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Peter Mallouk

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Peter Mallouk is the president and chief investment officer of Creative Planning and affiliated companies. His first book, The Five Mistakes Every Investor Makes and How to Avoid Them: Getting Investing Right, was published in 2014.
7 книг в списке
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Skin in the Game book cover
Skin in the Game
Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - 2018-06-01
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Discover the essence of risk and reward with this bold work that challenges long-held beliefs about success, fairness, justice, and influence. Drawing on examples from history and modern times, the author argues that having "skin in the game" is essential for thriving in life and society. From the roles of corporations and politicians to the true meaning of religion, this book sheds new light on critical topics that shape our world. A must-read for anyone seeking a fresh perspective on personal responsibility and ethics.
Peter Mallouk
@marvyned The Power of Kindness, @piero_ferrucci Skin In the Game, @nntaleb Misbehaving (long overdue reading this one), @R_Thaler      источник
Новая поведенческая экономика book cover
Новая поведенческая экономика
Почему люди нарушают правила традиционной экономики и как на этом заработать
Richard H. Thaler - 2016-06-14
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Автор книги профессор из Чикаго Ричард Талер, один из советников президента США Барака Обамы, досконально изучил эмоции, которые руководят покупателем и сложности, с которыми он сталкивается во время принятия решения о покупке, выборе ипотеки или пенсионного фонда. В своей новой книге Талер делится результатами исследования и продолжает уже когда-то начатый им разговор и психологии влияния.
Peter Mallouk
@marvyned The Power of Kindness, @piero_ferrucci Skin In the Game, @nntaleb Misbehaving (long overdue reading this one), @R_Thaler      источник
Richard Thaler
The Power of Kindness book cover
The Power of Kindness
The Unexpected Benefits of Leading a Compassionate Life--Tenth Anniversary Edition
Piero Ferrucci - 2007-10-04 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
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Discover the power of kindness in this popular guide, now celebrating its tenth anniversary with a new chapter, introduction, and "Kindness Book Shelf." The message is clear: acts of generosity and decency are the secret to a fuller, more satisfying life. Piero Ferrucci's chapters on virtues such as honesty, warmth, and loyalty are joined by a new chapter on "Harmlessness," offering even more wisdom and power. Whether you're a new reader or a fan of the original, this edition is perfect for anyone seeking to live with more kindness.
Peter Mallouk
@marvyned The Power of Kindness, @piero_ferrucci Skin In the Game, @nntaleb Misbehaving (long overdue reading this one), @R_Thaler      источник
Разумный инвестор book cover
Разумный инвестор
The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel (Revised Edition)
Benjamin Graham - 2006-02-21 (впервые опубликовано в 1949)
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Разумный инвестор" - жизненно необходимая и наиболее важная книга, дающая в руки инвестора эффективный, проверенный временем метод работы на фондовом рынке.
Peter Mallouk
A phenomenal book.      источник
The Prophet book cover
The Prophet
Kahlil Gibran - 2003-04-13 (впервые опубликовано в 1923)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore life's deepest questions through the wise teachings of Al Mustafa in this timeless classic. Topics such as love, marriage, work, and death are all explored in this book, which has been translated into over 108 different languages and has remained in print for generations. Join in on the conversation and discover the wisdom of The Prophet.
Peter Mallouk
One of my favorite books.      источник
Common Sense on Mutual Funds book cover
Common Sense on Mutual Funds
Fully Updated 10th Anniversary Edition
John C. Bogle - 2000-10-19 (впервые опубликовано в 1999)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover expert insights on investing in mutual funds in this updated book by a renowned pioneer in the industry. Written in an accessible style, this resource offers timeless advice on building a strong investment portfolio while navigating through a range of investment options. Learn how common sense and simplicity can outperform costly complexity, and how a low-cost, diversified portfolio can lead to long-term success. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to secure their financial future.
Peter Mallouk
A book that I read when I was very young that I thought really kind of explained the investing world in plain English.      источник
Warren BuffettPeter Adeney
Awareness book cover
The Perils and Opportunities of Reality
Anthony de Mello - 1992-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1990)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover a spiritual message centered around awareness in this book that blends Christian spirituality, Buddhist parables, Hindu exercises and psychology. With short chapters perfect for quiet moments, the author challenges readers to become alive to the needs and potential of others and wake up in every aspect of life.
Peter Mallouk
Gives you a lot of perspective about yourself and the world.      источник