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Richard Coles

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Richard Keith Robert Coles is an English musician, journalist and Church of England parish priest. Now vicar of Finedon in Northamptonshire, he was formerly the multi-instrumentalist who partnered Jimmy Somerville in the 1980s band The Communards.
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A Heart Full of Headstones book cover
A Heart Full of Headstones
An Inspector Rebus Novel (A Rebus Novel)
Ian Rankin - 2022-10-18
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In "A Heart Full of Headstones," John Rebus, a legendary detective, is on trial for taking the law into his own hands. But what led him to cross the line? Detective Inspector Siobhan Clarke is tasked with finding out while also investigating the disappearance of an infamous cop. As the past comes back to haunt Rebus, a reckoning is coming that may be his final undoing. Get ready for a gripping tale of crime and justice.
Richard Coles
@Beathhigh Who needs the famous sapphire skies of Greater Manchester when you’ve got such a cracker of a book out? #AHeartFullOfHeadstones      источник
A Waiter in Paris book cover
A Waiter in Paris
Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City
Edward Chisholm - 2022-08-09
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Explore the gritty reality of contemporary Paris through the eyes of a young waiter in this evocative memoir. Nothing is as it seems in the luxurious world of Parisian dining, and Edward Chisholm peels back the curtain to reveal the hardscrabble existence of those working to make it all possible. Long hours, paltry wages, and ruthless colleagues make for a demanding and often humbling experience. But in the City of Light, there's always a glimmer of hope, even in the dark corners of the underbelly.
Richard Coles
I LOVED THIS BOOK      источник
The Railway Children book cover
The Railway Children
E Nesbit - 2000-05-24 (впервые опубликовано в 1906)
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Immerse yourself in the world of three siblings who find joy in watching passing trains and waving at passengers in The Railway Children. Set in the early 1900s, the story follows the family's move to a house near the railway after their father is falsely accused of espionage. With the help of newfound friends - including the Old Gentleman and a Russian exile - the children work to clear their father's name and reunite their family. Inspired by real-life events, this beloved children's book touches on themes of justice, friendship, and perseverance.
Richard Coles
@BCDreyer For all time, for all children, especially bookish solitaries.      источник
The Anglo-Saxons book cover
The Anglo-Saxons
A History of the Beginnings of England
Marc Morris - 2021-05-04
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Discover the origins of England in this fascinating exploration of the Anglo-Saxons. In the aftermath of the Roman withdrawal, a new people arrived on Britain's shores. This book examines their impact on the land and its native people, from the loss of learning and literacy to the gradual rise of a new civilization. Marc Morris delves into controversial questions and explores the legends that arose from this tumultuous time. Find out what really happened as the Anglo-Saxons peacefully absorbed or drove out the Romano-British, and uncover the truth behind the tales of a British resistance led by King Arthur.
Richard Coles
Thanks for the book, @Longshanks1307, loving it. And on page one I learn how to pronounce Hoxne, which has been troubling me for years.      источник
Greg Jenner
Black and British book cover
Black and British
A Forgotten History
David Olusoga - 2016-11-03
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Explore the untold history of Black Britain in this groundbreaking book. From Roman Britain to contemporary society, discover the fascinating stories of Black Britons who fought in wars, built the industrial boom, and shaped the nation's cultural and economic history. Uncover taboo topics and scandals that have been hidden in plain sight through expert research and interviews. This essential read confronts the intertwined relationship between Black and white Britons throughout history, revealing a complex and often overlooked past.
Richard Coles
The book of the year for me (though I was late to the party) was “Black and British” by @DavidOlusoga. I can’t remember when a book last made such an impression on me. It made me see the world differently and has changed my life.      источник
Запутанная жизнь book cover
Запутанная жизнь
Как грибы меняют мир, наше сознание и наше будущее
Merlin Sheldrake - 2020-05-12
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Под словом «гриб» мы обыкновенно имеем в виду плодовое тело гриба, хотя оно по сути то же, что яблоко на дереве. Большинство грибов живут тайной – подземной – жизнью, и они составляют «разношерстную» группу организмов, которая поддерживает почти все прочие живые системы. Это ключ к пониманию планеты, на которой мы живем, а также наших чувств, мыслей и поведения. Талантливый молодой биолог Мерлин Шелдрейк переворачивает мир с ног на голову: он приглашает читателя взглянуть на него с позиции дрожжей, псилоцибиновых грибов, грибов-паразитов и паутины мицелия, которая простирается на многие километры под поверхностью земли (что делает грибы самыми большими живыми организмами на планете). Открывающаяся грибная сущность заставляет пересмотреть наши взгляды на индивидуальность и разум, ведь грибы, как выясняется, – повелители метаболизма, создатели почв и ключевые игроки во множестве естественных процессов. Они способны изменять наше сознание, врачевать тела и даже обратить нависшую над нами экологическую катастрофу. Эти организмы переворачивают наше понимание самой жизни на Земле.
Richard Coles
Are you listening to Merlin Sheldrake’s book about fungi, #EntangledLife, on @BBCRadio4? It’s MARVELLOUS, beautifully written and beautifully read by him.      источник
Walking with Ghosts book cover
Walking with Ghosts
Gabriel Byrne - 2021-01-12
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"Walking with Ghosts" is a mesmerizing memoir about Gabriel Byrne's journey from a young boy in Dublin to a Hollywood star. He takes us through his childhood, his desire to become a priest, and his expulsion from seminary. Byrne found solace in the cinema and eventually joined an amateur drama group, setting him on an extraordinary career in film and theatre. His memoir includes his reflections on addiction, fame, and the people and landscapes that shape our destinies. A lyrical and courageous homage to his roots.
Richard Coles
@EmJaySlade The book is marvellous.      источник
The Whole Beast book cover
The Whole Beast
Nose to Tail Eating
Fergus Henderson - 2004-03-30 (впервые опубликовано в 1999)
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Discover a classic "foodie" must-read with recipes from innovative yet traditional chef Fergus Henderson. His motto, "Nose to Tail Eating," is reflected in dishes like Pig's Trotter Stuffed with Potato and Roast Bone Marrow and Parsley Salad. But if you're not a carnivore, there are still plenty of delicious options, like Deviled Crab and Green Beans with Anchovies. Indulge your sweet tooth with the St. John Eccles Cakes and nearly perfect Chocolate Ice Cream.
Richard Coles
@timhayward @jennylinford I love that book.      источник
Spoons 1650-2000 book cover
Spoons 1650-2000
Simon Moore - 2008-03-04 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
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This colorful book delves into the rich history of English spoons, exploring their social significance and evolution in style and form over centuries. From medieval ducal tables to base metal utensils used by commoners, Simon Moore's detailed descriptions and illustrations showcase the versatility and beauty of spoons throughout the ages. Collectors will find useful guidelines for identifying antique spoons, while the expanded coverage of the British Arts and Crafts Movement sheds new light on the influence of European design in the early 1900s.
Richard Coles
@MooseAllain It’s actually a brilliant book.      источник
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