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Daniel Goleman

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Daniel Goleman is an author and science journalist. For twelve years, he wrote for The New York Times, reporting on the brain and behavioral sciences.
11 книг в списке
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Why Religion? book cover
Why Religion?
A Personal Story
Elaine Pagels - 2018-11-06
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Why Religion? delves into the enduring presence of religion in the modern world, exploring why so many still believe and how various traditions shape our experiences. Author Elaine Pagels weaves in her own personal story of loss and reflects on how religious traditions have impacted our understanding of ourselves, our relationships, and our ability to overcome challenges. Drawing upon research and the perspectives of various experts, Pagels offers a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant analysis of the spiritual dimension of the human experience.
Daniel Goleman
Reading can improve our competence in empathy and reduce unconscious bias, among other benefits. Here are a few book recommendations to guide you in this endeavor. #emotionalintelligence #empathy #EI      источник
Персеполис book cover
Marjane Satrapi - 2007-10-30 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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"Персеполис" - первый графический роман иранского автора Маржан Сатрапи. Это автобиографическая история о ее взрослении. Драматическая история Ирана - шахский режим, Исламская революция, война с Ираком - показана глазами ребенка. Стремясь дать достойное светское образование своей свободолюбивой дочери, родители вынуждены отправить ее в 14 лет за границу, в австрийский лицей. Такой манящий издалека Запад показывает свое обыденное лицо и потрясает героиню непрочностью связей между людьми. Познав любовь и предательство, дружбу и отверженность, почти опустившись на дно, Маржан вынуждена вернуться назад. Но на родине многое изменилось. Ужесточающийся режим исламской республики серьезно ограничил личные и общественные свободы. И через несколько лет Маржан вновь уезжает из страны, на этот раз во Францию, где останется жить навсегда. Выйдя в 4-х томах (2000-2003 гг.) во Франции, "Персеполис" снискал всевозможные лавры на профессиональных форумах (от Ангулемского фестиваля комиксов до Франкфуртской книжной ярмарки) и заслужил признание у широкой публики по обе стороны Атлантики. Апогеем карьеры романа стала его экранизация в виде полнометражного анимационного фильма в 2007 году, который получил специальную премию жюри в Каннах и номинировался на "Оскар".
Daniel Goleman
Reading can improve our competence in empathy and reduce unconscious bias, among other benefits. Here are a few book recommendations to guide you in this endeavor. #emotionalintelligence #empathy #EI      источник
Emma Watson
Mobi Dick Or The Whale book cover
Mobi Dick Or The Whale
Herman Melville - 2003-02-21 (впервые опубликовано в 1851)
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Hardcover book, 2001. Adult/children's classic story, ages 9 and above.
Daniel Goleman
Reading can improve our competence in empathy and reduce unconscious bias, among other benefits. Here are a few book recommendations to guide you in this endeavor. #emotionalintelligence #empathy #EI      источник
At the Bottom of the River book cover
At the Bottom of the River
Jamaica Kincaid - 2000-10-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1983)
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Experience a new perspective on the physical world and its inhabitants through Jamaica Kincaid's lyrical and inspired short stories. Through memories, often of her childhood in the Caribbean, the author delves into powerful themes such as the mother-child bond, the beauty and destructiveness of nature, and the significance of familiar objects. Kincaid's unique style and vision transform the mundane into something beautifully transcendent, shedding light on the human form and surroundings in unexpected ways.
Daniel Goleman
Reading can improve our competence in empathy and reduce unconscious bias, among other benefits. Here are a few book recommendations to guide you in this endeavor. #emotionalintelligence #empathy #EI      источник
Dinner with Buddha book cover
Dinner with Buddha
A Novel
Roland Merullo - 2015-06-02
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Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Otto Ringling as he seeks answers to life's mysteries. Seeking the guidance of his brother-in-law, a spiritual leader, the two set off on a road trip across America filled with detours, lessons in love, and gratitude.
Daniel Goleman
This unconventional spiritual adventure offers timeless lessons for readers from all walks of life      источник
Сто лет одиночества book cover
Сто лет одиночества
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - 2003-06-24 (впервые опубликовано в 1967)
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Одна из величайших книг ХХ века. Странная, поэтичная, причудливая история города Макондо, затерянного где-то в джунглях, – от сотворения до упадка. История рода Буэндиа – семьи, в которой чудеса столь повседневны, что на них даже не обращают внимания. Клан Буэндиа порождает святых и грешников, революционеров, героев и предателей, лихих авантюристов – и женщин, слишком прекрасных для обычной жизни. В нем кипят необычайные страсти – и происходят невероятные события. Однако эти невероятные события снова и снова становятся своеобразным "волшебным зеркалом", сквозь которое читателю является подлинная история Латинской Америки…
Daniel Goleman
Even if you have already read One Hundred Years of Solitude, it is the rare book that offers new insights upon each rereading.      источник
The Monastery and the Microscope book cover
The Monastery and the Microscope
Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mind, Mindfulness, and the Nature of Reality
Wendy Hasenkamp - 2017-09-19
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Discover enlightening dialogues between the Dalai Lama and leading scientists, philosophers, and monks about the nature of reality, consciousness, and the human mind. Featuring contributions from prominent scholars, this eye-opening book explores the commonalities between Western scientific and Tibetan Buddhist methods of perceiving, investigating, and knowing. Gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world through this rigorous and accessible exploration of two investigative traditions.
Daniel Goleman
An excellent reading list to which I contributed one recommendation, a book I thoroughly enjoyed: The Monastery and the Microscope. Many other excellent titles here from @TheReadLists.      источник
Managing Expectations book cover
Managing Expectations
A Mindful Approach to Achieving Success
George Pitagorsky - 2017-01-26
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Success is measured in how well and how regularly you meet expectations. But what exactly are expectations, and how do you effectively manage them when multiple priorities and personalities are involved?...
Daniel Goleman
I don't often endorse books, but this one is very helpful and underrated, something more managers should know:      источник
The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science book cover
The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science
Emma M. Seppälä - 2017-10-24
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The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science explores the concept of compassion from multiple perspectives, including emotional state, motivation, and cultivated attitude. This book presents critical scientific evidence on the subject, covering various levels of our lives from individual to cultural. It examines the motivators of compassion, the effect on physiology, and compassion training interventions. With contributions from established and rising scholars, this Handbook provides the foundation for one of the first multidisciplinary and systematic approaches to examining compassion. Ideal for researchers and students interested in exploring this new and rapidly growing field.
Daniel Goleman
This Handbook offers up the best summary of what we know about compassion.      источник
Marrow by Elizabeth Lesser
Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning by Joseph A. Durlak