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Michael Bloomberg

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Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire entrepreneur and a former three-term New York City mayor. He is the co-founder and majority owner of Bloomberg L.P..
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Жизнь как стартап book cover
Жизнь как стартап
Строй карьеру по законам Кремниевой долины
Reid Hoffman - 2012-02-14
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О чем книга Карьера каждого человека по сути мало чем отличается от стартапа - в этом уверены авторы книги Рид Хоффман, основатель сети LinkedIn, и Бен Касноча. Успешные стартапы умеют быстро адаптироваться к обстоятельствам. Они не зацикливаются на однажды выработанной стратегии, а постоянно находятся в поиске новой идеи, нового рынка, новой возможности. Самые успешные люди действуют так же. Каждый, кто хочет добиться успеха, может разбудить свои предпринимательские инстинкты и использовать бизнес-модели компаний Кремниевой долины для построения личной карьеры. Они раскрывают секреты успеха таких стартапов, как Intel, Apple, Google, eBay, Yahoo, PayPal, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, и показывают, как их опыт применить к своей карьере.
Michael Bloomberg
When @LinkedIn co-founder @ReidHoffman gives career advice, the world listens. His book, The Startup of You, is being re-released for its 10-year anniversary — and it's a must-read for anyone looking to carve out their career path.      источник
Arianna HuffingtonMichael McCullough
Джонни Тремейн book cover
Джонни Тремейн
Esther Hoskins Forbes - 1987-04-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1943)
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Кто такой Джонни Тремейн? Представьте себе подростка. Ему исполнилось всего четырнадцать лет, а он уже серебряных дел мастер. Хозяин его стар, и потому он доверяет Джонни выполнять все самые сложные заказы. Вдруг... Впрочем, о том, что случилось вдруг, вы узнаете, когда прочтете эту книгу. Автор ее - известная современная американская писательница Эстер Форбс. Книга рассказывает о прошлом: середина XVIII века, североамериканские колонии Англии накануне Войны за независимость. Герои повести и прежде всего Джонни Тремейн оказываются свидетелями таких известных исторических событий, как "бостонское чаепитие", и принимают участие в первых схватках с королевскими войсками. Перевод с английского Т. Литвиновой Рисунки Н. Петровой Предисловие Д. Урнов
Michael Bloomberg
My favorite book growing up was “Johnny Tremain,” a story about a teenage messenger & spy during the Revolution. I developed a love for history at an early age, and I’ve emphasized the importance of remembering the lessons of our past as we think about building a better future.      источник
It's How We Play the Game book cover
It's How We Play the Game
Build a Business. Take a Stand. Make a Difference.
Ed Stack - 2019-10-08
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This inspiring memoir tells the story of the CEO of a multibillion dollar company, who transformed it into a force for good in the communities it serves. From supporting embattled youth sports programs to taking a principled and controversial stand against guns used in mass shootings, this book offers vital lessons for anyone running a business. With eye-opening reflections on what a company owes the people it serves, "It's How We Play the Game" is the insightful story of a man who built one of America's most successful companies by following his heart.
Michael Bloomberg
Ed Stack's story—told with honesty and a deep sense of corporate responsibility—shows that you can build a great business and stand up for what you believe in.      источник
Civic Pioneers book cover
Civic Pioneers
Local Stories from a Changing America, 1895-1915
Gretchen Dykstra - 2019-05-01
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Discover the courageous and inspiring stories of innovative public servants at the turn of the 20th century, who fought for the needs of ordinary people in a rapidly changing America. From a champion of Native American children to a police chief in Berkeley, Civic Pioneers showcases the heroic and flawed individuals who paved the way for future generations.
