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Alice Korngold

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Alice Korngold is the President & CEO of Korngold Consulting LLC, which provides strategy advisory services and facilitates leadership strategy retreats for board members and executives from multinational companies and global, national, and regional nonprofits.
14 книг в списке
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Parable of the Sower book cover
Parable of the Sower
A Novel
Octavia E. Butler - 2000-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1993)
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Enter a world decimated by chaos and violence in this gripping novel. Lauren Olamina is one of the few survivors in a crumbling Los Angeles, struggling to maintain hope with her family behind the safe walls of their compound. But when tragedy strikes, Lauren sets out on a dangerous journey to salvation, facing a world ravaged by drugs, disease, war and water shortages. With hyperempathy, a rare condition that makes her incredibly sensitive to the pain of others, Lauren must navigate through a hostile landscape to reach safety, and perhaps even bring about a new and better future for mankind.
Alice Korngold
Yes, a brilliant book. #ParableOfTheSower by #OctaviaButler. I started reading it just before the COVID lockdown & massive death tolls. Then rushed to finish it, since the dystopian future began feeling too terrifyingly real/possible.      источник
When Women Were Dragons book cover
When Women Were Dragons
A Novel
Kelly Barnhill - 2023-05-03 (впервые опубликовано в 2022)
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Experience the Mass Dragoning of 1955, when 300,000 ordinary women transform into dragons and change the world. Follow young Alex Green as she navigates the aftermath, questioning why her beloved Aunt Marla transformed while her mother did not. Forced into silence, Alex must face the consequences of dragons as her family and society impose strict rules surrounding the event. A tale of loss, self-discovery, and connection to a phenomenon beyond comprehension.
Alice Korngold
What a fun book!!! Anyone else read and enjoy this? #WhenWomenWereDragons      источник
The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois book cover
The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois
A Novel
Honoree Fanonne Jeffers - 2021-08-24
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This epic novel chronicles the journey of one American family from the colonial slave trade to our present era. Ailey Pearl Garfield, a young woman bearing the weight of "Double Consciousness" as described by the great scholar W.E.B. Du Bois, fights a battle for belonging and identity as she unravels the shocking tales of her Indigenous, Black, and white ancestors. "The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois" is a National Book Award-longlisted, magisterial epic with all the luminescence and force of "Homegoing" and "Sing, Unburied, Sing."
Alice Korngold
My favorite books (fiction & non) that have helped me understand #racialjustice: #Homegoing #YaaGyasi #TheLoveSongsofWEBDuBois @BlkLibraryGirl #IKnowWhyTheCagedbirdSings #MayaAngelou #Becoming @MichelleObama #TheWarmthOfOtherSuns @Isabelwilkerson #JustMercy #BryanStevenson      источник
Bethanne Patrick
Becoming book cover
Моя история
Michelle Obama - 2018-11-13
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Becoming – одна из самых ожидаемых книг этого года. Искренние и вдохновляющие мемуары бывшей первой леди Соединенных Штатов Америки уже проданы тиражом более 3 миллионов экземпляров, переведены на 32 языка и 10 месяцев возглавляют самый престижный книжный рейтинг Amazon. В своей книге Мишель Обама впервые делится сокровенными моментами своего брака - когда она пыталась балансировать между работой и личной жизнью, а также стремительно развивающейся политической карьерой мужа. Мы становимся свидетелями приватных бесед супругов, идем плечом к плечу с автором по великолепным залам Белого дома и сопровождаем Мишель Обаму в поездках по всей стране. "Перед первой леди Америка предстает без прикрас. Я бывала на аукционах в частных домах, больше похожих на музеи, где стояли ванны из драгоценных камней. Видела семьи, которые потеряли все в урагане Катрина и были до слез благодарны получить в дар хотя бы работающий холодильник и плиту. Я встречала лицемеров и лгунов. Но также встречала и учителей, жен военнослужащих и многих других людей, настолько сильных духом, что я с трудом верила своим глазам". Рассказывая свою историю честно и смело, автор заставляет каждого из нас задуматься: кто я и какова моя история?
Alice Korngold
My favorite books (fiction & non) that have helped me understand #racialjustice: #Homegoing #YaaGyasi #TheLoveSongsofWEBDuBois @BlkLibraryGirl #IKnowWhyTheCagedbirdSings #MayaAngelou #Becoming @MichelleObama #TheWarmthOfOtherSuns @Isabelwilkerson #JustMercy #BryanStevenson      источник
Homegoing book cover
Yaa Gyasi - 2016-06-07
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Discover the sweeping and emotionally powerful story of two half-sisters born in 18th-century Ghana, whose destinies diverge as one is married to an Englishman and lives in luxury while the other is sold into slavery and shipped off to America. Homegoing follows the families of both sisters through generations, capturing with stunning immediacy the impact of historical forces on their lives. From the slave trade and British colonization to the Civil War and Great Migration, this exquisite novel by a major new voice in contemporary fiction is not to be missed.
