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Mala sangre book cover

Mala sangre

Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

John Carreyrou

En 2014 Elizabeth Holmes era considerada como la mujer Steve Jobs: una brillante alumna que abandonó Stanford, cuyo mágica nueva empresa prometía revolucionar la industria médica con una máquina que haría las pruebas de sangre significativamente más rápidas y fáciles. Respaldados por inversionistas importantes, Theranos vendió acciones en una ronda de recaudación que valoró a la compañía en más de 9.000 millones. Solo había un problema: la tecnología no funcionaba. Durante años, Holmes había engañado a inversionistas, funcionarios de la FDA y a sus empleados. Cuando John Carreyrou destapó escándalo en 2015 en el Wall Street Journal fueron amenazados con demandas. En 2017 el valor de la compañía era cero y Holmes se enfrentaba a una acción legal potencial del gobierno e inversionistas.
Fecha de publicación
May 21
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Aug 20, 2018
I don’t read a lot of page turners. I often find myself unable to put a book down—but they’re not the kinds of books that would keep most people glued to their chairs. Still, I recently found myself reading a book so compelling that I couldn’t turn away.      fuente
Jun 28, 2018
Bad Blood by @JohnCarreyrou is an incredible book that should be read by each and every player in the startup/Silicon Valley ecosystem.      fuente
The book “Bad Blood”, about the Theranos fraud, is an indictment not just of Holmes and her co-conspirators, but Silicon Valley culture as a whole. All its worst stereotypes and tendencies animated by dislikable characters. Recommended reading!      fuente
Oct 01, 2018
Fantastic book. Well, I just finished the audiobook -- it was riveting -- I knew Theranos was a massive scam, but I didn't know just how dangerous, vengeful, and nefarious the whole con was.      fuente
Jun 09, 2018
Is Elizabeth Holmes a Sociopath? @JohnCarreyrou sits down with VF to talk about his incredible book, and to explain how Holmes is currently trying to raise money for a new startup!      fuente
Jul 03, 2018
Finished “bad blood” on the Theranos scandal. Wow. Just wow. It’s a must read for everyone in tech and startups. Just 1-click buy it :) Amazing how far charisma and social proof got them. Here’s the NYT review of the book      fuente
May 26, 2018
1st book of Summer by @JohnCarreyrou Fast read, a very interesting narrative including a collection of people who were either good guys or bad guys in ways that was very unexpected. Strong recommendation 👍🏻      fuente
Dec 31, 2018
Amazing books about human nature. Thanks to ⁦@bradleyhope⁩ ⁦@TomWrightAsia⁩ ⁦@JohnCarreyrou⁩      fuente
Jun 21, 2018
I recently finished Bad Blood (the Theranos book): it was the fastest I ever finished an audiobook over 10 hours long. Seriously could not stop listening.      fuente
Dec 16, 2018
Bad Blood - Book review Bad Blood is not a book about a wildly failed, scandalously weird startup! It is the story about the Human Mind - of Greed, Ego, Vanity, Craziness and the unstoppable lust for power & money. Must read!!! Check pic for my detailed review...      fuente
Jun 22, 2018
BAD BLOOD by @JohnCarreyrou is the best book I’ve read all year - it reads like a thriller, and if it was fiction you wouldn’t believe it. Now I need to get a Theranos Edison or Minilab device for my museum - if anyone knows where I can find one, please let me know.      fuente
Jun 23, 2018
Bad Blood by @JohnCarreyrou is an amazing book. Reminds me of the Feynman quote: "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." Sometimes it just takes a while for reality to win...      fuente
Mar 11, 2022
@mokagio I loved that book!      fuente