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Genevieve Guenther

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Dr. Genevieve Guenther is an author, climate activist, and native New Yorker. Trained as a Renaissance scholar, she publishes academic research and popular writing about the role of language in the politics of the climate crisis. She is also the founding director of End Climate Silence and affiliate faculty at The New School, where she sits on the advisory board of the Tishman Environment and Design Center. She works at the intersection of media critique, climate communication, and digital advocacy, transforming the ways we think and talk about the climate emergency to catalyze political action.
10 книг в списке
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Life Is Hard book cover
Life Is Hard
How Philosophy Can Help Us Find Our Way
Kieran Setiya - 2022-10-06
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Life Is Hard offers a philosophical map for navigating life's adversities, from personal trauma to the injustice and absurdity of the world. With warmth and accessible humor, Kieran Setiya draws on ancient and modern philosophy, as well as fiction, history, memoir, film, and social science to show us how we can find hope and live well when life is hard. This profound and personal book is a work of solace and compassion for this moment.
Genevieve Guenther
This is a really great book for people who are working on #ClimateChange. It's all about embracing the hard stuff, and it ends with a call for climate justice as what can give life luminous meaning. Highly recommended.      источник
Bethanne Patrick
American Pastoral book cover
American Pastoral
American Trilogy (1) (Vintage International)
Philip Roth - 2005-09-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1997)
Рейтинг Goodreads
This novel captures the end of the American century and its broken promises of prosperity and domestic bliss. Follow Swede Levov, an icon in his community whose American dream shatters when his daughter becomes involved in an act of political terrorism. Roth's profound empathy and masterful storytelling make this a must-read.
Genevieve Guenther
@jamieclimate The best audiobook experience I've ever had was listening to Ron Silver narrate Philip Roth's American Pastoral—incredibly powerful! AP is also a really interesting book about the 60s and 70s in America and parental love and environmental protest and failure.      источник
Michiko Kakutani
We Have Never Been Modern book cover
We Have Never Been Modern
Bruno Latour - 1993-10-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1991)
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Explore the concept of modernity with Bruno Latour's thought-provoking book. With an anthropology of science approach, Latour questions our belief that the rise of science has irreversibly separated us from our premodern ancestors. He argues that much of modernity is a matter of faith, and that our careful distinctions between nature and society, human and thing, are defining features of modernity. Latour suggests we should rethink our distinctions in light of the hybrids that mix politics, science, technology, and nature. We Have Never Been Modern blurs the boundaries among science, humanities, and social sciences, offering a new understanding of science that recognizes the connections between nature and culture.
Genevieve Guenther
Everyone in the climate movement should read this book, both for the ways it's right and for the ways it's wrong.      источник
The comedy of survival book cover
The comedy of survival
In Search of an Environmental Ethic
Joseph W. Meeker - 1980-01-01
Book by Joseph W. Meeker...
Genevieve Guenther
From here. Brilliant book (if of another era).      источник
Запутанная жизнь book cover
Запутанная жизнь
Как грибы меняют мир, наше сознание и наше будущее
Merlin Sheldrake - 2020-05-12
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Под словом «гриб» мы обыкновенно имеем в виду плодовое тело гриба, хотя оно по сути то же, что яблоко на дереве. Большинство грибов живут тайной – подземной – жизнью, и они составляют «разношерстную» группу организмов, которая поддерживает почти все прочие живые системы. Это ключ к пониманию планеты, на которой мы живем, а также наших чувств, мыслей и поведения. Талантливый молодой биолог Мерлин Шелдрейк переворачивает мир с ног на голову: он приглашает читателя взглянуть на него с позиции дрожжей, псилоцибиновых грибов, грибов-паразитов и паутины мицелия, которая простирается на многие километры под поверхностью земли (что делает грибы самыми большими живыми организмами на планете). Открывающаяся грибная сущность заставляет пересмотреть наши взгляды на индивидуальность и разум, ведь грибы, как выясняется, – повелители метаболизма, создатели почв и ключевые игроки во множестве естественных процессов. Они способны изменять наше сознание, врачевать тела и даже обратить нависшую над нами экологическую катастрофу. Эти организмы переворачивают наше понимание самой жизни на Земле.
Genevieve Guenther
@ruth_mottram I absolutely loved this book.      источник
The New Climate War book cover
The New Climate War
The Fight to Take Back Our Planet
Michael E. Mann - 2021-01-12
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A renowned climate scientist exposes how fossil fuel companies have spent decades deflecting responsibility for climate change and delaying action. This book offers a powerful battle plan for individuals and governments to take action and save the planet. The author draws the battle lines between people and polluters and outlines a plan for real change, including a common-sense approach to carbon pricing and fair competition for renewable energy. This book will empower citizens to join the fight for our planet against powerful vested interests.
Genevieve Guenther
I think @MichaelEMann's book *The New Climate War* should be taught in courses on climate change: without understanding the political fight over fossil fuels you're not going to understand the solutions to global heating.      источник
The Story of Ferdinand book cover
The Story of Ferdinand
Munro Leaf - 1936-01-01
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Discover the timeless tale of Ferdinand, the peaceful and beloved little bull who prefers the simple pleasure of smelling flowers under his favorite cork tree. Munro Leaf's heartwarming story paired with Robert Lawson's charming illustrations make The Story of Ferdinand a beloved classic. Celebrate its 75th anniversary with this beautiful and affordable 8x8 paperback edition.
Genevieve Guenther
The book also features one of my favorite mother-figures in all literature: a cow who, once she realizes her son isn't lonely, lets him "just sit there and be happy." 🥺🥰      источник
Maria PopovaJason Howerton
How to Blow Up a Pipeline book cover
How to Blow Up a Pipeline
Andreas Malm - 2021-01-05
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This provocative manifesto makes an impassioned call for the climate movement to escalate its tactics in the face of ecological collapse. The author argues that peaceful protest hasn't been effective at stopping the booming fossil fuel industry, rising seas, rising emission levels, and rising temperatures. He offers a counter-history of mass popular change and argues that the strategic acceptance of property destruction and violence has been the only route for revolutionary change. In this braided narrative spanning from the forests of Germany to the deserts of Iraq, the author offers an incisive discussion of the politics and ethics of pacifism and violence. This book compellingly demands that we start blowing up oil pipelines in order to stop fossil fuel extraction.
Genevieve Guenther
I'm currently reading *How to Blow Up a Pipeline*, and I've been struck by something that @ezraklein doesn't dig into here: every successful social movement has had a violent wing that made the movement's central demands look "reasonable" in comparison.      источник
Under a White Sky book cover
Under a White Sky
The Nature of the Future
Elizabeth Kolbert - 2021-02-09
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Explore the new world we are creating through the lens of science and innovation in this book. Follow Elizabeth Kolbert as she meets biologists, engineers, Australian researchers, and physicists who are all working towards protecting our planet in their unique ways. Learn how our interventions in nature can both harm and help our planet, and consider the future of human civilization.
Genevieve Guenther
@ElizKolbert @BarackObama @praddenkeefe @tepingchen So well deserved. It's a great book!      источник
Ezra KleinMichael E. Mann
The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli