Eric Topol
Libros Recomendados
Eric Jeffrey Topol is an American cardiologist, scientist, and author. He is the founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, a professor of Molecular Medicine at The Scripps Research Institute, and a senior consultant at the Division of Cardiovascular Diseases at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California.
13 libros en la lista
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The Long Hauler's Guide to COVID-19
Stories and Advice from Twenty Long-Haulers and Experts
"The Long COVID Survival Guide" is a valuable patient-to-patient resource for those living with Long COVID. Over twenty contributors including, neuroscientists, artists, and patient-researchers share their stories and provide insight on navigating this uncharted territory. The guide provides vital information, from getting diagnosed to caring for mental health, and tackling employment issues. With over 200 possible symptoms, this book offers reassurance and answers to help take care of yourself and prepare for the future.
Eric Topol
2023-03-03T01:12:57.000ZRecomendado por
Trisha GreenhalghNonfiction thriller pits medical visionaries against the official response of the Trump administration to COVID-19. Follow a team of dissenting doctors who refuse to follow directives based on misinformation and bad science. Michael Lewis presents heroes who study pandemics and are willing to look at worst-case scenarios. Explore fascinating characters, including a thirteen-year-old girl with a science project that develops into a model of disease control and a public health officer who reveals truths about American society.
Eric Topol
El código de la vida
Jennifer Doudna, la edición genética y el futuro de la especie humana
Walter Isaacson vuelve a fascinarnos, esta vez con la historia de Jennifer Doudna, Premio Nobel de Química 2020, y el avance científico más importante del último siglo.
Hay una revolución en marcha, una tecnología prodigiosa que nos va a permitir curar enfermedades, derrotar virus y tener hijos más sanos. A su cabeza está la reciente premio Nobel Jennifer Doudna y sus colegas, protagonistas del nuevo libro de Walter Isaacson.
Aunque su profesor de instituto le advirtió que las niñas no podían ser científicas, su búsqueda apasionada de los mecanismos ocultos de la vida y su voluntad por convertir descubrimientos en inventos llevaron a Jennifer Doudna a participar en el avance más importante en el ámbito de la biología desde el descubrimiento de la doble hélice del ADN. Con su equipo, transformó una curiosidad de la naturaleza en una herramienta que cambiará el rumbo del ser humano. El CRISPR, una técnica fácil de usar que permite modificar el ADN, lo que abre un mundo nuevo de milagros médicos pero también de cuestiones morales.
El desarrollo del CRISPR (y la carrera por encontrar la vacuna del coronavirus) acelerarán nuestra transición a la siguiente gran revolución. Los últimos cincuenta años han sido una era digital basada en el microchip, el ordenador e internet. Ahora comienza la revolución de las ciencias de la vida. A los estudiantes de código digital se les unirán los que estudian el código genético.
¿Deberíamos usar nuestras nuevas capacidades para hacernos menos vulnerables a los virus? ¿Y para prevenir la depresión? ¿Deberíamos aceptar que las familias que se lo puedan permitir mejoren la constitución física o la inteligencia de sus hijos? Tras dirigir el equipo que descubrió la tecnología CRISPR, Doudna ha liderado los debates en torno a estas cuestiones morales.
Obtuvo, junto con su colaboradora Emmanuelle Charpentier, el Premio Nobel de Química en 2020. Su historia es una apasionante aventura que atraviesa las maravillas más profundas de la naturaleza, de los orígenes de la vida al futuro de nuestra especie.
La crítica ha dicho...
«El premio de este año tiene que ver con la idea de reescribir el código de la vida. Estas tijeras genéticas han llevado a la ciencia a una nueva era.»
Anuncio del Premio Nobel de Química 2020
«Un libro extraordinario que profundiza en una de las tecnologías biológicas más innovadoras de nuestro tiempo y las personas que la crearon. Brillante es una lectura absolutamente necesaria para nuestra era.»
Siddhartha Mukherjee
«Un libro vital sobre la última gran innovación científica, y otra biografía de primer nivel de Isaacson.»
Kirkus Weekly
Eric Topol
You Look Like a Thing and I Love You
How Artificial Intelligence Works and Why It's Making the World a Weirder Place
This year's must-read is an accessible, informative, and hilarious introduction to the world of artificial intelligence. Join author Janelle Shane, creator of the popular blog AI Weirdness, as she trains AIs to name paint colors, create recipes, and even flirt (badly) with humans. Discover how AI solves problems, understands humans, and drives self-driving cars, all while reflecting the best and worst of humanity. With smart and often hilarious insights, You Look Like a Thing and I Love You is the perfect book for anyone curious about what robots are thinking.
Eric Topol
2019-11-23T18:20:54.000ZThis book delves into the power of charts and how they influence our perception of truth. The author, an expert in data visualization, explores the negative and positive effects of charts, infographics, and diagrams. Through examining real-life examples, from election-result infographics to global GDP maps, the book teaches readers how to interpret and use visual information effectively. A must-read for anyone who wants to be better equipped to decode and analyze the visuals presented to us every day.
Eric Topol
2019-11-23T18:20:54.000ZRecomendado por
G. Elliott MorrisExplore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence with this captivating book. Award-winning computer scientist Melanie Mitchell delves into AI's turbulent history, recent success stories, and emerging fears surrounding the technology. Discover the most urgent questions concerning AI today, including how capable the best AI programs truly are and their potential impact on our future. Along the way, Mitchell introduces the most dominant models of modern AI, explores the disconnect between hype and achievement, and interweaves personal stories of the scientists behind this complex and cutting-edge technology.
Eric Topol
2019-11-23T18:20:54.000ZThis groundbreaking book by a leading AI researcher explores how we can coexist with increasingly intelligent machines, rather than viewing them as a threat to civilizations. The author outlines the benefits and potential misuse of AI, and suggests that we rethink the design of AI to ensure that machines are inherently uncertain about human preferences, thereby creating provably deferential and beneficial machines. Solve the problem of control over AI and unlock a future of unlimited promise.
Eric Topol
More from Less
The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources―and What Happens Next
Discover the revolutionary argument that growing technologically sophisticated market-based economies around the world is the key to increasing human prosperity while treading more lightly on our planet. More from Less provides masterfully researched evidence that America and other countries are now generally using less resources year after year, even as their economies and populations continue to grow, thanks to the collaboration between technology and capitalism. This book is a paradigm-shifting account of how humanity stumbled into an unexpectedly better balance with nature, offering the promise of a more abundant and greener future.
Eric Topol
2019-11-23T18:20:54.000ZA moving memoir and an extraordinary love story that shows how an expert physician became a family caregiver and learned why care is so central to all our lives and yet is at risk in today's world....
Eric Topol
2019-11-23T18:20:54.000ZRebooting AI by Gary Marcus
Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin
Superior. El retorno del racismo científico by Angela Saini
Infinite Powers by Steven Strogatz