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Discover the "Secrets of Strength" with this fascinating old book, perfect for anyone interested in sports and athletics. Authored by the authentic strength training super-expert Earle Liederman, this book covers everything one should know about gaining unusually great strength and the training methods of famous strongmen from the past. A must-read for all fitness enthusiasts.
Проблема выбора существовала всегда. Буриданов осел выбирал когда-то между двумя стогами сена; современный человек, обладающий свободой воли и большим количеством альтернатив, может запросто впасть в депрессию, выбирая, какие джинсы купить, что съесть или выпить и как провести вечер. Ежедневное принятие решений - как важных, так и самых заурядных - становится все более сложным делом благодаря огромному обилию альтернатив.
This classic training manual by Bill Starr is a must-have for coaches looking to set up effective strength programs with limited resources. Written by National Olympic weightlifting champion and professional strength coach, this reference guide contains over 200 photos with detailed instructions for exercises and program creation, catering to both beginners and advanced athletes. Topics covered include anatomy, weight training, nutrition, and rehabilitation. A valuable resource for any athlete looking to take their training to the next level.