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Ron Howard

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Ronald William Howard is an American filmmaker and actor. Howard first came to prominence as a child actor, guest-starring in several television series, including an episode of The Twilight Zone.
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Coach Wooden and Me book cover
Coach Wooden and Me
Our 50-Year Friendship On and Off the Court
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - 2017-05-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
A stirring tribute to the 50-year friendship between NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Coach John Wooden, one of the most enduring relationships in sports history. From Abdul-Jabbar's college basketball victories to their shared cultural, religious, and family values, this book explores the profound influence Coach Wooden had on both Abdul-Jabbar's professional success and personal fulfillment. Full of intimate, never-before-published details, COACH WOODEN AND ME is a moving testament to the power of friendship.
Ron Howard
I highly recommend this book. Beautifully written @kaj33 ! And folks, you don’t have to be a hoops fan to appreciate or even love this read. Great true relationship story #CoachwoodenandMe      источник
Barack ObamaNoah Kagan
В сердце моря book cover
В сердце моря
трагедия китобойного судна «Эссекс»
Nathaniel Philbrick - 2001-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2000)
Рейтинг Goodreads
О трагической участи судна «Эссекс» писали Оуэн Чейз, Герман Мелвилл и Томас Никерсон. Натаниэля Филбрика эта история интересовала всегда, и в конце концов, изучив множество источников, он создал «В сердце моря» — роман о стойкости и бесстрашии. Филбрик не просто рассказывает о выживании в тяжелой ситуации — «В сердце моря» может встать в один ряд с историей «Титаника». По отзыву Atlanta Journal-Constitution, «как Мелвилл в "Моби Дике", автор делает читателя частью команды судна».
Ron Howard
The book #Intheheartofthesea is an amazing read. Powerful. 4 Whale action and behavior & myth I went 2 #MobyDick      источник
Richard BransonSteve Schmidt