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Read This Twice

Timothy Burke

Рекомендованные Книги

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In Defense of Flogging book cover
In Defense of Flogging
Peter Moskos - 2011-05-31
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A criminologist presents a radical solution to our broken prison system: give criminals the choice between incarceration and the lash. In "In Defense of Flogging," Peter Moskos argues that flogging is a quick, cheap, and honest form of punishment that could save taxpayers billions of dollars. While it may be cruel, compared to our dysfunctional criminal justice system, it is the lesser of two evils.
Timothy Burke
@PeterMoskos I continue to recommend this book to people and it's been particularly relevant of late with all the court filings and such about January 6th and its participants being subject to "the torture of solitary confinement," probably the only truthful thing in any of them.      источник
Cross Creek Cookery book cover
Cross Creek Cookery
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings - 1996-03-20 (впервые опубликовано в 1942)
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Experience the classic taste of Southern cooking through the pages of this beloved cookbook. Originally published in 1942, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings compiled Cross Creek Cookery to satisfy readers' desires to recreate the rich meals described in her memoir of life in a Florida hamlet. From old-fashioned Grits to adventurous Alligator-Tail Steak, this cookbook provides a treasure trove of down-home recipes and culinary lore that will warm your heart and taste buds.
Timothy Burke
The article @JeffHouck wrote about this in Edible Tampa Bay is so, so good. Cross Creek Cookery is not only a bible of Florida cooking but also an outright hilarious book at times. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings was one of a kind.      источник
Amusing Ourselves to Death book cover
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
Neil Postman - 2005-12-27 (впервые опубликовано в 1985)
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This thought-provoking book explores the role of television in shaping our society and its impact on critical thinking and public discourse. The author highlights how our obsession with visually stimulating content is hampering our ability to engage in meaningful conversations about important issues. With compelling insights and solutions, the book urges readers to take control of their media consumption and strive towards a more reasoned and informed society.
Timothy Burke
@ParkerMolloy oh, this is great. I used a lot of this book when teaching Persuasion in Media classes 15 or so years ago.      источник
Великий Китайский Файрвол book cover
Великий Китайский Файрвол
How to Build and Control an Alternative Version of the Internet
James Griffiths - 2019-03-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Представьте, что вы оказались в мире без интернета. Некуда загрузить фотографию, не с кем поделиться смешной картинкой, негде быстро получить нужную информацию. Кажется, что сегодня такое практически невозможно, но иногда это результат единственного решения и нескольких нажатий на кнопку. Интернет начинался как развиваемый энтузиастами островок свободы, но с тех пор им научились управлять - как государства, так и крупные корпорации. Фраза "интернет помнит все" обрела второй смысл - контент стал подконтролен, иллюзия анонимности исчезла, а любое неосторожное сообщение может создать массу трудностей автору. Книга Джеймса Гриффитса рассказывает о том, как Китай первым в мире научился управлять интернетом и как другие страны перенимали его опыт.
Timothy Burke
Time again to recommend the excellent @jgriffiths book that explores in some great detail U.S. corporations' efforts to help China crack down on democracy:      источник