Natalie Portman
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Natalie Portman is an actress and filmmaker. Prolific in film since a teenager, she has starred in blockbusters and also played psychologically troubled women in independent films, for which she has received various accolades, including an Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards.
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"Lost Children Archive" by Valeria Luiselli is a powerful and timely novel about family dynamics and our common humanity set against the backdrop of a road trip from New York to Arizona. Through the lens of an artist couple and their two children, the book explores the disintegration of marital bonds and the complexities of parenthood. As the family travels west, they grapple with their individual struggles while trying to make sense of the larger crisis unfolding at the US-Mexico border. A literary masterpiece that is both compassionate and formidably inventive.
Barack ObamaКаждый день, что мы провели на Земле, вел к настоящему моменту. Технический прогресс, промышленная революция, формирование потребительского общества - все это вызвало изменения климата, которые теперь угрожают нашей жизни. Через призму собственного опыта — и масштабного опыта всего человечества — Джонатан Сафран Фоер смотрит на современный мир и побуждает открыть глаза вместе с ним. «Погода — это мы» — пронзительный, громкий, автобиографичный роман. Он столь же о личности, сколь и о коллективной силе людей. Ведь на самом деле если наше пребывание вызвало настолько страшные последствия, то стоит лишь пожелать — и одно слаженное усилие станет шагом к их устранению. Фоер уверен: спасти планету под силу каждому из нас. Что мы предпримем ради лучшего будущего?
Natalie Portman
2019-12-05T00:00:00.000ZA tale of friendship, art, and self-discovery, Royals follows Steven, a working-class fashion enthusiast and possibly gay teenager, who finds solace in beauty. His world changes when he meets Jasmine, an enigmatic heiress who shares his passion for fashion. As he is swept into her hedonistic lifestyle, Steven must navigate the darkness and glitter of her world and confront who he is and what he wants. A devastating, dazzling, and queer coming-of-age story that explores the power of art and families to transform and destroy lives.
Natalie Portman
2019-11-04T00:00:00.000ZThe Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off!
Thoughts on Life, Love, and Rebellion
This compelling book is a beautifully illustrated collection of inspirational and outrageous quotes by feminist activist Gloria Steinem. From relationships to activism, Steinem's words offer guidance and humor to empower generations to work together for their beliefs. Covering the poetry of everyday life, the book includes a few favorites from friends and offers a special space for readers to add their own inspiring quotes. The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off! is a timeless and timely gift of hope from Steinem to readers to share with friends.
Natalie Portman
2019-10-21T00:00:00.000ZThis collection of essays by a New Yorker writer explores the era of the self, malleable truth, feminism, and politics. From the rise of the internet to the writer's own experiences with ecstasy and engagement with our culture's drive towards self-optimization, the essays are a fierce, clear, and humorous look at our current landscape. With a rare gift for elucidating nuance and complexity, this debut collection announces the author as an important voice for many years to come.
Natalie Portman
2019-10-01T00:00:00.000ZВ 2017 году в "Нью-Йорк таймс" вышла статья о продюсере Харви Вайнштейне, в которой освещались систематические случаи выплат денег жертвам его сексуальных домогательств. Статья произвела эффект разорвавшейся бомбы — десятки голливудских актрис и других сотрудниц киностудии "Мирамакс" начали говорить открыто о случаях харассмента. Расследование положило начало движению #MeToo: Америка, а за ней и весь мир, осознала, что харассмент — глобальная проблема, пронизывающая все сферы общества, а Вайнштейн, который еще вчера был самым влиятельным человеком Голливуда, был приговорён к 23 годам тюремного заключения. Журналистки Джоди Кантор и Меган Тухи, написавшие сенсационную статью, рассказывают, как проходило их расследование. Как выявлялись случаи домогательств, положившие конец карьере многих женщин; как тяжело было уговорить голливудских актрис поделиться своей историей; и как Вайнштейн саботировал их работу, нанимая юристов и шпионов. Почти детективная, эта книга мгновенно стала образцом безупречного журналистского расследования и изменила ход современной истории.
Natalie Portman
2019-09-23T00:00:00.000ZExperience Virginia Woolf's most experimental work, The Waves. Follow the soliloquies of Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis, as they explore concepts of individuality, self, and community, all while forming a silent central consciousness. Be swept away by the breathtaking coastal scenes and gain a new appreciation for the importance of each unique voice. As voted by BBC readers, this novel is the 16th greatest British novel ever written.
Natalie Portman
2019-08-03T00:00:00.000ZThis inspiring book by Rebecca Solnit explores the idea of hope as an active commitment in an uncertain world. Drawing on history and activism, she argues that radical change is possible, but often goes unnoticed. With powerful insights and a refreshing perspective, Hope in the Dark challenges readers to believe in the power of their actions and embrace the unknown future.
Natalie Portman
2019-07-01T00:00:00.000ZBecoming Ms. Burton
From Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight for Incarcerated Women
From tragedy to prison to recovery, this book tells the story of one woman's remarkable journey to become a leading figure in the national justice reform movement. After her son's death and without access to professional help, Susan Burton turned to addiction and soon found herself trapped in the cycle of imprisonment. Once clean, she founded A New Way of Life, which now operates five safe homes in Los Angeles, providing a lifeline to hundreds of formerly incarcerated women and their children. This powerful story humanizes the impact of mass incarceration and offers a way towards restoring civil and human rights to those who have served time.
Natalie Portman by Nathan Englander
Judas by Amos Oz
What is the What by Dave Eggers
A Tale of Love and Darkness by Amos Oz
Облачный атлас by David Mitchell