Sebastian Junger
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Sebastian Junger is an American journalist, author and filmmaker. He is noted for his book The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea, a creative nonfiction work which became a bestseller; and for his documentary films Restrepo and Korengal, which won awards.
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This culturally important work has been selected by scholars and is part of our civilization's knowledge base. It is available in the public domain in the US and other nations, allowing free distribution and copy. Its importance convinced scholars to preserve, reproduce, and make it available for readers to enjoy. Thanks to a seamless blend of original graphical elements and easy-to-read text, your reading experience will be of high quality. Support the preservation process to keep this knowledge alive and relevant.
Sebastian Junger
2022-11-06T23:03:10.000Z"What We Inherit" is a gripping memoir that explores the power of a family secret that encompassed an entire war. After her mother's death, Jessica Pearce Rotondi uncovers a family ghost: her uncle Jack, who disappeared during the CIA-led Secret War in Laos in 1972. Through her investigation, Rotondi excavates inherited trauma on a personal and national scale, and reveals the destructive impact of a family secret. This book is a haunting chronicle of loss and redemption that will move readers to the core.
Sebastian Junger
2020-04-25T01:32:08.000ZThe first book to tell the natural history of political orientations. ...
Sebastian Junger
2017-06-11T23:23:37.000Z"Thieves of State" by Sarah Chayes delves into the connection between corrupt governments and international security crises. With insights from the Afghanistan war and historical research, Chayes identifies corruption as a pervasive threat that drives populations to extremes, causing radicalization and militant puritanical religion. She makes a compelling case that corruption should be confronted as it is a cause of global instability, rather than a result. This thrilling argument connects the Protestant Reformation to the Arab Spring and presents a powerful new way to understand global extremism.
Sebastian Junger
Empire of the Summer Moon
Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History
A gripping and meticulously researched historical account of the 40-year battle between the all-powerful Comanche Indians and white settlers for control of the American West. Spanning Spanish colonialism, the Civil War, and the destruction of the buffalo herds, this fascinating narrative centers on Quanah, the greatest Comanche chief of them all, and his pioneer mother Cynthia Ann Parker, who was kidnapped at age 9 and grew to love her Comanche captors. S. C. Gwynne’s Empire of the Summer Moon is a thrilling epic that offers a historical feast for anyone interested in the origins of the United States.
Sebastian Junger
2016-06-05T00:00:00.000ZRadical Hope explores the ethical inquiry of how to face the possibility of a collapsing culture. Using the history of Indian tribes and drawing on philosophy and psychoanalytic theory, the book delves into the story of the Crow Nation at an impasse, raising profound questions that challenge us all. It's a moving, philosophical inquiry into a unique vulnerability that affects all civilizations and goes to the heart of the human condition.
Sebastian Junger
Elizabeth C. McLaughlinA tale of survival and wit, centered around an exiled man living alone in a disintegrating houseboat on the outskirts of Knoxville. Suttree navigates the poverty-stricken and criminal community around him with a detachment and humor that allow him to rise above the squalor of his environment.
Sebastian Junger
2016-06-05T00:00:00.000ZСто тысяч лет назад Homo sapiens был одним из как минимум шести видов человека, живших на этой планете, – ничем не примечательным животным, которое играло в экосистеме роль не большую, чем гориллы, светлячки или медузы. Но около семидесяти тысяч лет назад загадочное изменение когнитивных способностей Homo sapiens превратило его в хозяина планеты и кошмар экосистемы. Как человек разумный сумел покорить мир? Что стало с другими видами человека? Когда и почему появились деньги, государства и религия? Как возникали и рушились империи? Почему почти все общества ставили женщин ниже мужчин? Как наука и капитализм стали господствующими вероучениями современной эры? Становились ли люди с течением времени счастливее? Какое будущее нас ожидает?
Юваль Харари показывает, как ход истории формировал человеческое общество и действительность вокруг него. Его книга прослеживает связь между событиями прошлого и проблемами современности и заставляет читателя пересмотреть все устоявшиеся представления об окружающем мире.
This thrilling novel is set in the South American rainforest, where two foreigners clash over the conversion or killing of a group of elusive Indians. The story is full of moral exploration and political themes, making for a thought-provoking read.