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Mike Shellenberger

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Michael Shellenberger is an American author, environmental policy writer, cofounder of Breakthrough Institute and founder of Environmental Progress.
6 книг в списке
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The Coming of Neo-Feudalism book cover
The Coming of Neo-Feudalism
A Warning to the Global Middle Class
Joel Kotkin - 2020-05-12
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The Coming of Neo-Feudalism explores the alarming return towards a more feudal era marked by a concentration of wealth, reduced upward mobility, demographic stagnation, and increased dogmatism. The book argues that a new class structure, resembling that of medieval times, is emerging, with a clerical elite dominating the upper rank and tech oligarchs at the top. It also highlights the decline of the middle class and the rise of the property-less population. The author believes that with understanding and opposition, these trends can still be reversed.
Mike Shellenberger
Here’s his book. It’s great, and prescient      источник
Nouriel Roubini
Hobos, Hustlers, and Backsliders book cover
Hobos, Hustlers, and Backsliders
Homeless in San Francisco
Teresa Gowan - 2010-07-10
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This award-winning book explores the lives of homeless men in San Francisco and the impact of the homelessness industry on public policy. Through five years of fieldwork, the author delves into survival techniques, perspectives on life on the streets, and the societal discussions around homelessness. A powerful ethnography that sheds light on the way extreme poverty is addressed and how it affects those experiencing it.
Mike Shellenberger
But reporters didn’t have to take Kushel’s word for it. They could have read one of the most important books ever written on homelessness in San Francisco, the 2010 Hobos, Hustlers, and Backsliders, by sociologist Teresa Gowan, for an alternative view.      источник
Global Catastrophes and Trends book cover
Global Catastrophes and Trends
The Next Fifty Years (The MIT Press)
Vaclav Smil - 2008-01-01
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Explore the potential global changes that may occur over the next 50 years with this interdisciplinary book. Scientist Vaclav Smil covers both sudden and cataclysmic world-changing events, such as volcanic eruptions and large-scale terrorist attacks, and more gradual trends, like demographic shifts and environmental changes. With a balanced perspective, Smil encourages readers to make sense of the complexities around global warming, and use their understanding of change to reverse negative trends and minimize the risk of catastrophe.
Mike Shellenberger
@RogerPielkeJr What about the risk of climate catastrophe from crossing tipping points? The best book on the subject ranked climate catastrophe risk lowest in terms of fatalities & probabilities compared to other risks eg wars, disease, volcanoes, tsunamis, asteroids      источник
Сказать жизни "Да!" book cover
Сказать жизни "Да!"
Психолог в концлагере
Viktor E. Frankl - 2006-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1959)
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Эта удивительная книга сделала ее автора одним из величайших духовных учителей человечества в XX веке. В ней философ и психолог Виктор Франкл, прошедший нацистские лагеря смерти, открыл миллионам людей всего мира путь постижения смысла жизни.
Mike Shellenberger
@davidthekick Victor Frankl says that it's not pain that's the problem but pain without meaning that = suffering, and that meaning (ie having a goal) can make pain endurable. I wonder if you've read his book, Man's Search for Meaning? It's one of my favorites (and a classic).      источник
More from Less book cover
More from Less
The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources―and What Happens Next
Andrew McAfee - 2019-10-08
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Discover the revolutionary argument that growing technologically sophisticated market-based economies around the world is the key to increasing human prosperity while treading more lightly on our planet. More from Less provides masterfully researched evidence that America and other countries are now generally using less resources year after year, even as their economies and populations continue to grow, thanks to the collaboration between technology and capitalism. This book is a paradigm-shifting account of how humanity stumbled into an unexpectedly better balance with nature, offering the promise of a more abundant and greener future.
Mike Shellenberger
Tech has outpaced increases in population & consumption, so that today humankind faces the prospects of reducing the total amount of our usage of natural resources, including land, as @amcafee shows in his brilliant new book:      источник
Критическая масса book cover
Критическая масса
как одни явления порождают другие
Philip Ball - 2006-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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Каким образом из взаимодействия множества людей возникает человеческое общество? Существуют ли законы природы, которые управляют поведением человека? Каким образом из одних наших дел и поступков вытекают другие? Эти вопросы волновали человечество на протяжении веков. Томас Гоббс, Адам Смит, Иммануил Кант, Огюст Конт, Джон Стюарт Милль, Карл Маркс и другие философы рассматривали их с различных политических позиций. Однако им недоставало инструментов, которыми располагает современная физика. Филип Болл, известный британский ученый, редактор-консультант журнала "Nature", показывает, как, применяя эти инструменты, можно понять многие аспекты поведения человеческих масс. Как только человек осознает, что большинство его решений принимается под влиянием других людей, перед ним открывается неожиданная и даже, возможно, тревожная предсказуемость законов развития общества.
Mike Shellenberger
@NitramNosirrag @Forbes Tell you what. Go read the best book on the subject, Critical Masses. Then come back and tell me if you think my characterization of the best-available history is wrong. Okay? Otherwise, by not discussing the evidence, you are trolling      источник