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Guillermo del Toro

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Guillermo del Toro Gómez is a Mexican filmmaker, author, actor, and former special effects makeup artist.
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Бесконечная История book cover
Бесконечная История
Michael Ende - 1997-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1979)
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¿Qué es Fantasia? Fantasia es la Historia Interminable. ¿Dónde está escrita esa historia? En un libro de tapas color cobre. ¿Dónde está ese libro? Entonces estaba en el desván de un colegio… Estas son las tres preguntas que formulan los Pensadores Profundos, y las tres sencillas respuestas que reciben de Bastián. Pero para saber realmente lo que es Fantasia hay que leer ése, es decir, este libro. El que tienes en tus manos. La Emperatriz Infantil está mortalmente enferma y su reino corre un grave peligro. La salvación depende de Atreyu, un valiente guerrero de la tribu de los pieles verdes, y Bastián, un niño tímido que lee con pasión un libro mágico. Mil aventuras les llevarán a reunirse y a conocer una fabulosa galería de personajes, y juntos dar forma a una de las grandes creaciones de la literatura de todos los tiempos. Bastián Baltasar Bux es un niño de once años que descubre en una librería un libro titulado La Historia Interminable que tiene poderes mágicos. Esa magia hace que el mismo Bastián se convierta en un héroe de esa historia que parece no terminarse nunca, en la que se unirá a Atreyu, otro niño, con el objetivo de salvar al mundo de Fantasia, amenazado por el devorador avance de la Nada. Esta novela, de la que se han vendido millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo, puede satisfacer tanto a jóvenes como a adultos. A Michael Ende se le ha concedido en dos ocasiones el Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis.
Guillermo del Toro
A magnificent book-      источник
Tim FerrissJamie GraysonSoman Chainani
День триффидов book cover
День триффидов
John Wyndham - 2003-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1951)
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Классик мировой фантастики британский писатель Джон Уиндем вошел в наше чтение еще в 60-е годы прошлого века благодаря роману "День триффидов". В своих романах писатель лоб в лоб сталкивает человечество с глобальными катастрофами, грозящими непредсказуемыми последствиями. Главная задача людей при этом - выжить и остаться людьми.
Guillermo del Toro
Great books- all 3!! And perfect Folio editions!!      источник
Куколки book cover
John Wyndham - 1977-06-28 (впервые опубликовано в 1955)
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Роман, который большинство критиков справедливо называют лучшим произведением Джона Уиндема. Книга, которая произвела на любителей фантастики СССР оглушительное впечатление; многие всерьез считали, что роман написали братья Стругацкие. Более того - по рукам ходил любопытный самиздатовский "перевод" под названием "Христолюди", в котором в текст Уиндема были вставлены цитаты, заимствования и отсылки к произведениям Стругацких. Одно из лучших антиутопическиих произведений НФ XX века! "Отклонениям от нормы" нет места в селениях новых пуритан - потомков немногих, кто выжил в ядерной катастрофе, постигшей человечество. Детенышей животных, обнаруживших малейшие признаки мутации, уничтожают. С человеческими младенцами обходятся "милосерднее" - их просто стерилизуют и вышвыривают в дикие джунгли, на милость прочих прозябающих там одичавших мутантов. Но все ли "отклонения" могут распознать беспощадные судьи-проповедники и их фанатичная паства? Незаметно для них подрастают дети, обладающие мощным паранормальным даром…
Guillermo del Toro
Great books- all 3!! And perfect Folio editions!!      источник
The Midwich Cuckoos book cover
The Midwich Cuckoos
John Wyndham - 1958-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1957)
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This thrilling sci-fi novel takes place in Midwich, a small English village where a silver object appears and causes all the residents to fall unconscious. Afterwards, all the women in the village are discovered to be pregnant with children who exhibit frightening abilities, and are unnaturally superior to their human counterparts. The Midwich Cuckoos is a classic tale of alien infiltration, exploring how our society responds when confronted with superior beings.
