Shapiro
Operation Paperclip by Annie Jacobsen
Голос земли by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Бессмертная жизнь Генриетты Лакс by Rebecca Skloot
War Against the Weak by Edwin Black
Gathering Moss by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Bad Blood by James H. Jones