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Ben Shapiro

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Benjamin Aaron Shapiro is an American conservative political commentator, public speaker, media executive, author, and former attorney. At age 17, he became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the United States.
48 libros en la lista
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Superabundance book cover
The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet
Marian L. Tupy, Gale L. Pooley - 2022-08-31
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Can population growth actually make resources more abundant? In Superabundance, the authors analyze the prices of hundreds of commodities, goods, and services and found that, on average, every additional human being created more value than they consumed. This relationship between population growth and abundance is deeply counterintuitive, yet it is no less true. But more people are not enough to sustain Superabundance--people must be free to innovate, think, speak, publish, associate, and disagree. This thought-provoking book challenges our widely held beliefs and offers insight into how human innovation can lead to abundance.
Ben Shapiro
But the media never get enough of environmental doomporn. So Ehrlich is back. For a great debunking and counterpoint, I recommend this excellent book:      fuente
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Nick Gillespie
Piénsalo otra vez book cover
Piénsalo otra vez
The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
Adam Grant - 2021-02-02
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Por lo general, asumimos que la inteligencia es la habilidad de pensar y aprender, pero en un mundo que cambia rápidamente como el actual, las habilidades para repensar y desaprender empiezan a valorarse más. Muchas personas privilegian la comodidad y la convicción por encima de la incomodidad y la duda; escuchan solo aquellas opiniones que les hacen sentir bien, en vez de las ideas que los desafían; ven el desacuerdo como una amenaza para su ego, en vez de una oportunidad para aprender; se rodean de personas que apoyan sus puntos de vista, en vez de gravitar en torno a sus contradictores. Cuanto más brillantes se creen, menos ven sus propias limitaciones. En este libro, el psicólogo organizacional Adam Grant, autor del bestseller mundial Originales (Paidós Empresa, 2017), muestra por qué no debemos creer todo aquello que pensamos ni tomarnos a pecho todo lo que sentimos, al tiempo que explica las ventajas de aprender a vivir en un estado de permanente aprendizaje y cuestionamiento. Piénsalo otra vez es una invitación para soltar aquello que no sirve y privilegiar la flexibilidad mental por encima de la rigidez obstinada y paralizante. Si el conocimiento empodera, saber que no lo sabemos todo, nos hace sabios.
Ben Shapiro
Great book      fuente
Founding God’s Nation book cover
Founding God’s Nation
Reading Exodus
Leon R Kass - 2021-01-05
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Explore the central political questions of what defines a nation and how it should be governed in this thought-provoking book. The author draws from the story of the Jewish people in Exodus to illustrate how they built their nation on a shared narrative, moral law, and a higher purpose. Gain insights on how these elements remain essential for any freedom-loving nation today.
Ben Shapiro
As Jews begin reading the book of Exodus this Shabbat, here's a terrific and worthwhile book on the subject from Leon Kass:      fuente
Solo en Berlín book cover
Solo en Berlín
A Novel
Hans Fallada - 2009-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1947)
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Otto Quangel, un humilde ciudadano alemán que vive en un apartamento de la calle Jablonski junto a su mujer Anna, intenta sobrevivir al margen del régimen nazi. El anuncio de la muerte de su único hijo, que ha fallecido en el frene, le hace cambiar drásticamente de actitud y decide llevar a cabo un extraordinario acto de resistencia. Con la ayuda de Anna, empieza a distribuir tarjetas postales contra Hitler por todo Berlín. Muy pronto, el sagaz inspector de la Gestapo Escherich descubre esta silenciosa campaña de denuncia y pone en marcha una persecución despiadada; un juego criminal en el que sea quien sea pierda, lo tendrá que pagar con su propia vida.
Ben Shapiro
What's your favorite book few people have heard of? I'll lead off: 1. The Secret of Santa Vittoria (Robert Crichton) 2. Every Man Dies Alone (Hans Fallada) #2FavoriteBooksNobodyKnows      fuente
The secret of Santa Vittoria book cover
The secret of Santa Vittoria
Robert Crichton
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Italian town Santa Vittoria and its prized wine are at the center of this World War II tale. As German forces seek to claim its million bottles, the town rises to the challenge with the clownish mayor Bombolini leading the charge. With wit, heart, and suspense, Robert Crichton weaves a classic tale of deception, unity, and the love for a good bottle of wine. A former bestseller and international hit, this book is not to be missed.
Ben Shapiro
What's your favorite book few people have heard of? I'll lead off: 1. The Secret of Santa Vittoria (Robert Crichton) 2. Every Man Dies Alone (Hans Fallada) #2FavoriteBooksNobodyKnows      fuente
Panic Attack book cover
Panic Attack
Young Radicals in the Age of Trump
Robby Soave - 2019-06-18
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Explore the rise of millennial activism in response to the 2016 election in Panic Attack. Libertarian journalist Robby Soave profiles young radicals from various political backgrounds, delving into their motivations and goals behind the violent protests, safe space demands, and suppression of disagreeable views on college campuses. With a mixture of respect and healthy skepticism, Soave provides a faithful cross-section of today's radical youth that will captivate anyone concerned about the trampling of free speech and due process in the name of social justice.
Ben Shapiro
This is a good book.      fuente
The Moral Arc book cover
The Moral Arc
How Science Makes Us Better People
Michael Shermer - 2015-01-20 (publicado por primera vez en 2014)
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Explore the connection between science and morality with this thought-provoking book. Follow the history of how thinkers, from Galileo to Martin Luther King Jr., have applied scientific techniques to non-physical disciplines. Discover how the scientific way of thinking has made people and society more moral by promoting abstract reasoning, rationality, empiricism, and skepticism. Learn how this innovative approach has led to advances in democracy, justice, and understanding of the natural world.
Ben Shapiro
Definitely pick up a copy of Michael's book, too -- it's a great read!      fuente
My First Book of Feminism book cover
My First Book of Feminism
Julie Merberg - 2018-11-06
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Feminism begins at home—and My First Book of Feminism (for Boys) is where it begins!...
Ben Shapiro
Read this important book to my 2-year-old boy. He looked at me very seriously and said, “This claim does not adjust for job choice, time out of the workforce, or hours worked.”      fuente
Suicide of the West book cover
Suicide of the West
How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy
Jonah Goldberg - 2035-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2018)
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This book explores the perilous state of democracy in America and other Western societies. The author argues that we are surrendering to populism, nationalism, and other forms of tribalism, and losing the will to defend the values and institutions that sustain freedom and prosperity. Drawing on political history, social science, economics, and pop culture, he makes the case that we need to renew our sense of gratitude for our political virtues and rediscover the ideals that led us to democratic capitalism.
Ben Shapiro
.@jonahnro’s book is an important exploration of why we’re giving up the philosophy that built the modern West      fuente
Reasons to Vote for Democrats book cover
Reasons to Vote for Democrats
A Comprehensive Guide
Michael J. Knowles - 2017-02-08
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Explore the most comprehensive Democrat Party apologia with Reasons to Vote for Democrats. This political treatise offers exhaustively researched and coherently argued reasons for why the Democrats deserve your vote. Recommended by President Trump as an enjoyable read, this must-have addition to any political observer's collection contains precisely 1,235 words. Please note, the book appears almost entirely blank, making it a unique addition to your coffee table.
Ben Shapiro
This is the most thorough book on Democratic ideas ever penned.      fuente
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Knowledge and Power by George Gilder
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The Beast That Crouches at the Door by Rabbi David Fohrman
La maldición de Hill House by Shirley Jackson
La tierra permanece by George R. Stewart
Myths and Facts by Mitchell G. Bard
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