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Discover the wonder of human existence and our place in the universe in this captivating book. Written by a renowned scientist, it poses thought-provoking questions about our origins and destiny, reminding us of the beauty and significance of human life. Through the language of science, the book celebrates our incredible transformation from apemen to spacemen, inviting us to marvel at the exponentiation of knowledge generated by science. A love letter to humanity, Human Universe is a must-read for those curious about the mysteries of the universe.
Richard Dawkins
2022-10-12T12:00:41.000ZThis book explores crucial topics like war, politics, religion, truth, beauty, gender, and race, all from a cosmic perspective provided by the renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. With insightful and illuminating prose, it challenges the polarization of our cultural and political views while making a passionate case for the importance of science and a deep understanding of our place in the universe. From global conflict resolution to the value of life itself, this book offers a refreshing outlook on society and civilization.
Richard Dawkins
2022-09-24T14:37:46.000ZIn The War on the West, bestselling author Douglas Murray challenges why only Western nations are blamed for the flaws in humankind's history. Murray explores how discussing the flaws and crimes of non-Western cultures is deemed hate speech, while celebrating their contributions is acceptable. He exposes how dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations, and human rights abusers use polarization and lies to distract from their ongoing villainy while attacking reason, democracy, science, progress, and the citizens of the West. From highlighting the hypocrisy in protests to defending enlightenment values, Murray calls for a necessary reckoning and defense of justice and equality.
Richard Dawkins
2022-05-15T10:57:54.000Z"The Cheating Cell" explores the close relationship between evolution and cancer, revealing that cancer is a natural result of the processes that created life. Athena Aktipis explains how understanding cancer's evolutionary origins can lead to new and effective treatments. By accepting cancer as part of our past, present, and future, treatments can become smarter and more humane. This book unifies the latest research from biology, ecology, medicine, and social science, challenging readers to rethink cancer's fundamental nature and our relationship to it.
Richard Dawkins
Geoffrey MillerDiscover the extraordinary power of speech and how it made us human. This book explores the simple yet radical shift that turned our grunts and shrieks into language, allowing us to share ideas and link up our minds. Follow the epic tale of our roller-coaster ride with language from hunter-gatherer to modern-day urbanites. This fascinating journey traces the struggle for knowledge against culture, religion and identity, leading to a destination we may still resist, but ultimately cannot escape.
Richard Dawkins
2022-03-05T10:05:56.000Z'Freedom from Speech' by Greg Lukianoff is a bold and insightful Broadside that explores how free speech is under threat like never before. Lukianoff argues that increasingly intolerant, politically-correct culture and academia are growing obsessed with punishing individuals for their supposed offensive speech. With powerful examples, this important book asserts that if we don't start acknowledging this trend, then the threats to free speech will only continue to get worse. Discover how people are fighting back and demanding freedom from speech.
Richard Dawkins
2021-03-23T23:13:16.000ZThis book is a defense of free speech and takes on the issue of "cancel culture", which seeks to silence those with controversial or offensive opinions. Andrew Doyle argues that surrendering our freedoms to those in power is far worse than allowing harmful speech. This book is a must-read for those concerned about the state of public discourse.
Richard Dawkins
Piers MorganDiscover the humanist way of living well in The Little Book of Humanism. Alice Roberts and Andrew Copson compile over two thousand years of humanist wisdom, providing stories, quotes and meditations on how to live an ethical and fulfilling life, grounded in reason and humanity. With universal insights and beautiful illustrations, this book is a timeless anthology of humanist thought from history's greatest thinkers.
Richard Dawkins
The Coddling of the American Mind
How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
NonfictionPsychologySocial SciencesPoliticsEducationParentingRelationships & FamilySociologyPhilosophy
This nonfiction book delves into the rising rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide on college campuses and nationally, and explores the origins of the problem. Through investigating three terrible ideas that have become commonplace in American childhood and education, the authors outline how this culture of safetyism interferes with young people's development. The book is perfect for anyone who is confused by the changes taking place on college campuses, has children, or is concerned about Americans' growing inability to live, work, and cooperate across party lines.
Richard Dawkins
2020-07-13T17:53:08.000ZПросвещение продолжается by Steven Pinker
Humanimal by Adam Rutherford
Collusion by Luke Harding
Астрофизика с космической скоростью, или Великие тайны Вселенной для тех, кому некогда by Neil deGrasseTyson
What a Wonderful World by Marcus Chown
The Good News Club by Katherine Stewart
Conundrum by Jan Morris