Alastair Humphreys
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Alastair Humphreys is an English adventurer, author and motivational speaker. Over a four-year period he bicycled 46,000 miles around the world. He was a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year in 2012. He is responsible for the rise of the idea of the microadventure – short, local, accessible adventures.
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Эта удивительная книга сделала ее автора одним из величайших духовных учителей человечества в XX веке. В ней философ и психолог Виктор Франкл, прошедший нацистские лагеря смерти, открыл миллионам людей всего мира путь постижения смысла жизни.
Alastair Humphreys
2023-01-27T09:52:33.000ZRegenesis unveils a revolutionary approach to transform our food system and reshape how we relate to the environment. George Monbiot's work tackles the issue of the biggest cause of environmental destruction worldwide – farming – and highlights how current food production practices are unsustainable. This book introduces readers to a completely new way of growing food with less farming, unlocking the greatest potential of soil ecology. Meet the people who are paving the way towards a new sustainable future by restoring our planet's ecosystems and reversing the age of extinction.
Alastair Humphreys
Aaron BastaniA renowned climate scientist exposes how fossil fuel companies have spent decades deflecting responsibility for climate change and delaying action. This book offers a powerful battle plan for individuals and governments to take action and save the planet. The author draws the battle lines between people and polluters and outlines a plan for real change, including a common-sense approach to carbon pricing and fair competition for renewable energy. This book will empower citizens to join the fight for our planet against powerful vested interests.
Alastair Humphreys
2023-01-10T12:31:50.000ZИзменение климата, сокращение биоразнообразия, антибиотики, пандемии, пластик…
Список продолжается до бесконечности. Мы достигли точки невозврата, больше нельзя игнорировать глобальные угрозы, как будто они нас не касаются.
Во что бы мы ни превратили Землю, она еще очень долго будет оставаться нашим единственным домом. Планеты Б у нас нет!
Настала пора исправить былые ошибки и предотвратить новые - всем миром, ведь время показало, что усилий отдельных стран и компаний недостаточно. Возможно, вы спросите:
"Но что могу сделать лично я?"
Отвечая на этот и множество других вопросов, Майк Бернерс-Ли воссоздает целостную картину актуальных экологических и экономических проблем. Он помогает по-новому взглянуть на то, как мы мыслим и как поступаем в антропоцене - в эпоху, когда люди большие и сильные, а планета, наоборот, хрупкая, - и предлагает план совместных действий, который по плечу каждому из нас.
Элизабет Колберт, автор книги "Шестое вымирание": "Кому стоит прочитать "У нас нет планеты Б"? Всем. Майк Бернерс-Ли написал подробное и честное руководство, в равной степени увлекательное и информативное".
Alastair Humphreys
2023-01-10T12:31:50.000Z"Feral" takes readers on a journey of nature wonder, highlighting scientific breakthroughs in restoring damaged ecosystems on land and sea. Author George Monbiot challenges our "ecological boredom," weaving a tale of wildlife, wild places, and people seeking to restore the untamed spirit of the natural world. Through rewilding, Monbiot offers a positive environmentalism to revitalize and enrich our lives.
Alastair Humphreys
Ben GoldsmithThis essential handbook from the world's leading climate activist, Greta Thunberg, offers hope and practical advice for securing a safe future for life on Earth. The Climate Book brings together the wisdom of over one hundred experts to equip readers with the knowledge needed to combat climate disaster. Thunberg shares her own experiences demonstrating and uncovering greenwashing around the world, revealing the full picture of our biggest challenge, but also our greatest source of hope. This is our decisive moment in history - and this book is a call to action.
Alastair Humphreys
2022-12-03T12:00:00.000ZA fascinating exploration of the unlikely similarities between two creative geniuses, Victorian novelist Charles Dickens and modern American rock star Prince. From bestselling author Nick Hornby comes a warm and humorous look at how two artists spanning race, class, and centuries have electrified their different disciplines, leaving behind legacies that resound far beyond their own time. Through personal tragedies, boundless productivity, and other parallels, Hornby shows how these two unlikely men "lit up the world" and creates a lively rumination on the creativity and soul it takes to produce great art.
Alastair Humphreys
The Elements of Cricket
A Guide to the History, Miscellany and Magic of the Sport of Cricket
Discover the fascinating history and evolution of cricket in this beautifully illustrated and charmingly eccentric guide from one of our greatest sports writers. Explore the three fundamental elements of the game - bat, ball, and field - and how they combine to create cricket's unique environment. From weather and wood to the greatest players of all time, this book provides a completely original perspective on the beloved sport that has captivated billions around the world.
