Los Mejores Libros de Fotografía
Explora el arte del objetivo a través de estos libros de fotografía de alta calidad. Estas lecturas esenciales se han compilado en base a recomendaciones frecuentes de principales sitios web y publicaciones especializadas en fotografía.

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HAGA LAS FOTOGRAFÍAS QUE REALMENTE QUIERELos secretos de la exposición fotográfica ha desentrañado los complejos conceptos de este tema para cientos de miles defotógrafos de todo el mundo. Mediante el estilo fácil de entender que caracteriza a este autor, Bryan Peterson explica la relaciónentre diafragma y velocidad de obtu
Presentado en 24 artículos
Recomendado por
David Heinemeier HanssonContact sheets unveil the story of what went into a photograph. Was it the outcome of what a photographer had in mind from the outset? Did it emerge from a diligently worked sequence? Was the right shot a matter of being in the right place at the right time?
Here, for the first time, are the best contact sheets created by Magnum photographers. They reveal the creative methods, strategies, and editing processes used by some of the acknowledged greats of photography, from legends such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Elliott Erwitt to Magnum’s latest generation, including Jonas Bendiksen, Trent Parke, and Alec Soth.Events, places, and people from over seventy years of history are contained in Magnum’s contact sheets, including the Normandy landings by Robert Capa, Che Guevara by René Burri, the Paris riots of 1968 by Bruno Barbey, Malcolm X by Eve Arnold, and New York street scenes by Bruce Gilden.With supporting texts by the photographers or by those selected by the estates of deceased Magnum members, and ancillary material such as press cards, notebooks, and filed captions, this landmark publication provides a depth of understanding and a critical analysis of the backstory to a photograph.
Presentado en 15 artículos
La fotografía digital ha aportado un elemento nuevo y estimulante al diseño: primero porque la visión instantánea que proporciona una cámara digital permite aprender y mejorar con suma rapidez, y segundo porque las herramientas de edición digital hacen posible modificar y mejorar el diseño después de pulsar el disparador. Estos aspectos han tenido un profundo efecto en la forma en que los fotógrafos captan sus imágenes.
Este libro muestra de qué modo cualquiera puede desarrollar la habilidad para captar excelentes fotografías digitales. Explora todos los enfoques tradicionales de la composición y el diseño y se adentra en técnicas digitales que emplean nuevas tecnologías para ampliar las posibilidades del medio sin comprometer la visión del fotógrafo.
Presentado en 14 artículos
Discover the most comprehensive and accessible guide to photography with this newly revised edition of a classic book. This resource covers both traditional and digital techniques, while delving into the creative and expressive aspects of photography beyond just technicalities. Written by an esteemed photographer and instructor, readers of all levels will benefit from the insights provided. With over 100 stunning photographs and useful charts and tables, this book is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to make a personal statement through the art of photography.
Presentado en 14 artículos
Discover the secrets behind one of the most celebrated bodies of work in contemporary photography with this book. Annie Leibovitz explains how she creates her iconic images, covering topics such as photojournalism, studio work, and making the transition to digital cameras. Though aimed at young photographers, anyone interested in contemporary history will be captivated by Leibovitz's insightful account of her work. This revised and updated edition of a bestselling classic is not to be missed.
Presentado en 13 artículos
A renowned work in the history of photography, this book features the best early work of [AUTHOR'S NAME]. Originally titled "Images a la Sauvette," it was published in 1952, adorned with a stunning collage cover by Henri Matisse. Its title has since defined the concept of the perfect image, with all elements in the photograph reaching a formal peak. This meticulously crafted new edition is a faithful reproduction of the original. A bonus booklet features an essay by Centre Pompidou curator Clement Cheroux on the history of "The Decisive Moment."
Presentado en 13 artículos

The Moment It Clicks
Photography Secrets from One of the World's Top Shooters
Learn photography secrets from one of the world's top pro digital photographers through a unique blend of stunning images and invaluable training. This book brings Joe McNally's on-location workshops to life, sharing his hard-earned tricks of the trade and how to get the shot. With insights on lighting, environmental portraiture, and more, this book is packed with "Ah ha!" moments that will help you make great photos at a level you never thought possible. Discover the "moment it clicks" and take your photography to the next level.
Presentado en 12 artículos

Digital Photography Complete Course
Learn Everything You Need to Know in 20 Weeks
Unlock the full potential of your camera with Digital Photography Complete Course. This comprehensive guide will take you on a step-by-step journey through every aspect of digital photography, using practical tutorials, assignments, and Q&As. With customizable modules and helpful visuals, you'll learn how to create stunning landscapes, still lifes, portraits, and action shots like a pro. Test your knowledge and troubleshoot issues along the way, and watch your photography skills soar.
Presentado en 11 artículos

