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Barry Ritholtz

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Barry Ritholtz is an American author, newspaper columnist, blogger, equities analyst, CIO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, and guest commentator on Bloomberg Television.
11 libros en la lista
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The Power Law book cover
The Power Law
Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future
Sebastian Mallaby - 2022-02-01
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Discover the inside story of innovation and the global economy in Sebastian Mallaby's "The Power Law". Through unprecedented access to Silicon Valley's most successful venture capitalists, Mallaby explores the extreme ratio of success and failure that drives the VC sector and shapes the wider tech industry. From the birth of Apple to the hubris of WeWork and Uber, Mallaby unearths the truth about iconic successes and infamous disasters in Valley history. With a blend of storytelling and analysis, "The Power Law" offers a deeper understanding of the obsession with the lone entrepreneur-genius, the impact of culture on VC partnerships, and the bias that still pervades the industry. Gain invaluable insight into the minds gambling on the future and a keener understanding of your own future through their eyes.
Barry Ritholtz
@FiSurgi His book on Venture Capital is similarly excellent (The Power Law)      fuente
Prechter's Perspective book cover
Prechter's Perspective
Conversations with Bob Prechter, Legendary Market Theorist
Robert R. Prechter, Peter Kendall - 2018-08-09
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"Prechter's Perspective" offers an expert's insights into trading strategies and market trends with over 30 years of experience backing it. Discover Bob Prechter's thoughts on using Fibonacci ratios and risk-limiting stops, as well as tips on channeling discipline and avoiding emotional tendencies. Gain a detailed understanding of the markets over the past 25 years, as well as the applications of the Wave Principle in anticipating changes in both the stock market and pop culture. If you're new to Elliott Wave or looking for a reliable resource, this newly revised edition is the perfect overview.
Barry Ritholtz
@BakesTakes_ @AlmanacTrader @allstarcharts @daChartLife @alphatrends @AurelienOhayon I really enjoyed his book Prechter’s Perspectives      fuente
Endurance book cover
La prisión blanca
Alfred Lansing - 1999-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1959)
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En diciembre de 1914, sir Ernest Shackleton y una tripulación de veintisiete hombres zarpó de Georgia del Sur a bordo del Endurance rumbo al Polo Sur, con el objetivo de cruzar la Antártida, el último continente inexplorado, por tierra. Un mes más tarde, con temperaturas de 35 grados bajo cero, el barco encallaba en el hielo del mar de Weddell, en las afueras del Círculo Polar Antártico. Más de un año después, y todavía a medio continente de distancia de la base deseada, la nave estuvo amarrada al hielo flotando hacia al noroeste, antes de ser finalmente aplastada por la fuerza del hielo. Durante ese tiempo Shackleton y su tripulación sobrevivieron a la deriva en una de las regiones más salvajes del mundo, antes de poder zarpar de nuevo en uno de los botes salvavidas. Pero apenas había comenzado el calvario, aún debían afrontar un viaje casi milagroso a través de más de 850 millas de mares pesados del Atlántico Sur, hacia el puesto de mando más cercano a la civilización. El relato de Alfred Lansing, escrupulosamente investigado y brillantemente narrado, es reconocido como el relato definitivo de la fatídica expedición.
Barry Ritholtz
@Spencerjakab @jasonzweigwsj The book is amazing -- just a fantastic read, all the more remarkable because it is a true story.      fuente
The Wisdom of Crowds book cover
The Wisdom of Crowds
James Surowiecki - 2005-08-16 (publicado por primera vez en 2004)
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Discover the power of the collective mind in this must-read book. Renowned business columnist James Surowiecki proves why large groups of people can be smarter than a few elites. With his signature clear prose, Surowiecki draws on diverse fields to demonstrate how this concept can solve problems, improve innovation, and predict the future. Explore how this simple idea can change the way we live, lead, and think about the world.
