Los mejores libros sobre café
Eleva tu pasión por el café con la lista definitiva de libros para amantes del café. Estas selecciones son lo mejor de lo mejor, elaboradas a partir de las elecciones favoritas de los conocedores del café y baristas.
24 libros en la lista
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The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee
Growing, Roasting, and Drinking, with Recipes
Experience coffee like never before with The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee, a comprehensive guide that takes you from farm to cup. James Freeman, one of the country’s most celebrated roasters, shares the intricate steps that go into sourcing raw coffee from around the world and crafting the perfect cup using various brewing methods. With over 40 inventive recipes that incorporate coffee or pair well with a cup, including coffee-infused desserts, this book is a must-read for any coffee lover. Featuring stunning photographs, this guide will change the way you think about—and drink—coffee.
Presentado en 12 artículos

The World Atlas of Coffee
From Beans to Brewing -- Coffees Explored, Explained and Enjoyed
The World Atlas of Coffee takes readers on a global tour of coffee-growing countries, covering where coffee is grown, the people who grow it, and the cultures in which it's a way of life. This definitive guide is well-written, informative, and a must-have for general readers who want to know more about their favorite morning brew. The book is organized by continent and then country, presenting the world's favorite brew in color spreads packed with information. The new edition has been updated with seven additional coffee-growing regions and includes updated maps, statistics, and data. This book is an essential selection for coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike.
Presentado en 11 artículos
Unlock the secret to making the perfect cup of coffee at home with this comprehensive guidebook. Craft Coffee is a must-have for any coffee enthusiast, providing detailed information on different brewing techniques, equipment choices, and even decoding coffee bags. Written by a fellow coffee lover, this book is accessible and easy to understand for non-professionals, and will help you achieve cafe quality coffee right from your own kitchen. Discover your ideal cup of specialty coffee and replicate it effortlessly every day.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Enter the exotic and paradoxical world of specialty coffee and its passionate connoisseurs, ambitious entrepreneurs, and determined activists. God in a Cup takes us on a journey led by the nation's most heralded coffee business hotshots, who are creating a new culture of coffee connoisseurship in America. If you're looking for an adventure and a taste of the best beans, this book is a must-read.
Presentado en 9 artículos
Presenting the history of coffee from its discovery on an ancient Ethiopian hillside to its role as an elixir in the age of Starbucks, this account discusses the rise and fall of regional brands in the United States, the role of advertising, the global economic impact of coffee prices, and the recent emergence of specialty coffee retailers. The social and environmental ramifications of coffee are discussed in terms of recent campaigns for a livable wage and environmental protection in coffee producing nations such as Brazil, making this an excellent reference on what is considered the second most valuable exported legal commodity on earth.
Presentado en 7 artículos

The Professional Barista's Handbook
An Expert Guide to Preparing Espresso, Coffee, and Tea
Discover the secrets of making the perfect cup of coffee with The Professional Barista's Handbook. Written by an industry veteran with 15 years of experience, this book provides practical instruction and relevant information on making great coffee in a café. Say goodbye to unreadable scientific books and hello to a book filled with colorful descriptions of brewing styles, growing regions, and recipes. If you're serious about coffee, this handbook is a must-have for any barista or coffee lover.
Presentado en 6 artículos
Master the art of non-espresso coffee brewing with Scott Rao's second book. Divided into three parts, the guide covers coffee extraction and manipulation of flavor, optimization of various brewing methods including drip, pour over, press pot, and vacuum pot, as well as proper water chemistry and bean storage. Whether you're an espresso lover branching out or a devoted press pot brewer, this book is the ultimate resource for perfecting your home brews.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Discover the world of coffee like never before with "The New Rules of Coffee." Written by coffee connoisseurs and founders of Sprudge, this book offers digestible rules and whimsical illustrations to help you navigate the ever-expanding coffee menu. Learn why darker roast isn't always stronger and why you reserve the right to cream and sugar. Perfect for coffee enthusiasts seeking to expand their knowledge and love for coffee.
Presentado en 5 artículos
This informative yet engaging book takes readers on a journey through the world of coffee, exploring its origins in East Africa and its current global influence on sustainable development, economics, and consumer desire. Featuring contributions from experts in both the scientific and craft communities, the book offers a unique synthesis of research and personal experience, providing readers with a deeper appreciation and understanding of coffee's complexity. From on-farming processes to consumer benefits, the book covers a broad range of topics in a conversational style that is both accessible and informative. Expert discourse on the coffee value chain is coupled with insights into the challenges facing coffee production today and potential solutions for the future.
Presentado en 5 artículos
Brewing Justice by Daniel Jaffee
The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee by Tristan Stephenson
Coffee Gives Me Superpowers by Ryoko Iwata
I Love Coffee! by Susan Zimmer
The Birth of Coffee by Daniel Lorenzetti, Linda Rice Lorenzetti
La Taza del diablo by Stewart Lee Allen
Coffee Art by Dhan Tamang
The Coffee Roaster's Companion by Scott Rao
Coffee by Jonathan Morris
El desafío Starbucks. Cómo Starbucks luchó por su vida sin perder su alma by Howard Schultz
Coffee Obsession by D. K. Publishing, Anette Moldvaer
The Coffee Roaster's Handbook by Len Brault
The Daily Grind by Andrew J Bowen, Claire E Bowen
Starting Your Own Coffee Shop by Jessica Simms