Michael Bloomberg
From big cities to rural towns, Pioneers is a smart new look at America's history of local innovation--by someone who has helped lead it.      источник
Принципы book cover
Жизнь и работа
Ray Dalio - 2017-09-19
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Жизненные и управленческие принципы Рэя Далио и история его детища, крупнейшего в мире хедж-фонда Bridgewater. Принципы, которые он формировал и использовал в течение сорока лет, добиваясь выдающихся результатов в жизни и бизнесе. И которые может использовать любой человек или компания для достижения своих целей. Рэй Далио не просто пересказывает свои принципы и свою историю в книге, он делится размышлениями, которые за ними стоят. Структура книги Первая часть - краткая биография Рэя Далио и история его детища, хедж-фонда Bridgewater, на фоне экономических перипетий начиная с 1970-х и по сей день. Вторая часть - принципы жизни Рэя. Третья часть - принципы работы, позволившие создать уникальную корпоративную культуру Bridgewater. Особенности Бестселлер #1 New York Times Книга № 6 на Амазоне среди всех разделов Для кого эта книга Для финансистов, руководителей, собственников бизнеса и вообще всех, кому интересны жизненные принципы Рэя Далио, основателя крупнейшего в мире хедж-фонда.
Michael Bloomberg
Ray Dalio’s market acumen is legendary, but it was creating and living by a set of principles that allowed him to reach the top. Everyone with goals and dreams can learn from Ray’s approach.      источник
Gratitude in Low Voices book cover
Gratitude in Low Voices
A Memoir
Dawit Gebremichael Habte - 2017-04-18
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Gratitude in Low Voices is the inspiring story of Dawit Gebremichael Habte, a refugee from Eritrea who defies the odds to find success in the United States. Despite facing abuse and neglect during his journey to asylum, Dawit remains resilient and positive, eventually studying at Johns Hopkins University and returning to Eritrea to offer business opportunities to his homeland. This powerful account of one man's struggles and triumphs serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and hope in the face of adversity.
Michael Bloomberg
A candid, inspiring memoir of cultural and historical importance.      источник
The Resilience Dividend book cover
The Resilience Dividend
Being Strong in a World Where Things Go Wrong
Judith Rodin - 2014-11-11
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Learn how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from the wicked problems of modern life, including natural disasters, disease and contagion, and social collapse, with this timely and important book. The author presents practical tools and a new way of thinking to help communities and individuals be strong in a world where things often go wrong. With a focus on global interconnectedness and the increasing severity and frequency of disruptions, this book is essential for anyone looking to create a blueprint for change and protect themselves and their communities.
Michael Bloomberg
Judith Rodin's groundbreaking work at the Rockefeller Foundation is helping cities adapt to a changing climate–and a changing world. In her new book, The Resilience Dividend, she lays out a powerful case for why governments and companies should prepare for-and not just react to–disruptions to business as usual.      источник
If Mayors Ruled the World book cover
If Mayors Ruled the World
Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Cities
Benjamin R. Barber - 2013-11-05
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"Can cities solve the biggest problems of the 21st century better than nations? In this provocative book, the author argues that mayors, not national governments, hold the key to tackling climate change, terrorism, poverty and more. Featuring profiles of successful mayors from around the world, this book presents a compelling new vision of governance for the coming century."
Michael Bloomberg
A provocative look at how cities can and do lead from the front in addressing the most pressing issues of our time.      источник
Exploring Historic Dutch New York book cover
Exploring Historic Dutch New York
New York City * Hudson Valley * New Jersey * Delaware
Gajus Scheltema - 2011-06-29
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Explore the fascinating history of Dutch settlements in New York City with this comprehensive guide. Immerse yourself in the diverse, tolerant and entrepreneurial spirit of these pioneers and their enduring impact on the city. Featuring essays by renowned scholars on Dutch art, architecture, immigration and more, along with stunning color photographs and maps, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the rich cultural and historical heritage of New York City.
Michael Bloomberg
The Dutch spirit of diversity, tolerance, and entrepreneurship still echoes across our city streets today. This guide will highlight the history of the early settlements of these new world pioneers as well as the incredible impact they had, and still have, on the world’s greatest city.      источник
The Savage Truth On Money by Terry Savage
Brain Gain by Darrell M. West
Urban Green by Peter Harnik
Legacy of Honor by Alvin Townley
Дилемма инноватора by Clayton M. Christensen
Lighter Than Air by George Mahlberg
The Cost of Winning by Michael H. Cosgrove