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Mark Russinovich

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Mark Eugene Russinovich is a Spanish-born American software engineer who serves as CTO of Microsoft Azure. He was a cofounder of software producers Winternals before it was acquired by Microsoft in 2006.
37 libros en la lista
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The Blockchain Innovator's Handbook book cover
The Blockchain Innovator's Handbook
A leader’s guide to understanding, adopting and succeeding with this disruptive technology
Conor Svensson - 2021-11-25
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Discover how to leverage blockchain technology for your business with this accessible guide for leaders. The Blockchain Innovator’s Handbook covers everything from the basics to implementation, showing you how to unlock new business opportunities in a fast-changing environment. Gain an understanding of blockchain fundamentals, identify threats and opportunities, implement solutions, and pitch the benefits to your board or leadership team.
Mark Russinovich
For uses of blockchain in the enterprise, check out this newly published book by @ConorSvensson, for examples and guidance: "The Blockchain Innovator's Handbook: A leader’s guide to understanding, adopting and succeeding with this disruptive technology,"      fuente
Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET book cover
Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET
A developer's guide to building cloud-native applications using the Dapr event-driven runtime
Davide Bedin - 2020-12-11
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Learn how to simplify building resilient and scalable microservices for cloud and edge applications with Dapr and .NET. This practical guide covers the essential features of Dapr's runtime, services, building blocks, and software development kits (SDKs) to help you create portable microservices using multiple languages and platforms. Whether you're new to microservices or want to get hands-on experience with Dapr, this book offers easy-to-understand explanations and best practices for solving problems related to distributed systems. Discover how to use Dapr's event-driven runtime, services, building blocks, and SDKs to create stateful and stateless microservice applications that run on the cloud and edge.
Mark Russinovich
If you're a .NET dev, this book is a great way to get started with Dapr: "Practical Microservices with Dapr and .NET"      fuente
Un caballero en Moscú book cover
Un caballero en Moscú
A Novel
Amor Towles - 2019-03-26 (publicado por primera vez en 2016)
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Condenado a muerte por los bolcheviques en 1922, el conde Aleksandr Ilich Rostov elude su trágico final por un inusitado giro del destino. Gracias a un poema subversivo escrito diez años antes, el comité revolucionario conmuta la pena máxima por un arresto domiciliario inaudito: el aristócrata deberá pasar el resto de sus días en el hotel Metropol, microcosmos de la sociedad rusa y conspicuo exponente del lujo y la decadencia que el nuevo régimen se ha propuesto erradicar. En esta curiosa historia se basa la segunda novela de Amor Towles, que después de recibir innumerables elogios por Normas de cortesía, su ópera prima, se consolida como uno de los escritores norteamericanos más interesantes del momento. Erudito, refinado y caballeroso, Rostov es un cliente asiduo del legendario Metropol, situado a poca distancia del Kremlin y el Bolshói. Sin profesión conocida pese a estar ya en la treintena, se ha dedicado con auténtica pasión a los placeres de la lectura y de la buena mesa. Ahora, en esta nueva y forzada tesitura, irá construyendo una apariencia de normalidad a través de los lazos afectivos con algunos de los variopintos personajes del hotel, lo que le permitirá descubrir los jugosos secretos que guardan sus aposentos. Así, a lo largo de más de tres décadas, el conde verá pasar la vida confinado tras los inmensos ventanales del Metropol mientras en el exterior se desarrolla uno de los períodos más turbulentos del país. Además de mantenerse durante casi cincuenta semanas en las principales listas de éxitos de Estados Unidos y de superar el millón de ejemplares vendidos, Un caballero en Moscú ha obtenido numerosos premios, entre los que destacan el del Libro del Año según The Times y The Sunday Times. Escrita con suma elegancia, cálido sentido del humor y un aprecio muy profundo por los grandes clásicos de la literatura rusa, esta novela excepcional nos habla de nuestra inagotable capacidad para arrostrar los infortunios de la existencia.
Mark Russinovich
@ram_ssk @amortowles It was a fantastic book. Read it based on Billg's book recommendations.      fuente
Practical Automated Machine Learning on Azure book cover
Practical Automated Machine Learning on Azure
Using Azure Machine Learning to Quickly Build AI Solutions
Deepak Mukunthu - 2019-12-05
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Unlock the potential of machine learning models without spending endless time building them. "Practical Automated Machine Learning on Azure" teaches you how to apply Automated Machine Learning to your data right away. The authors provide a mix of technical depth, hands-on examples, and case studies that show how customers are solving real-world problems with this technology. You'll learn how companies in different industries are benefiting from Automated Machine Learning and explore areas such as algorithm selection, auto featurization, and hyperparameter tuning. Whether you're a data analyst, BI professional, or developer, this book will show you how to get started using Automated Machine Learning for use cases including classification and regression.
Mark Russinovich
Great book on how you can leverage ML to develop your ML models in Azure:      fuente
Dominando a Ethereum book cover
Dominando a Ethereum
Creando Contatos Inteligentes y DApps (Mastering Ethereum (Translated))
Andreas M. Antonopoulos - 2018-12-23
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Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains. Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and hundreds of other organizations are experimenting with Ethereum. This essential guide shows you how to develop the skills necessary to be an innovator in this growing and exciting new industry. Run an Ethereum client, create and transmit basic transactions, and program smart contracts Learn the essentials of public key cryptography, hashes, and digital signatures Understand how "wallets" hold digital keys that control funds and smart contracts Interact with Ethereum clients programmatically using JavaScript libraries and Remote Procedure Call interfaces Learn security best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns with real-world examples Create tokens that represent assets, shares, votes, or access control rights Build decentralized applications using multiple peer-to-peer (P2P) components
Mark Russinovich
These are books I found useful to learn about blockchain.      fuente
Solidity Programming Essentials book cover
Solidity Programming Essentials
A beginner's guide to build smart contracts for Ethereum and blockchain
Ritesh Modi - 2018-04-20
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Learn Solidity programming language and build Ethereum smart contracts with this essential guide. Discover how to write, test, and deploy smart contracts on your private blockchain while learning about security best practices and defensive coding. This book is perfect for anyone looking to get started with Solidity programming for Ethereum smart contract development. No prior knowledge of the EVM is required.
