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Martin Gibala

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Martin Gibala, Ph. D., is a professor and chair of the Kinesiology Department at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. His research on the physiological and health benefits of hi-intensity interval training, or HIIT, has attracted incredible scientific attention and worldwide media coverage.
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The First 20 Minutes book cover
The First 20 Minutes
Surprising Science Reveals How We Can Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longe r
Gretchen Reynolds - 2012-04-26
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Get the most out of your workouts with The First 20 Minutes. In her Phys Ed column for the New York Times, author Gretchen Reynolds debunks exercise myths and answers common questions, such as how often we should exercise, how long workouts should be, and how to avoid injury. With insights from experts in physiology, biology, psychology, neurology, and sports, you'll discover the surprising answers to questions like how much cardio you need and whether stretching before a workout is counterproductive. Get the right workout for your body, age, fitness level, and goals with this must-read book.
Martin Gibala
Provided a really good example or set a bar for us in terms of trying to structure 'The One Minute Workout.'      источник
Кардио или силовая? Какие нагрузки подходят именно вам book cover
Кардио или силовая? Какие нагрузки подходят именно вам
Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise
Alex Hutchinson - 2011-05-24
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Мне всегда импонировали люди, которые открыты новому и не считают одну стратегию панацеей от всех бед. Алекс Хатчинсон не только подробно рассказывает о преимуществах разных типов физической нагрузки, он не поленился ответить на наиболее популярные вопросы о фитнесе. Из этой книги вы, в частности, узнаете, есть ли смысл тренироваться всего 7 минут в неделю, так ли травматичен бег, как его малюют, и главное — с чего начать свой путь к здоровому образу жизни. Звучит заманчиво, не так ли? Мария Троицкая главный редактор Women’s Health, редакционный директор whealth.ru
Martin Gibala
I think there’s a gift there in terms of boiling this complex science down into compelling narratives that people can read and understand.      источник
The Craft of Scientific Writing book cover
The Craft of Scientific Writing
Michael Alley - 1998-09-02 (впервые опубликовано в 1986)
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The importance of clear scientific writing is highlighted in this book after a poorly worded report made national news for advising workers to "jump in a lake" during a nuclear attack. The author stresses the importance of effective communication in both personal and professional settings, and how it can impact public policy.
Martin Gibala
One of the books that I’ve given out a lot.      источник