Ready Player One
A Novel
Ernest Cline
Estamos en el año 2044 y, como el resto de la humanidad, Wade Watts prefiere mil veces el videojuego de OASIS al cada vez más sombrío mundo real. Se afirma que esconde las piezas de un rompecabezas diabólico cuya resolución conduce a una fortuna incalculable. Durante años, millones de humanos han intentado dar con ellas, sin éxito. De repente, Wade logra resolver el primer rompecabezas del premio, y a partir de ese momento debe competir contra miles de jugadores para conseguir el trofeo. La única forma de sobrevivir es ganar.
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@NicolasCatard book was incredible. officially book will go down as one of the greats and the movie will just be another good cgi movie. – fuente2018-04-01T06:29:50.000Z
One of my favorite books of all time is @readyplayerone by the legend @erniecline so I could not have been more excited to see the film which did not disappoint. I loved it, absolute geek heaven and it reminded me why I fell in love with the book. I’m off to read it again. – fuente2018-02-23T03:31:44.000Z
Ready Player One is being heavily advertised. I have no idea if movie is good, but the book is spectacular. Read it before the movie comes out on 3/30. – fuente2017-06-18T17:48:23.000Z
Need some book recommendations? Well, here are ten books you gotta read before you die: – fuente2016-06-19T00:00:00.000Z
Ernest Cline is without a doubt my favorite contemporary writer.
I’ve read all of his books so far and will certainly read each upcoming one.
Maybe because I loved ‘Ready Player One’ so much, I didn’t really need this sequel, although it does include some genial technologies. – fuenteA gift to all of my Apple II programming buddies from high school and Dungeons & Dragons comrades. – fuente