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An illustrated history of Campari’s hands-on patronage of the film industry This volume examines the longstanding and fruitful relationship between Campari and the film industry. Tracing Campari’s long history as an enthusiastic and involved patron of cinema, the book details how the company’s support has served as the impetus for countless experim...
Peter Suderman
2022-11-21T23:18:22.000ZПритча, полная юмора и сарказма.
Может ли скромная ферма стать символом тоталитарного общества? Конечно, да. Но… каким увидят это общество его «граждане» — животные, обреченные на бойню?
Peter Suderman
2022-08-15T17:57:10.000ZRevolutionize your expectations of what a drink can look and taste like with Liquid Intelligence. This book by Dave Arnold, the creative force behind New York City’s high-tech bar, Booker & Dax, takes readers behind the counter and into the lab where Arnold and his collaborators investigate temperature, carbonation, sugar concentration, and acidity to enhance classic cocktails and invent new ones. Featuring over 120 recipes and practical tips for preparing drinks, Liquid Intelligence offers a problem-solving approach to cocktail making grounded in creativity and attentive observation. Don't miss out on this ultimate standard for bartenders and drink enthusiasts alike.
Peter Suderman
I'm Just Here for the Drinks
A Guide to Spirits, Drinking and More Than 100 Extraordinary Cocktails
Explore the history and culture of classic and lesser-known spirits with Sother Teague, one of New York's top bartenders and Wine Enthusiast's Mixologist of the Year (2017). In this book, Teague shares his old-school bar wisdom and modern wit, along with easy-to-mix drink recipes that you'll commit to memory. This collection of essays and conversations reveals how the joy of drinking changed history and culture, inspiring readers to make a little history of their own. With timeless tips, industry insights, and over 100 recipes, this hardcover manifesto is more than a cocktail book - it's a guide to living a more spirited life.
Peter Suderman
2021-03-06T00:06:15.000ZThis updated bar guide is the go-to for cocktail enthusiasts and mixologists alike. An elegant package complete with charming illustrations and a cloth binding reminiscent of the Jazz Age, it covers classic to contemporary drinks with 500 recipes and fascinating stories behind each cocktail's creation. It's an indispensable tool for both home and professional entertaining, and the perfect gift for any cocktail lover. Expert Charles Schumann guides readers through the perfect drink, based on menus from his own iconic establishments. Don't miss out on this classic and sophisticated guide to the art of bartending.
Discover the art of contemporary craft cocktails with this definitive guide from the world-renowned bar, Death & Co. This influential bar has won numerous industry awards and is a must-visit destination for serious drinkers and cocktail enthusiasts. The book features over 500 innovative and sought-after cocktail recipes, along with a complete guide to buying and using spirits and mastering key bartending techniques. Filled with beautiful photography, charts, and colorful essays, Death & Co sets the pace for mixologists around the world.
Peter Suderman
Alisha RaiThis guide to wine by legendary sommelier Aldo Sohm is perfect for beginners and experts alike. Packed with infographics and illustrations, it's easy to understand and fun to read. Learn the fundamentals of wine, how to taste, when to save and splurge, and more. Aldo's practical tips and insider knowledge will help you evolve your palate and confidently navigate the exciting world of wine. With Wine Simple, you'll be sipping like a pro in no time!
Peter Suderman