Mark Russinovich
These are books I found useful to learn about blockchain.      fuente
¿Está usted de broma Sr. Feynman? book cover
¿Está usted de broma Sr. Feynman?
Adventures of a Curious Character
Richard P. Feynman - 2018-02-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1985)
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Richard Feynman no ha sido sólo uno de los físicos teóricos más destacados del mundo sino también una personalidad insólita y genial cuyas investigaciones sobre la reformulación de la teoría cuántica para calcular las interacciones entre la radiación electromagnética y las partículas elementales le valieron el Premio Nobel de física de 1965. En su biografía y en su obra se dan cita la curiosidad irrefrenable, el escepticismo empedernido, el sentido del humor, el gusto por la travesura, la más vasta cultura y el más penetrante ingenio. Feynman es seguramente la única persona en el mundo que ha reventado las cajas fuertes más seguras de Los Alamos durante la fabricación de la bomba atómica y que ha tocado con maestría la frigideira en una banda de samba brasileña; que ha explicado física a cerebros como Einstein, Von Neumann y Pauli y que ha tocado los bongos en una compañía de ballet; que ha sido declarado deficiente mental por el ejército norteamericano y que ha obtenido el Premio Nobel por la Academia Sueca. ¿Está usted de broma, Sr. Feynman? recoge las conversaciones mantenidas a lo largo de una serie de años con Ralph Leighton, quien se encargó de grabarlas y transcribirlas.
Mark Russinovich
Non-work books I've read that I recommend      fuente
Hit Refresh book cover
Hit Refresh
The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone
Satya Nadella - 2017-11-15
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"Hit Refresh" is a New York Times bestseller that explores the intersection of humanity and technology in the era of artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella, charts his personal journey from childhood in India to leading significant technological changes. He shares the inside story of how Microsoft rediscovered its soul, transforming the company's culture and fiercely competitive landscape. Nadella concludes with his vision for the potential impact of technology in society and a call to action for world leaders. This book is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement.
Mark Russinovich
Non-work books I've read that I recommend      fuente
Recomendado por
Bill GatesAmit Paranjape
Quantum Physics book cover
Quantum Physics
What Everyone Needs to Know®
Michael G. Raymer - 2017-06-05
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Discover the fundamental principles of quantum physics, one of the most important intellectual movements in human history. This abstract and complex field explains the behavior of particles, and is used in technologies ranging from computers to data encryption. Written by quantum physicist Michael G. Raymer, this book delves into topics such as quantum entanglement, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and the future of quantum technology research. Gain a wide-reaching introduction to this ubiquitous scientific topic and its applications.
Mark Russinovich
I've read a lot of books on quantum computing. These are the ones I recommend to get a great overview of quantum mechanics and then quantum computing.      fuente
Homo Deus book cover
Homo Deus
Breve historia del mañana
Yuval Noah Harari - 2017-02-21 (publicado por primera vez en 2015)
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Lo que nos hizo sapiens nos hará dioses. Tras el éxito internacional de De animales a dioses, con más de un millón de ejemplares vendidos, Harari vuelve su mirada al futuro. ¿Qué nos depara el futuro? Yuval Noah Harari, autor del bestseller De animales a dioses, augura un mundo no tan lejano en el cual nos veremos enfrentados a una nueva serie de retos. Homo Deus explora los proyectos, los sueños y las pesadillas que irán moldeando el siglo XXI, desde superar la muerte hasta la creación de la inteligencia artificial. - Cuando tu smartphone te conoce mejor de lo que te conoces a ti mismo, ¿seguirás escogiendo tu trabajo, a tu pareja y a tu presidente? - Cuando la inteligencia artificial nos saque del mercado laboral, ¿encontrarán los millones de desempleados algún tipo de significado en las drogas o los juegos virtuales? - Cuando los cuerpos y los cerebros sean productos de diseño, ¿cederá la selección natural el paso al diseño inteligente? Esto es el futuro de la evolución. Esto es Homo Deus.
Mark Russinovich
Non-work books I've read that I recommend      fuente
Distributed Cloud Applications with Azure Service Fabric by Jesus Aguilar
Kubernetes by Brendan Burns
Los hermanos Wright (Historia) by David McCullough
Building Microservices by Sam Newman
Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Countdown to Zero Day by Kim Zetter
Rogue Code by Mark Russinovich
El marciano by Andy Weir
La luz que no puedes ver by Anthony Doerr
Cibertormenta by Matthew Mather
Windows Internals, Part 2 by Mark E. Russinovich
Windows Internals, Part 1 by Pavel Yosifovich
Trojan Horse by Mark Russinovich
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Un fantasma en el sistema. Las aventuras del hacker más buscado del mundo. by Kevin Mitnick
Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools by Mark Russinovich
Zero Day by Mark Russinovich
Kingpin by Kevin Poulsen
The Quantum Universe by Brian Cox
Conversaciones de física con mi perro by Orzel
Noson S. Yanofsky by Noson S. Yanofsky
Einstein by Walter Isaacson
El huevo del cuco by Cliff Stoll
Apollo by Charles Murray
La doble hélice by James D. Watson
Programming Microsoft Azure Service Fabric by Haishi Bai