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Hal Elrod

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Hal Elrod is an American author, keynote speaker and success coach. He is the author of the bestselling book The Miracle Morning, The Miracle Equation, founder of the Miracle Morning book series and the host of the Achieve Your Goal podcast.
4 книг в списке
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Awareness book cover
The Perils and Opportunities of Reality
Anthony de Mello - 1992-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1990)
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Discover a spiritual message centered around awareness in this book that blends Christian spirituality, Buddhist parables, Hindu exercises and psychology. With short chapters perfect for quiet moments, the author challenges readers to become alive to the needs and potential of others and wake up in every aspect of life.
Hal Elrod
This is one of the best books I’ve ever read:      источник
Loving What Is book cover
Loving What Is
Four Questions That Can Change Your Life
Byron Katie - 2003-12-23 (впервые опубликовано в 2002)
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Unlock the power of "The Work" with Loving What Is. Discover four simple questions that will help you gain a new perspective on your problems and find peace in any situation. Author Byron Katie shares vivid examples of how this revolutionary process has helped others overcome a range of human struggles, from relationship issues to death in the family. Through the power of The Work, you can learn to love what is, just as it is, and experience lasting peace and clarity in all areas of your life.
Hal Elrod
On this week's podcast, I’m reading you a chapter from one of my all-time favorite books: Loving What Is by Byron Katie and sharing my interpretation of her message, and how I’ve personally implemented it into my life. Listen here:      источник
Beginning Magic Money book cover
Beginning Magic Money
A Course in Creating Abundance, Book One (Magic Money Books) (Volume 1)
Holly Alexander - 2017-07-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn the simple steps to go from striving to thriving, from lack to abundance with Beginning Magic Money: A Course in Creating Abundance. This practical guide shares the author's Magic Money Philosophy that works like a charm and can start within 24 hours! This book is the first in a three-book series that takes small steps consistently over time towards success. Beginning with a 30-day experiment, the author shares next-level techniques and instructions for activating magic money into your life, and finally, high-level advice for effortlessly expanding your abundance until your every desire and whim is granted almost instantaneously. Start your own flow of abundance today with Beginning Magic Money.
Hal Elrod
In less than an hour this book reaffirmed why & how money seems to magically show up, and shows you how to do it! @      источник
Скоростная полоса миллионера book cover
Скоростная полоса миллионера
Как разбогатеть быстро и выйти на пенсию молодым
MJ Demarco - 2011-01-04 (впервые опубликовано в 2010)
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Существует мнение, что для того, чтобы заработать миллионы нужны десятилетия. А богатый человек –– это пожилой господин. Это так. Однако есть и другой путь –– "Скоростная полоса миллионера". Он позволит вам быстро разбогатеть и отдалиться от дел еще в молодости. В этой книге известный американский предприниматель, консультант и инвестор Эм-Джей ДеМарко предлагает свыше 300 рекомендаций по обогащению, которые помогут вам сойти с полосы "богатей медленно" и переориентируют в новом направлении.
Hal Elrod
Re-reading The Millionaire Fastlane by @MJDeMarco - the best book I've ever read on how to build wealth for freedom.      источник