42 libros en la lista
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First Friends
The Powerful, Unsung (And Unelected) People Who Shaped Our Presidents
"First Friends" is a unique glimpse into the captivating stories of the closest friends and confidants of past American presidents. From Lincoln's life-saving friendship with Joshua Speed to Kennedy's meaningful conversations with David Ormsby-Gore, this book explores how presidential friendships helped shape our nation's history. Written by former Clinton aide Gary Ginsberg, this fresh and insightful read offers a new perspective on the lives of those who held the most powerful political office in the world.
Malcolm Gladwell
2021-06-14T13:08:40.000ZPor lo general, asumimos que la inteligencia es la habilidad de pensar y aprender, pero en un mundo que cambia rápidamente como el actual, las habilidades para repensar y desaprender empiezan a valorarse más. Muchas personas privilegian la comodidad y la convicción por encima de la incomodidad y la duda; escuchan solo aquellas opiniones que les hacen sentir bien, en vez de las ideas que los desafían; ven el desacuerdo como una amenaza para su ego, en vez de una oportunidad para aprender; se rodean de personas que apoyan sus puntos de vista, en vez de gravitar en torno a sus contradictores. Cuanto más brillantes se creen, menos ven sus propias limitaciones. En este libro, el psicólogo organizacional Adam Grant, autor del bestseller mundial Originales (Paidós Empresa, 2017), muestra por qué no debemos creer todo aquello que pensamos ni tomarnos a pecho todo lo que sentimos, al tiempo que explica las ventajas de aprender a vivir en un estado de permanente aprendizaje y cuestionamiento. Piénsalo otra vez es una invitación para soltar aquello que no sirve y privilegiar la flexibilidad mental por encima de la rigidez obstinada y paralizante. Si el conocimiento empodera, saber que no lo sabemos todo, nos hace sabios.
Malcolm Gladwell
2021-02-02T16:33:22.000ZExplore the hidden mental world of judgment, feelings, and motives with Strangers to Ourselves. Timothy D. Wilson takes readers on an eye-opening tour of the unconscious mind, redefined by contemporary psychological science. He argues that introspection may not be the best path to self-knowledge and challenges readers to pay attention to what they actually do and what others think of them. This book marks a significant shift in how we understand and approach our own selves.
Malcolm Gladwell
2018-06-01T00:00:00.000ZÉramos unos niños. La historia de amistad que unió a Mapplethorpe y Patti Smith contada por ella misma. Nacida en Chicaco en 1946, Smith saltó a la fama durante el movimiento punk con su álbum debut Horses. La llamada «madrina del punk» aportó un punto de vista feminista e intelectual al movimiento y se convirtió en una de las artistas más influyentes dentro de la música rock, integrándola con un estilo de poesía beat. Los inicios de su carrera estuvieron marcados por su amistad con el fotógrafo Mapplethorpe con quien, según ella, se casó para disimular su homosexualidad. Estas memorias son un recorrido por las calles del Nueva York de fi nales de los años setenta y principios de los ochenta, un mundo ya perdido donde circulaban Allen Ginsberg o Andy Warhol y sus chicos, y donde se creaban las grandes bandas de música que marcaron el fin del siglo XX.
Malcolm Gladwell
2013-11-29T00:00:00.000ZSet in World War II Paris, this thrilling debut novel follows gifted architect Lucien Bernard as he accepts a commission to design a secret hiding place for a wealthy Jewish man. Outwitting the Nazis occupying the city is a challenge he can't resist. But when one of his hiding spaces fails horribly, the problem of where to hide a Jew becomes personal for Lucien. The Paris Architect is a gripping story about what we owe each other and how far we'll go to make things right, written by an architect whose knowledge imbues every page.
Malcolm Gladwell
Drunk Tank Pink
And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave
"Drunk Tank Pink" explores how our environment unconsciously shapes our thoughts and actions. Using surprising data and fascinating examples, Adam Alter illustrates how outside forces, such as color, bias, and weather, influence our decisions without our knowledge or permission. This book reveals the deeper truth behind our feelings and actions and challenges readers to reconsider the choices they make every day.
Malcolm Gladwell
2013-10-03T00:00:00.000ZThis novel by Jonathan Dee explores the themes of self-invention, public scandal, and forgiveness. The privileged Armstead couple reaches a breaking point, leading to a spectacular unraveling of everything they've built together. As Helen, the wife, navigates a new job in public relations and a move to New York, she discovers a rare talent for image control. But when faced with the fallout from her marriage and her daughter's distant behavior, she must confront the limits of accountability and her own capacity for forgiveness. Recommended for fans of Jonathan Franzen and Richard Russo.
Malcolm Gladwell
2013-07-26T00:35:33.000ZExplore the psychology behind our driving habits in this eye-opening investigation by Tom Vanderbilt. Discover the cognitive limitations that make us worse drivers than we think we are and learn why plans to protect pedestrians from cars can lead to more accidents. Vanderbilt also reveals the common mistakes people make while driving, from honking to navigating parking lots. Traffic isn't just about driving; it's about human nature. Get ready to see yourself and the world around you in a whole new way.
Malcolm Gladwell
2009-01-08T00:00:00.000ZRecomendado por
Rory Sutherland
The Opposable Mind
How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking
Explore the mindset of successful leaders and learn how to think like them with The Opposable Mind. Author Roger Martin argues that simply following the advice of great leaders can lead to disappointment, instead we need to understand and emulate how they think. Through stories of leaders from diverse backgrounds, he highlights the importance of integrative thinking and offers a model for improving this vital skill. Discover how to creatively resolve opposing ideas and become a successful businessperson by mastering the power of integrative thinking.
Malcolm Gladwell
Un economista políticamente incorrecto explora el lado oculto de lo que nos afecta
Freakonomics, de S. D. Levitt y S. J. Dubner, es un bestseller mundial, una obra curiosa, original e interesante de dos jóvenes economistas norteamericanos; un libro accesible que incluye ejemplos sorprendentes. Los autores han intentado mostrar el lado oculto de las cosas y explicar por qué el mundo funciona como funciona a través de las leyes de la economía --que se desvelan como una ciencia útil para comprender nuestras acciones--; lo que denominan la economía de lo raro.
Malcolm Gladwell
2009-01-08T00:00:00.000ZRecomendado por
Daymond JohnJuntos by Vivek H Murthy
Tiempo pasado by Lee Child
The Midnight Line by Lee Child
Irresistible by Adam Alter
Night School by Lee Child
La gran apuesta by Michael Lewis
Make Me by Lee Child
Personal by Lee Child
Jack Reacher by Lee Child
A Wanted Man by Lee Child
The Affair by Lee Child
El Topo by John le Carré
Worth Dying For by Lee Child
61 Hours by Lee Child
El efecto checklist by Atul Gawande
Gone Tomorrow by Lee Child
Die Trying by Lee Child
Nothing to Lose by Lee Child
Bad Luck and Trouble by Lee Child
The Hard Way by Lee Child
Zona peligrosa. by Lee Child
One Shot by Lee Child
The Enemy by Lee Child
Persuader by Lee Child
The Russia House by John le Carre
Without Fail by Lee Child
Echo Burning by Lee Child
El espía que surgió del frío by John le Carré
Running Blind by Lee Child
Tripwire by Lee Child
The Little Drummer Girl by John le Carré
Merchant Princes by Leon A. Harris