Marshall Kirkpatrick
Libros Recomendados
Marshall Kirkpatrick is a co-founder and the CEO of Little Bird, a social marketing platform. Previously, he was the vice president and lead writer at ReadWriteWeb. Prior to joining RWW in September 2007, Marshall was the director of content at SplashCast Media. He also served as a lead blogger at TechCrunch.
21 libros en la lista
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Learn how to improve the lives of your employees and positively impact the world through proper management techniques with this insightful book. Written by the esteemed expert on human behavior and motivation, Dr. Abraham Maslow, this updated version of his seminal work explores the relationship between human behavior and the work situation while offering practical tools for effective management. Discover Maslow's principles of self-actualization, synergy, and enlightened management policy and see how they are integral components of current management practices. With commentary from prominent figures in the business world, this book is a must-read for all managers seeking to create a positive and productive work environment.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2022-12-07T16:09:34.000ZThis collection of essays by Michael Parenti, an award-winning political analyst, covers a wide range of topics including real history, political life, wealth, class power, ethnicity, and the environment. Parenti's unique perspective goes beyond the parameters of mainstream opinion, making for a thought-provoking read. The revised and updated selections are drawn from previously published works and some appear here for the first time. A must-read for those interested in progressive politics and critical analysis.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Holding Change
The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation (Emergent Strategy Series, 4)
"Holding Change" is a guidebook for practicing Emergent Strategy in real time. Based on the author's theory and multi-day workshops, the book dives deeper into implementing Emergent Strategy through facilitation and mediation. With practical and brief lessons, the book is adaptable to individual needs and rooted in a Black feminist worldview. Whether you're part of a nonprofit organization or seeking to learn best practices, "Holding Change" is a must-read.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Winning The Room
Creating and Delivering an Effective Data-Driven Presentation
This practical guide, "Winning The Room," revolutionizes presentations with data-driven, instructive visuals and techniques. Author Bill Franks provides specific tips to eliminate common mistakes, clarify messaging, and improve the impact of presentations. Perfect for those presenting technical data to non-technical audiences, the book teaches readers how to keep presentations clear and intuitive, avoiding common mishaps that undermine credibility. "Winning The Room" is a necessary read for anyone looking to improve the quality and efficacy of their data-driven presentations.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2022-03-09T21:52:28.000ZLearn from the championship-winning philosophy of one of the most successful football coaches of our time. In this book, the author shares the unique coaching style and strategies that took his team to seven consecutive titles. But Win Forever is more than just a football manual. Discover how to maximize your potential in all areas of life and stay focused on success, even in the face of obstacles.
Nonfiction thriller pits medical visionaries against the official response of the Trump administration to COVID-19. Follow a team of dissenting doctors who refuse to follow directives based on misinformation and bad science. Michael Lewis presents heroes who study pandemics and are willing to look at worst-case scenarios. Explore fascinating characters, including a thirteen-year-old girl with a science project that develops into a model of disease control and a public health officer who reveals truths about American society.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2021-09-01T15:24:24.000ZA renowned climate scientist exposes how fossil fuel companies have spent decades deflecting responsibility for climate change and delaying action. This book offers a powerful battle plan for individuals and governments to take action and save the planet. The author draws the battle lines between people and polluters and outlines a plan for real change, including a common-sense approach to carbon pricing and fair competition for renewable energy. This book will empower citizens to join the fight for our planet against powerful vested interests.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2021-08-21T04:45:48.000ZThis essential book explores the intersection between imperialism and research. It analyzes how imperialism is embedded in knowledge disciplines and tradition as "regimes of truth." The author argues that decolonizing research methods is crucial to reclaiming control over indigenous ways of knowing and being. The second edition includes new case studies, examples, and important additions on new indigenous literature and the role of research in indigenous struggles for social justice.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2021-08-13T14:36:15.000ZDiscover how to navigate uncertainty and complexity with "How to Lead a Quest." This book is perfect for business leaders who understand the importance of enterprise strategy and refuse to settle for quick-fixes and familiar approaches. Learn how to liberate leadership from the curse of efficiency and default thinking, explore uncertain futures for strategic insights, and create lasting value by venturing into uncharted territories. This refreshingly brave guide will teach you how to lead with purpose, even when the destination is unclear.
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2021-07-20T14:00:39.000ZSi los árboles pudieran hablar, ¿qué nos dirían?
Un jefe de carga de las Fuerzas Aéreas en Vietnam sale disparado por el cielo y se salva al caer sobre un baniano. Un artista hereda cien años de retratos fotográficos, todos del mismo castaño americano maldito. Una universitaria juerguista se electrocuta a finales de los ochenta, muere y regresa a la vida gracias a unas criaturas de aire y luz. Una científica con problemas de oído y de habla descubre que los árboles se comunican entre sí. Estos cuatro personajes y otros cinco desconocidos más, todos ellos convocados por los árboles de diferentes modos, se reúnen en una última y violenta batalla para salvar los pocos acres de bosque virgen que quedan en el continente americano. Un relato arrollador y exaltado sobre el activismo y la resistencia, que es también una deslumbrante evocación, y una alabanza, del mundo natural.
Desde las raíces hasta las copas y de vuelta a las semillas, El clamor de los bosques, ambientada en varias épocas, se desarrolla en círculos concéntricos de fábulas entrelazadas y explora el conflicto esencial de nuestro planeta: el que tiene lugar entre humanos y no humanos. Existe un mundo al lado del nuestro, un mundo extenso, lento, interconectado, lleno de recursos, ingenioso al máximo y casi invisible para nosotros.
Esta es la historia de un grupo de personas que aprenden a ver ese mundo y que forman parte su paulatina catástrofe. El clamor de los bosques es un libro para todos los lectores que han dejado de creer en la separación autoimpuesta entre la humanidad y el resto de la creación, y que aguardan la posibilidad transformadora y regeneradora de un regreso al hogar. Si los árboles de este planeta pudieran hablar, ¿qué nos dirían? «Escucha. Hay algo que debes oír».
Marshall Kirkpatrick
2021-07-19T01:38:30.000ZSalmon and Acorns Feed Our People by Kari Marie Norgaard
The Green New Deal by Jeremy Rifkin
Between Earth and Empire by John P. Clark
Obviously Awesome by April Dunford
The Technology Fallacy by Gerald C. Kane
Cómo ocultar un imperio by Daniel Immerwahr
Fragilidad blanca by Robin Diangelo
The Challenger Customer by Brent Adamson
Pensar en sistemas by Donella H. Meadows
The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki
The Data Journalism Handbook by Liliana Bounegru