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Read This Twice

Owen Williams

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To Hold Up the Sky book cover
To Hold Up the Sky
Cixin Liu - 2020-10-20
Рейтинг Goodreads
Imaginative science fiction stories await in this breathtaking collection from the author behind The Three-Body Problem. From a village teacher facing a strange visitor to a world where dreams become reality, adventure and thought-provoking ideas abound in To Hold Up the Sky.
Owen Williams
@jackclarkSF God I loved this book, I kept hoping it wouldn't end. Need to find something in this vein now after finishing it this week too      источник
Subprime Attention Crisis book cover
Subprime Attention Crisis
Advertising and the Time Bomb at the Heart of the Internet (FSG Originals x Logic)
Tim Hwang - 2020-10-13
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Subprime Attention Crisis" by Tim Hwang is a timely examination of the digital advertising industry and how big tech monetizes our attention. With insightful research and alarming revelations, Hwang shows us how the internet's foundation is precarious, and that the potential collapse of digital advertising could have devastating consequences similar to the housing crisis of 2008. This thought-provoking book will change the way you see the internet and its future, highlighting the need for nuanced discussions about technology's impact on our lives.
Owen Williams
While I think Apple's privacy stance is good, I worry about the demonization of advertising in general. I think we underestimate how much of the weird/fun/independent internet thrived because of advertising's support. This book is amazing if you're interested in why this matters.      источник
Because Internet book cover
Because Internet
Understanding the New Rules of Language
Gretchen McCulloch - 2019-07-23
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore how the internet is transforming the English language in "Because Internet". Online conversations unfold based on the structure of our apps and platforms, giving rise to new slang and jargon that spread at dizzying speeds. Linguist Gretchen McCulloch delves into the forces that shape human language and the ways in which we communicate. Discover why emoji resemble physical gestures, how animal memes spread using disordered language, and more. If you've ever wondered about the evolution of language in the digital age, this book is a must-read.
Owen Williams
if you like words, and are curious about how the lexicon of the internet grows and evolves language itself, i can't recommend 'Because Internet' enough, it's such a great book and you should buy it      источник