Extraordinary Everyday Photography
Awaken Your Vision to Create Stunning Images Wherever You Are
Improve Your Photography Skills Anywhere with Extraordinary Everyday Photography. In this book, authors Brenda Tharp and Jed Manwaring teach readers how to use composition, available light, color, and point of view to create stunning photographs in any environment. From city streets to your own front lawn, this book will help you find the beauty and capture compelling images that aren't overworked. The authors provide inspiring photo examples that show it's not about the gear, but the photographer's eye and creative vision that make a great image.
Presentado en 11 artículos
Entre 1955 y 1956, Robert Frank recorrió las carreteras de EE.UU., capturando con su cámara momentos en la vida de personajes anónimos. De esa aventura nació un libro que marcó un antes y un después en la historia de la fotografía: Los Americanos, con prólogo de Jack Kerouac.
Presentado en 10 artículos
Recomendado por
Michael McKeanStunning Digital Photography by Tony Northrup
Vivian Maier by Vivian Maier
Iluminación para una fotografía impresionante by Joe McNally
Learning to See Creatively by Bryan Peterson
The Beginner's Photography Guide by Chris Gatcum
BetterPhoto Basics by Jim Miotke
Sobre la fotografía by Susan Sontag
Trilogia Fotografica de Ansel Adams - 1 La Camara by Ansel Adams
La luz. Ciencia y magia by Fil Hunter
The Photographer's Guide to Posing by Lindsay Adler
Studio Anywhere by Nick Fancher
Lea este libro si desea tomar buenas fotografías by Henry Carroll
Picture Perfect Practice by Roberto Valenzuela
Bystander by Colin Westerbeck
LIFE Guide to Digital Photography by Joe McNally
Best Business Practices for Photographers by John Harrington
Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
Genesis by Lélia Wanick Salgado
Ansel Adams by Ansel Adams
The Negative by Ansel Adams
Within the Frame by David Duchemin
Ansel Adams in the National Parks by Ansel Adams
Black and White Photography by Henry Horenstein
Photography by Tom Ang
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC Book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby
What They Didn't Teach You In Photo School by Demetrius Fordham
Overview by Benjamin Grant
Gregory Heisler by Gregory Heisler
Picture Perfect Posing by Roberto Valenzuela
Diane Arbus by Doon Arbus
Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography by Thierry-Maxime Loriot
Alex Webb - The suffering of light by Alex Webb
Examples by Ansel Adams
Scott Kelby's Digital Photography by Scott Kelby
Street Photography Now by Sophie Howarth
Mastering Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and Exposure by Al Judge
The Flash Book by Scott Kelby
Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book by Andrew Faulkner
Personal Best by Elliott Erwitt
Film Is Not Dead by Jonathan Canlas
The Photographers Eye by Michael Freeman
Fotografía creativa en blanco y negro by Harold Davis
Photography Demystified by Professor of Government David McKay
Obama by Pete Souza
El Libro de la Fotografía Digital by Scott Kelby
Libera tu magia by Elizabeth Gilbert
Stephen Shore by Stephen Shore
La Copia by Ansel Adams
Retratos by Steve McCurry
Walker Evans by Lincoln Kirstein
Speedliter's Handbook by Syl Arena
Steve McCurry by Steve McCurry
Road to Seeing by Dan Winters
Annie Leibovitz by Annie Leibovitz
Women by National Geographic
Understanding Close-Up Photography by Bryan Peterson
Bryan Peterson's Understanding Composition Field Guide by Bryan Peterson
The Visual Toolbox by David Duchemin
Trent Parke by Trent Parke
Los secretos de la fotografía con flash by Bryan Peterson
Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb on Street Photography and the Poetic Image by Alex Webb
Scott Kelby's Digital Photography Boxed Set, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 by Scott Kelby
The Dramatic Portrait by Chris Knight
Camera by Todd Gustavson
Birds by Tim Flach
The Photographer's Playbook by Jason Fulford
Garry Winogrand by Leo Rubinfien
Digital Photography by Henry Horenstein
¡Mirar! by Joel Meyerowitz
Mastering Portrait Photography by Sarah Plater
Richard Avedon by Michael Holm
National Geographic Image Collection by National Geographic
Bill Brandt by Sarah Hermanson Meister
Direction & Quality of Light by Neil van Niekerk
Beyond Snapshots by Rachel Devine
Understanding Color in Photography by Bryan Peterson
Shooting in Sh*tty Light by Lindsay Adler
One Face 50 Ways by Imogen Dyer
Man Ray by Guido Comis
Advancing Your Photography by Marc Silber
Tabletop Photography by Cyrill Harnischmacher
Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton
Cómo ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas by Dale Carnegie, Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster Audio
National Geographic The Photo Ark by Joel Sartore
Helmut Newton. SUMO. revised by June Newton by Helmut Newton
Nick Brandt by Nick Brandt
Mastering Photographic Histograms by Al Judge
Chasing Light by Stefan Forster
Penguin by Stefan Christmann
Apollo Remastered by Andy Saunders