Barry Ritholtz
@Fxflow There are some wonderful examples of that in @JamesSurowiecki's book. But there are times when even the crowds get it wrong      fuente
Black Monday book cover
Black Monday
The Catastrophe of October 19, 1987 ... and Beyond
Tim Metz - 1988-01-01
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Experience the chaos and devastation of Black Monday, the worst day in stock market history, through an in-depth hour-by-hour account. Follow the observations and reactions of key participants as they witness the events unfold minute-by-minute. This is a gripping and insightful exploration of one of the most significant moments in financial history.
Barry Ritholtz
The causes of that 1987 were more complex than you probably realize. If you want to learn how it actually went down, I strongly recommend Tim Met'z book Black Monday. 8/      fuente
Americana book cover
A 400-Year History of American Capitalism
Bhu Srinivasan - 2017-09-26
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Explore the fascinating history of American capitalism with Americana, a gripping and original narrative that takes readers on a 400-year journey of innovation and ambition. From the Mayflower to the Internet, learn about the Next Big Things that drove American progress, including the telegraph, railroad, guns, banking, flight, and mobile technology. Author Bhu Srinivasan brilliantly reframes events, people, and trends through the prism of capitalism, revealing unexpected connections and shedding new light on American enterprise. Entertaining, eye-opening, and sweeping in its scope, Americana is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the history of modern America.
Barry Ritholtz
@beanieville @Wealth_Theory @naval @ValaAfshar If a government can make it better another government can make it worse. I found this book really fleshed out the different approaches of US capitalism vs other systems      fuente
How to Invent Everything book cover
How to Invent Everything
A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler
Ryan North - 2018-09-18
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Learn how to survive and thrive in different eras through this practical guide - packed with science, engineering, philosophy and facts, providing everything you need to build a civilization from scratch! Whether you're aiming to domesticate a giant wombat or looking for ways to improve humanity's original timeline, this irreverent yet deeply-researched book by a bestselling author and time-travel enthusiast will make you smarter, more competent, and thoroughly prepared for whatever the past or future brings.
Barry Ritholtz
Really fun book the manages to jam a lot of knowledge into a very digestible format      fuente
Recomendado por
Rhett Allain
Ready Player One book cover
Ready Player One
A Novel
Ernest Cline - 2011-08-16
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Estamos en el año 2044 y, como el resto de la humanidad, Wade Watts prefiere mil veces el videojuego de OASIS al cada vez más sombrío mundo real. Se afirma que esconde las piezas de un rompecabezas diabólico cuya resolución conduce a una fortuna incalculable. Durante años, millones de humanos han intentado dar con ellas, sin éxito. De repente, Wade logra resolver el primer rompecabezas del premio, y a partir de ese momento debe competir contra miles de jugadores para conseguir el trofeo. La única forma de sobrevivir es ganar.
Barry Ritholtz
The first book was so great !      fuente
El alma de los pulpos book cover
El alma de los pulpos
A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness
SY Montgomery - 2015-05-12
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Los pulpos tienen una amplia variedad de personalidades y son inteligentes de muchas formas: son capaces de abrir cajas para sacar la comida; lanzar chorros de agua para jugar con pelotas; y escapar de sus cuidadores usando una red como trampolín para saltar el acuario y correr por el suelo con sus ocho patas. Tienen un pico como los loros, veneno como las serpientes y una lengua cubierta de dientes. ¿Qué saben? ¿Qué tipo de pensamientos tienen? Los científicos han probado la inteligencia de perros, pájaros y chimpancés, y ahora se enfrentan a la inteligencia de los pulpos, viéndoles resolver problemas y descifrando el significado de sus cambios de color. Montgomery no sólo nos cuenta en este libro cómo nuestro conocimiento acerca de los pulpos está cambiando, sino también una historia de amor: la suya (y por extensión la del lector, sin duda) con los cefalópodos. A ratos divertido y conmovedor, divertido y profundo, El alma de los pulpos pone sobre la mesa por primera vez todo lo que los pulpos pueden enseñarnos sobre nosotros mismos.
Barry Ritholtz
@DebSeymour51 @chucktrafton I loved this book by Sy Montgomery:      fuente
The Man Who Solved the Market by Gregory Zuckerman
Mala sangre by John Carreyrou