Guillermo del Toro
Great books- all 3!! And perfect Folio editions!!      источник
Printer's Error book cover
Printer's Error
Irreverent Stories from Book History
Rebecca Romney - 2017-03-14
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Printer's Error is a funny and entertaining history of printed books, filled with absurd moments in the lives of authors and printers. This book takes us on a journey through the oddly humorous history of Western printing and introduces curious episodes that have had a profound impact on our world. With stories like how the father of Western printing, Johannes Gutenberg, went mysteriously unrecognized for centuries, this book is a rollicking ride for anyone interested in the printed word.
Guillermo del Toro
Great book- and funny!      источник
Stinger book cover
Robert R. McCammon - 2011-10-18 (впервые опубликовано в 1988)
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This thrilling novel takes place over 24 hours in Inferno, Texas - a town on the brink of collapse due to gang violence, racial tensions, and a failing economy. However, things take a turn for the worse when an unidentified spacecraft, followed by an interstellar hunter known as Stinger, crash lands in the desert outside of town. Armed with advanced technology and a relentless mission to complete, Stinger threatens the existence of Inferno and the world beyond. Will the inhabitants of Inferno be able to survive the alien threat?
Guillermo del Toro
Book: Stinger by Robert McCammon.For some reason McCammon is still not as big as he should be. One of the finest genre writers working today      источник
The Vampire, His Kith and Kin book cover
The Vampire, His Kith and Kin
Montague Summers - 2005-01-26 (впервые опубликовано в 1928)
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Explore the dark and mysterious world of vampirism with this philosophical study. Delving into the history of the vampire legend and the beliefs that have perpetuated it throughout the ages, this book offers a careful and detailed consideration of the many passions and circumstances that have shaped this timeless mythology. Perfect for fans of horror and the supernatural.
Guillermo del Toro
Book: The Vampire, his Kit and Kin by Montague Summers. One of the most engrossing books ever written on vampiric anthropology. Fundamental      источник
The Book of Three book cover
The Book of Three
Lloyd Alexander - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1964)
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Explore an enchanting and perilous world alongside Taran and his followers as they confront the forces of evil led by the Horned King and his Cauldron-Born. The fate of the kingdom of Prydain rests on finding an invaluable secret hidden within an oracular pig named Hen Wen. Will Taran be able to save the kingdom and become the hero he's always wanted to be? Enter the mystical world of The Book of Three to find out.
Guillermo del Toro
Book: The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. The Chronicles of Prydain is a masterful book series full of magic and chills (Annuvin). Try it!      источник
Sarah J. MaasClara Jeffery
The Gods of Pegana book cover
The Gods of Pegana
Dunsany - 2007-05-17 (впервые опубликовано в 1905)
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A classic book of short stories, linked by an invented pantheon of deities who dwell in Pegana. This significant literary work, which had been out of print for decades, has been curated by our staff and is part of our Classic Library collection. Enjoy the enriching experience of reading this wonderful classic.
Guillermo del Toro
Book: The Gods of Pegāna by Lord Dunsany. His very first, miraculous, book. Duns any is a poet, a conjurer and a master fantasist.      источник
A Dictionary of Symbols book cover
A Dictionary of Symbols
Juan Eduardo Cirlot - 2002-09-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1958)
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This comprehensive dictionary delves into the fascinating world of symbols, decoding their meaning and significance across cultures and history. With over 400 pages, readers will discover the hidden meanings behind everyday objects, from ancient myths to contemporary art. Written in English by Juan Eduardo Cirlot, this second edition is a must-have for anyone interested in symbolism and its role in human culture.
Guillermo del Toro
Book: A Dictionary of Symbols by J. E. Cirlot. A vital book. It helps me interpret paintings, cipher and decipher art and view the world.      источник
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Кладбище домашних животных by Stephen King
Heavenly Bodies by Paul Koudounaris
The Book of Monelle by Marcel Schwob
Грёзы Февра by George R. R. Martin
The Arrival by Shaun Tan
Kwaidan by Lafcadio Hearn
The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan
Dangerous Visions by Harlan Ellison
Как делается кино by Sidney Lumet
The Illusion of Life by Ollie Johnston
The BOOK OF JOB by Stephen Mitchell
Sandkings by George R. R. Martin
Хичкок/Трюффо by Francois Truffaut
The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas
Serenade by James M. Cain