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Sarah J. Maas

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Sarah Janet Maas is an American fantasy author, best known for her debut series Throne of Glass published in 2012 and A Court of Thorns and Roses series, published in 2015. Her newest work is the Crescent City series.
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Taran Wanderer book cover
Taran Wanderer
The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 4 (The Chronicles of Prydain (4))
Lloyd Alexander - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1967)
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Embark on a quest with Taran and Gurgi as they journey through the magical land of Prydain in search of Taran's origins. Along the way, they meet witches, explore new realms and face hard lessons that help Taran discover who he truly is. Will they find what they're looking for in the mystical Mirror of Llunet? Find out in this enchanting tale of identity and self-discovery.
Sarah J. Maas
@HeirOfFire Yep! Looove those books. (...except for the naming headache they gave me thanks to claiming all the good/original names). :P      источник
Clara Jeffery
The High King book cover
The High King
The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 5 (The Chronicles of Prydain (5))
Lloyd Alexander - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1968)
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Follow Assistant Pig-Keeper Taran and Prince Gwydion as they lead an army against the Death-Lord Arawn and his cohorts to retrieve the powerful sword of Dyrnwyn. Will Taran be able to make the ultimate sacrifice in a thrilling showdown with the evil Arawn and enchantress Achren? Find out in this epic tale of courage and heroism.
Sarah J. Maas
@HeirOfFire Yep! Looove those books. (...except for the naming headache they gave me thanks to claiming all the good/original names). :P      источник
Clara Jeffery
The Black Cauldron book cover
The Black Cauldron
Lloyd Alexander - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1965)
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Join Taran, the Assistant Pig-Keeper, in his quest to wrest the black cauldron from Arawn and his deathless warriors. With his friends by his side, Taran must face the three enchantresses who seek to turn them all into toads. Will he be able to save Prydain from their evil grasp, and at what cost? Find out in this thrilling tale of bravery and sacrifice.
Sarah J. Maas
@HeirOfFire Yep! Looove those books. (...except for the naming headache they gave me thanks to claiming all the good/original names). :P      источник
Clara Jeffery
The Book of Three book cover
The Book of Three
Lloyd Alexander - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1964)
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Explore an enchanting and perilous world alongside Taran and his followers as they confront the forces of evil led by the Horned King and his Cauldron-Born. The fate of the kingdom of Prydain rests on finding an invaluable secret hidden within an oracular pig named Hen Wen. Will Taran be able to save the kingdom and become the hero he's always wanted to be? Enter the mystical world of The Book of Three to find out.
Sarah J. Maas
@HeirOfFire Yep! Looove those books. (...except for the naming headache they gave me thanks to claiming all the good/original names). :P      источник
Guillermo del ToroClara Jeffery
The Castle of Llyr book cover
The Castle of Llyr
The Chronicles of Prydain, Book 3 (The Chronicles of Prydain (3))
Lloyd Alexander - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1966)
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A princess must leave her home to train as a proper lady on the Isle of Mona. But she soon discovers her magical powers are sought after by the evil Queen Achren. When she is put under a spell, her friend Taran and companions embark on a perilous journey to save her. Will they be able to defeat the most evil enchantress in Prydain?
Sarah J. Maas
@HeirOfFire Yep! Looove those books. (...except for the naming headache they gave me thanks to claiming all the good/original names). :P      источник
Clara Jeffery
Truthwitch book cover
The Witchlands (The Witchlands (1))
Susan Dennard - 2016-01-05
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This book is set on a continent ruled by three empires where everyone is born with a magical skill. As the Twenty Year Truce is about to end, the balance of power and the failing health of magic will rest on the shoulders of mythical duo the Cahr Awen. The story follows Safi, a Truthwitch, who knows when someone is lying, and her friend Noelle, a Threadwitch who can see the world's emotional threads. With the help of the cunning Prince Merik, the friends face obstacles and danger as they fight to understand who they are and what they're made of to save their world.
Sarah J. Maas
Guys, TRUTHWITCH is honestly one of my favorite books EVER. I love it with my entire heart & soul, and it is just AMAZING that... @stdennard      источник
Темный любовник book cover
Темный любовник
The First Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
J. R. Ward - 2005-09-06
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Под покровом ночи в городе не прекращается война между вампирами и их кровными врагами, людьми без души — лессерами. Тайная шестерка отборных воинов-вампиров защищает свою расу от беспощадных убийц. Особой ненавистью к врагам славится Рэт, предводитель Братства черного кинжала. Несколько столетий назад лессеры расправились с его родителями. А теперь погибает один из самых близких друзей, и вампиру предстоит ввести его осиротевшую дочь-полукровку в мир сумрака...
Sarah J. Maas
@stdennard @thebookcellarx Also check out J. R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series (starts with DARK LOVER). Looove those books. <3      источник
Корона героев book cover
Корона героев
Robin McKinley - 1987-04-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1984)
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Аэрин — единственная и законная дочь короля. Но она не унаследует трон, потому что ее мать все считали ведьмой, пришедшей с Севера. Север, где обитает зло, где люди живут бок о бок с нелюдями, — давний враг королевства. Аэрин живет в королевском замке, но так и не полюбила пиры и балы. Она нашла себе дело по душе, которое не под силу даже опытным воинам, — научилась в одиночку убивать драконов. А еще у нее есть Тор. Они дружили с детства и всегда доверяли друг другу. Но в последнее время между ними стало расти нечто большее, чем просто дружба. И никто — ни сама Аэрин, ни Тор, ни уж тем более высокомерные придворные, всегда недолюбливавшие ведьмину дочь, — не догадывается, что именно от нее зависит судьба королевства...