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Saeed Jones

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Saeed Jones is an American poet whose debut collection Prelude to Bruise was named a 2014 finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry. Jones is also executive editor for culture at BuzzFeed.
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Ties That Bind book cover
Ties That Bind
Familial Homophobia and Its Consequences
Sarah Schulman - 2009-10-06
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Ties That Bind by Sarah Schulman explores the concept of "familial homophobia," a cultural crisis that has not had a name until now. Schulman draws on her personal experience, research, and social engagement to offer a practical and attainable vision of transformation. This groundbreaking work is an essential addition to our understanding of homophobia and is a must-read for anyone seeking to learn more about this important issue.
Saeed Jones
I highly recommend reading the book “Ties That Bind: Familial Homophobia and Its Consequences” by @sarahschulman3. She examines familial homophobia as a “cultural crisis, rather than a personal or an individual problem.”      источник
On Michael Jackson book cover
On Michael Jackson
Margo Jefferson - 2007-01-09 (впервые опубликовано в 2006)
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This cultural analysis offers an unexpected compassion towards Michael Jackson's life and the notorious trial that surrounded him. Margo Jefferson brings her sharp intellect and incomparable insight to shed light on the media circus that drew us in. Jefferson reads between the lines of Jackson's autobiography and published accounts of his childhood, leaving us with thought-provoking questions about child stardom and fame.
Saeed Jones
I’m reading an EXCELLENT book right now. Can’t recommend it enough for people interested in first-rate cultural criticism. ON MICHAEL JACKSON by Margo Jefferson.      источник
Let the Record Show book cover
Let the Record Show
A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993
Sarah Schulman - 2021-05-18
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This comprehensive political history chronicles the groundbreaking activism of ACT UP and American AIDS activism. This unlikely coalition of activists from all backgrounds changed the world in just six years with their multifaceted attack on the corporations, institutions, governments, and individuals who stood in the way of AIDS treatment for all. Let the Record Show, based on over two hundred interviews with ACT UP members, offers a revelatory exploration of the coalition's inner workings, conflicts, achievements, and ultimate impact on society. A must-read for today's activists.
Saeed Jones
The way I feel about Sarah Schulman’s book LET THE RECORD SHOW mirrors how I felt the first time I read THE WARMTH OF OTHER SUNS by Isabel Wilkerson: deeply grateful for the author’s work, stunned at the pervasive erasure we endure AND desperate to put a copy in everyone’s hands.      источник
Rabih Alameddine
Американские боги book cover
Американские боги
A Novel
Neil Gaiman - 2011-06-21 (впервые опубликовано в 2001)
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…Американские боги. Боги, завезенные в Новый свет бесчисленными иммигрантами. Боги, рожденные индейскими племенами. Боги НОВЫХ КУЛЬТОВ - телевидения, бизнеса, науки… Царица Савская, подрабатывающая шлюхой на грязных улицах… Мать Войны Морриган, танцующая в ночном клубе… Анибус, заправляющий похоронной конторой в глухой провинции… Американские боги начинают войну. Но зависит исход этой войны - не от богов, а от ЧЕЛОВЕКА!
Saeed Jones
@wordes Oh, I loved the book.      источник
Tim Ferriss
The Warmth of Other Suns book cover
The Warmth of Other Suns
The Epic Story of America's Great Migration
Isabel Wilkerson - 2010-09-07
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This remarkable book delves into the little-known history of the mass migration of black citizens in search of a better life, who fled the South for northern and western cities from 1915 to 1970. Through the stories of three unforgettable individuals, author Isabel Wilkerson brings this epic journey to life, painting a vivid picture of how it changed America forever. With stunning historical detail and access to new data and official records, The Warmth of Other Suns is a definitive account of a crucial period in American history.
Saeed Jones
I don’t trust people who haven’t read THE WARMTH OF OTHER SUNS. It’s one of the most important and excellent books written in the last century:      источник
Night Sky with Exit Wounds book cover
Night Sky with Exit Wounds
Ocean Vuong - 2016-04-05
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Explore the depths of romance, family, memory, grief, war, and melancholia in this captivating collection of poems. The author masterfully weaves each theme into his words, showcasing the power of breath and cadence to calm even the strongest hunger. This is a must-read for anyone searching for a poetic journey through the human experience.
Saeed Jones
People often ask me for book recommendations. Here’s one: NIGHT SKY WITH EXIT WOUNDS by Ocean Vuong.      источник
Tim Ferriss
Станция Одиннадцать book cover
Станция Одиннадцать
Emily St. John Mandel - 2014-09-09
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Кирстен Реймонд никогда не забудет последнее выступление Артура Линдера, известнейшего голливудского актера, умершего прямо на сцене во время постановки "Короля Лира". Через пару недель эпидемия смертельного грузинского гриппа опустошит и разрушит цивилизацию... Спустя двадцать лет Кирстен вместе с маленькой театральной труппой "Дорожная симфония" бродит между поселениями выживших и пытается сохранить останки культуры. Но после прибытия в городок Сент-Дебора, обитель опасного самопровозглашенного пророка, жизнь актеров оказывается под угрозой. Жуткая и одновременно лиричная, "Станция Одиннадцать" рассказывает историю об отношениях, поддерживающих нас, об эфемерном характере славы и о красоте мира, который мы знаем.
Saeed Jones
Someone asked for book recommendations and, without knowing it, @IsaacFitzgerald and I both said STATION ELEVEN by @EmilyMandel!      источник