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Jawad Mian

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Jawad Mian is the founder of Stray Reflections, an independent global macro research firm with a focus on major investment themes. His clients include some of the world's largest hedge funds, family offices, and institutional investors.
20 книг в списке
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The Fourth Turning book cover
The Fourth Turning
An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny
William Strauss - 1997-12-29 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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This insightful national bestseller by William Strauss and Neil Howe delves into the cyclical nature of American history and how it can be used to predict our future. The authors outline four "turnings," each lasting around twenty years, that have occurred over the past five hundred years. They argue that our past can help us prepare for the coming perilous "Fourth Turning." A must-read for those interested in history and its impact on our collective future.
Jawad Mian
One of those books that is so often quoted that you almost feel like you know what it’s about. After years of being prodded I finally decided to give it a listen and it’s shocking how accurate the authors were. Totally worth your time.      источник
Tony Robbins
The Conscious Parent book cover
The Conscious Parent
Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children
Shefali Tsabary - 2010-11-01
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Discover the transformative power of conscious parenting with this book. Dr. Shefali Tsabary unlocks the truth that our children are meant to create deep internal change within us. Rather than molding them, we can use them as a mirror for our own emotional development. By becoming conscious parents, we can break the cycle of passing down emotional legacies and instead let our children shine in their unique essence. This guide offers practical examples and a spiritual perspective on raising children.
Jawad Mian
I’m really enjoying this book on parenting, it’s called The Conscious Parent.      источник
And There Was Light book cover
And There Was Light
The Extraordinary Memoir of a Blind Hero of the French Resistance in World War II
Jacques Lusseyran - 2014-03-18 (впервые опубликовано в 1963)
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Discover the inspiring true story of a blind Parisian schoolboy turned resistance fighter in Nazi-occupied France. Despite his blindness, he formed a group of 52 boys to resist the Nazis using his heightened senses to recruit the best. After being arrested, he survived the Buchenwald concentration camp and lived to tell his story of thriving with any challenge. This memoir is considered one of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the Twentieth Century and includes a new insert of powerful photographs.
Jawad Mian
This book is extraordinary.      источник
Вредина в лесу book cover
Вредина в лесу
Rabbit's Bad Habits (1)
Julian Gough - 2016-01-14
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Mishka neozhidanno prosnulas poseredine zimy. Khmmm… Chto zhe teper delat? Mozhet byt, slepit snegovika? A von Krolik po sosedstvu schitaet, chto on sdelaet eto opredelenno luchshe Mishki (khotia, skazhem otkrovenno, on eshche nikogda v zhizni ne lepil snegovikov). No, vozmozhno, koe-komu nuzhno byt bolee vezhlivym i druzheliubnym, osobenno kogda emu na puti vstrechaetsia golodnyi Volk. Seriia knig pro Mishku i vrednogo Krolika byla perevedena na 12 iazykov i popala v short-listy mnogikh premii Velikobritanii i Irlandii. Pisatel Dzhulian Gof pishet novelly, radiospektakli dlia BiBiSi i uspeshnye teatralnye pesy. On pobeditel premii The Roald Dahl Funny Prize. Illiustrator Dzhim Fild iavliaetsia obladatelem takikh prestizhnykh premii kak the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Sainsbury's Picture Book of the Year, Oscar's Book Prize i mnogikh drugikh. "Vredina v lesu" - odna iz tekh istorii, blagodaria kotoroi deti khotiat lech spat poranshe, tolko by vy pochitali im etu knigu pered snom.
Jawad Mian
Best book I’ve read this year. Highly recommend the entire Rabbit & Bear series for bedtime reading.      источник
Simon Smith
The Little Book of Pooh-isms book cover
The Little Book of Pooh-isms
Centum Books Ltd - 2018-07-27
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Discover the wise Pooh-isms of the beloved fictional character, Winnie the Pooh, in this charming and clever little book. Explore the topics of friendship, thoughts, home, and love through the perspective of one of the most iconic bears of all time.
Jawad Mian
I never tire of reading this book. Pooh is so wise.      источник
Алхимик book cover
25th Anniversary Edition
Paulo Coelho - 2014-04-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1988)
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"Алхимик" - самый известный роман бразильского писателя Пауло Коэльо, любимая книга миллионов людей во всем мире. В юности люди не боятся мечтать, все кажется им возможным. Но проходит время, и таинственная сила принимается им внушать, что их желания неосуществимы. "Добиться воплощения Своей Судьбы - вот единственная подлинная обязанность человека..." - утверждает Пауло Коэльо. Этот, ставший культовым, роман-притча способен изменить жизнь своих читателей.
Jawad Mian
The book that got me to dream. Santiago’s journey was a huge inspiration in my twenties.      источник
The Forty Rules of Love book cover
The Forty Rules of Love
A Novel of Rumi
Elif Shafak - 2010-02-18 (впервые опубликовано в 2009)
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A captivating novel that weaves together two parallel narratives, set in the thirteenth century and modern day, to explore the power of Rumi's work and message of love. Follow Ella Rubenstein as she reads Sweet Blasphemy, a novel about Shams of Tabriz's search for Rumi, and the teachings of the forty rules of love. As Ella delves deeper into the story, she discovers its parallels to her own life and the possibility of finding freedom in love. An exhilarating follow-up to The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Shafak.
Jawad Mian
@abbasabdul Yes, great book      источник
Атомные привычки book cover
Атомные привычки
Как приобрести хорошие привычки и избавиться от плохих
James Clear - 2018-10-16
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Бестселлер New York Times и USA Today Лучшая деловая книга 2018 года по версии Fast Company Лучшая книга по самопомощи 2018 года по версии Business Insider Может ли одна монетка сделать человека богатым? Конечно, нет, скажете вы. Но если добавить еще одну? И еще? И еще? В какой-то момент количество перейдет в качество. А теперь представьте, что одно крошечное изменение кардинально меняет всю жизнь. Звучит фантастически! Но, как и в случае с монетками, срабатывает эффект сложного процента. И вот уже маленькое, но регулярное действие привело к большим результатам. Атомные привычки - маленькие изменения, в которых скрыта огромную мощь! Вы давно пытаетесь измениться, но не получается. Не корите себя! Виноваты не вы, а система. Джеймс Клир развенчивает мифы о привычках, мотивации и силе воли. Опираясь на научные данные, результаты исследований, личный опыт и опыт успешных людей, он просто и понятно объясняет, как сделать хорошие привычки неизбежными, а вредные - невозможными. Без вариантов!
Jawad Mian
Given how much @JamesClear is cited in cultural mainstream, I felt the message on habits is clear and there’s no point reading his book. I was wrong. Totally worth it. I’m embarrassed it took me this long to pick it up. 🤓      источник
The Fall book cover
The Fall
Albert Camus - 1991-05-07 (впервые опубликовано в 1956)
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A Parisian barrister confronts the hypocrisy of his existence in this captivating read. The uncomfortable and thought-provoking monologue challenges readers to question their own complacency.
Jawad Mian
@jamesmadelin The Fall, excellent book      источник
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Stray Reflections by Jawad Mian
Думай и богатей by Napoleon Hill
Когда дыхание растворяется в воздухе by Paul Kalanithi
Managing Oneself by Peter F. Drucker
Теория нравственных чувств by Adam Smith
Patagonia — бизнес в стиле серфинг by Yvon Chouinard
The Book of Aphorisms by Ibn ‘ata’illah Al-Iskandari
The Secrets of the Self by Muhammad Iqbal
Самый богатый человек в Вавилоне by George S. Clason
Islam and the Destiny of Man by Charles le Gai Eaton