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Read This Twice

Sara Wachter-Boettcher

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Sara Wachter-Boettcher is an author, consultant and speaker. She is the author of Technically Wrong and Content Everywhere and the co-author, with Eric Meyer, of Design for Real Life.
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Nice White Ladies book cover
Nice White Ladies
The Truth about White Supremacy, Our Role in It, and How We Can Help Dismantle It
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Named a Best Book of 2021 by  Kirkus...
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
I got an advance copy of this book, and it's SO GOOD. It's out tomorrow and you should get it. (Interview coming next week on Strong Feelings—and trust me, @JessieNYC is a must-listen.)      источник
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How the Smartest Brands Beat Cynicism and Bridge the Trust Gap
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Discover how to build trust with consumers and citizens in today’s economy with this book. Marketers often talk about empathy and authenticity, but what really works? By giving control to your audience, you can empower them to make informed decisions and put more trust in your brand. Learn from a range of successful organizations that have embraced these strategies, including Airbnb, Zoom, the FBI, and The New York Times. Content strategy expert Margot Bloomstein provides actionable tactics in an actionable framework to help your brand regain trust, respect, and customer loyalty. Lead your organization and audience from cynicism to hope.
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Anyway this book is a must for content, marketing, and businessy types who need a framework for thinking about how they communicate ethically and effectively in a world full of distrust.      источник
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Writing Is Designing
Words and the User Experience
Michael J. Metts - 2020-01-01
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Discover how words make software human-centered in this insightful book. Writing is just as important as branding and code, and this book will show you how to give your users clarity, test your words, and collaborate with your team. Explore how writing is designing and learn how to create a more user-friendly experience.
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Very good mail day!!!!! If you write words for screens or bots or most anything else, this book will have something for you. Thank you @awelfle and @mjmetts for writing this gem, and for sharing your work with me along the way.      источник