Alice Korngold
My favorite books (fiction & non) that have helped me understand #racialjustice: #Homegoing #YaaGyasi #TheLoveSongsofWEBDuBois @BlkLibraryGirl #IKnowWhyTheCagedbirdSings #MayaAngelou #Becoming @MichelleObama #TheWarmthOfOtherSuns @Isabelwilkerson #JustMercy #BryanStevenson      источник
Tressie McMillan Cottom
Just Mercy book cover
Just Mercy
A Story of Justice and Redemption
Bryan Stevenson - 2014-10-21
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This powerful true story follows the journey of a young lawyer who founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice committed to defending those in need. Through his defense of a young man wrongly sentenced to die, the lawyer is drawn into a world of conspiracy and political maneuvering, ultimately transforming his understanding of justice and mercy. Just Mercy provides a poignant window into the lives of those who have been defended and serves as a call for compassion and redemption in our broken system of justice.
Alice Korngold
My favorite books (fiction & non) that have helped me understand #racialjustice: #Homegoing #YaaGyasi #TheLoveSongsofWEBDuBois @BlkLibraryGirl #IKnowWhyTheCagedbirdSings #MayaAngelou #Becoming @MichelleObama #TheWarmthOfOtherSuns @Isabelwilkerson #JustMercy #BryanStevenson      источник
Поэтому птица в неволе поёт book cover
Поэтому птица в неволе поёт
Maya Angelou - 1993-11-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1969)
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Майя Анджелу — одна из главных американских писательниц и поэтесс второй половины XX века. «Поэтому птица в неволе поет» (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings) — главная книга Анджелу — повествует о ее взрослении на полном предрассудков юге США. Отданная вместе с братом на попечение бабушки, Майя с детства сталкивается с непонятными ей, ребенку, неприятием и расизмом и в восемь лет подвергается насилию, с последствиями которого будет вынуждена мириться всю жизнь. Поэтичная и мощная, «Поэтому птица в неволе поет» уже второй век меняет умы людей и своей мудростью помогает читателям переосмыслить собственную жизнь.
Alice Korngold
My favorite books (fiction & non) that have helped me understand #racialjustice: #Homegoing #YaaGyasi #TheLoveSongsofWEBDuBois @BlkLibraryGirl #IKnowWhyTheCagedbirdSings #MayaAngelou #Becoming @MichelleObama #TheWarmthOfOtherSuns @Isabelwilkerson #JustMercy #BryanStevenson      источник
The New Climate War book cover
The New Climate War
The Fight to Take Back Our Planet
Michael E. Mann - 2021-01-12
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A renowned climate scientist exposes how fossil fuel companies have spent decades deflecting responsibility for climate change and delaying action. This book offers a powerful battle plan for individuals and governments to take action and save the planet. The author draws the battle lines between people and polluters and outlines a plan for real change, including a common-sense approach to carbon pricing and fair competition for renewable energy. This book will empower citizens to join the fight for our planet against powerful vested interests.
Alice Korngold
Brilliant brilliant book #TheNewClimateWar ⁦@MichaelEMann⁩ -Disregard the Doomsayers. -A Child Shall Lead Them. -Educate, educate, educate. -Changing the System Requires Systemic Change.      источник
The Bridge of San Luis Rey book cover
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Thornton Wilder - 2003-04-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1927)
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A tragic accident on the finest bridge in Peru leads to the deaths of five travelers, triggering a monk's quest to prove that the tragedy was divinely orchestrated. The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder delves into the nature of love and the human condition, with a belief in the miracles of love at its core. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this novel is a must-read for lovers of American fiction. The edition also includes a foreword by author Russell Banks and previously unpublished notes about the novel and author.
Alice Korngold
I was obsessed w this book as a child. Thought of it on 9/11. Thinking of it again now. Which women & girls were able to have abortions moments before clinics shut down vs. women & girls whose lives were irrevocably altered the day after #SCOTUS decision.      источник
All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days by Rebecca Donner
A Better World, Inc. by Alice Korngold
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
Leveraging Good Will by Alice Korngold
The Island at the Center of the World by Russell Shorto