Alastair Humphreys
2022-12-03T12:00:00.000ZAn extraordinary novel about two young men, Mungo and James, who find themselves falling in love despite their differences in a hyper-masculine and violently sectarian world. As they dream of escaping their grey city, the threat of discovery is constant, and the punishment unspeakable. This gripping story explores the bounds of masculinity, the violence faced by queer people, and the dangers of loving someone too much.
Alastair Humphreys
2022-12-03T12:00:00.000ZExplore how Germany emerged from the ashes of World War II and faced the corruption of its soul and the horrors of the Holocaust in this revelatory history. Aftermath features first-person accounts from articles and diaries, along with eye-opening black-and-white photographs and posters from the era. This raw, wild decade found many Germans politically, economically, and morally bankrupt, but it proved to be a period that was decisive for Germany's future. Discover how the country transitioned from fascism to a free society in this internationally acclaimed book.
Alastair Humphreys
2022-12-03T12:00:00.000ZNests by Susan Ogilvy
The Outdoor Swimmers' Handbook by Kate Rew
Wild Fell by Lee Schofield
The Trespasser's Companion by Nick Hayes
Adrift by Tracey Williams
Journey to the Last River by Unknown Adventurer, Teddy Keen
The Backyard Adventurer by Beau Miles
Pastoral Song by James Rebanks
The Backyard Adventurer by Beau Miles
Waypoints by Robert Martineau
We Are Nature by Ray Mears
Как нам избежать климатической катастрофы by Bill Gates
The Moth and the Mountain by Ed Caesar
The Book of Trespass by Nick Hayes
Tough Women Adventure Stories by Jenny Tough
Walking the Great North Line by Robert Twigger
Bread by Robert Penn
Запутанная жизнь by Merlin Sheldrake
The Camping Life by Brendan Leonard
Mudlarking by Lara Maiklem
Expeditions Unpacked by Ed Stafford
Погода — это мы by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Rough-Stuff Fellowship Archive by Mark Hudson
The Frayed Atlantic Edge by David Gange
The Way Home by Mark Boyle
Джентльмен в Москве by Amor Towles
The Sun Is a Compass by Caroline van Hemert
The Lost Book of Adventure by Unknown Adventurer
Необитаемая Земля by David Wallace-Wells
Lands of Lost Borders by Kate Harris
Один на стене by Alex Honnold
Wilding by Isabella Tree
Left Bank by Agnès Poirier
The Seabird's Cry by Adam Nicolson
The Pants Of Perspective by Anna McNuff
Micromastery by Robert Twigger
The Meaning of Cricket by Jon Hotten
Full Tilt by Emma Scott
The Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Whole Life [pod] by Robert Seethaler
Shackleton's Journey by William Grill
Space Below My Feet by Gwen Moffat
Весь невидимый нам свет by Anthony Doerr
Intervention by Dan John
Праздник, который всегда с тобой by Ernest Hemingway
A Dip in the Ocean by Sarah Outen
Дикая by Cheryl Strayed
Пристанище by Jenny Erpenbeck
Операция "Фарш" by Ben MacIntyre
Мясо by Jonathan Safran Foer
A Long Trek Home by Erin McKittrick
Just a Little Run Around the World by Rosie Swale Pope
A Pearl in the Storm by Tori Murden McClure
Любимое уравнение профессора by Yoko Ogawa
Wild Swim by Kate Rew
Город by David Benioff
Three Against The Wilderness by Eric Collier
Riding Rockets by Mike Mullane
Patagonia — бизнес в стиле серфинг by Yvon Chouinard
Dilemma vseiadnogo by Michael Pollan
Самое ужасное путешествие by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Moondust by Andrew Smith
Paris After the Liberation, 1944-1949 by Antony Beevor
A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson
Битва за космос by Tom Wolfe
The Rider by Tim Krabbé
High Endeavours by Miles Clark
Travels with a Tangerine by Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Eunoia by Christian Bök
Carrying the Fire by Michael Collins
Two Degrees West by Nicholas Crane
Ultimate High by Goran Kropp
Откройте в себе художника by Betty Edwards
No Picnic on Mount Kenya by Felice Benuzzi
Annapurna by Arlene Blum
Чтец by Bernhard Schlink
The Whole Story by Ffyona Campbell
Старик и море by Ernest Hemingway
Путешествия никогда не кончаются by Robyn Davidson
Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell
The Blessings of a Good Thick Skirt by Mary Russell
Кандид, или Оптимизм by Francois Voltaire
Путешествие на "Кон-Тики" by Thor Heyerdahl
Men from Earth by Buzz Aldrin
Full Tilt by Dervla Murphy
West with the Night by Beryl Markham
As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning by Laurie Lee
The Life of My Choice by Wilfred Thesiger
Full Moon Lunarantics by John McCarthy