Los mejores libros de Gestión de Proyectos
Explora los textos clave para dominar la gestión de proyectos, seleccionados de las mejores publicaciones y clasificados según la frecuencia de recomendaciones.

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Making Things Happen
Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice)
Learn how to define, lead, and manage projects with the updated edition of this critically acclaimed and bestselling book. Written by a Microsoft project veteran, each essay distills complex concepts and challenges into practical nuggets of useful advice. With a focus on philosophy and strategy, Making Things Happen offers personal essays in a comfortable style and easy tone that emulate the relationship of a wise project manager who gives good, entertaining and passionate advice to those who ask. Topics include making good decisions, leadership and trust, and what to do when things go wrong. Complete with a discussion guide, this book is inspiring, funny, honest, and compelling - and definitely the one book that you and your team need to have within arm's reach throughout the life of your project.
Presentado en 37 artículos
The PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition – PMI’s flagship publication has been updated to reflect the latest good practices in project management. New to the Sixth Edition, each knowledge area will contain a section entitled Approaches for Agile, Iterative and Adaptive Environments, describing how these practices integrate in project settings. It will also contain more emphasis on strategic and business knowledge—including discussion of project management business documents—and information on the PMI Talent Triangle™ and the essential skills for success in today’s market.
Presentado en 31 artículos
Discover how to succeed in project management, even if you've never run a project before! This beginner's guide provides clear and practical instructions to master every task in project management, from defining the project to closing it. Learn to avoid common mistakes, lead teams, manage budgets and schedules, handle risks, and more. Updated with the latest agile approaches, security and privacy priorities, and virtual team management, this book is your key to becoming a successful project manager.
Presentado en 28 artículos
Este libro tiene un objetivo demostrar que existe un sistema de organización del trabajo que nos permite liberar la mente de las tensiones que inhiben nuestra creatividad, y que nos hace más eficaces en todos los aspectos de la vida. David Allen sostiene que nuestra mente tiene una capacidad limitada para almacenar información y propone una serie de fórmulas prácticas para eliminar las tensiones e incrementar nuestra capacidad de trabajo y nuestro rendimiento. Organízate con eficacia se fundamenta en unas sencillas normas básicas de organización del tiempo, como por ejemplo la necesidad de determinar cuál es el siguiente paso a dar en cada uno de nuestros proyectos, o la regla de los dos minutos (si surge una tarea pendiente y se puede hacer en menos de dos minutos, debe hacerse inmediatamente). El sistema propuesto por Allen soluciona ansiedades y desconciertos, y nos permite transformar nuestro modo de trabajar y la manera de percibir nuestros retos cotidianos.
Presentado en 23 artículos
"Project Management for Non-Project Managers" is a practical guide that helps functional managers learn project management methodology and processes. Written by a seasoned project management consultant, the book bridges the gap between project managers and functional managers to improve organizational performance. This guide demystifies the jargon and processes of project management, encouraging functional managers to master critical PM skills and ensure their projects' success, making them more strategic and collaborative in nature. By actively owning project strategies, managers can keep their team's projects on track and increase their business value.
Presentado en 23 artículos
Master the essentials of project management with practical and engaging insights from FranklinCovey experts. Whether you have formal training or not, if you're an unofficial project manager, this book is for you. Learn the key leadership skills necessary for project completion and success, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring/control, and closing. With real-life anecdotes, memorable "Project Management Proverbs," and quick chapter reviews, you'll be able to apply these strategies to any arena of project management. Don't let disorganization hold you back - change the way you think about project management with this must-read guide.
Presentado en 22 artículos

Strategic Project Management Made Simple
Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams
Learn how to turn project ideas into actionable plans with Strategic Project Management Made Simple. This book introduces a step-by-step process and an interactive thinking tool to help teams design strategic projects and action initiatives. By answering the four critical questions of what, why, how, and what other conditions must exist, readers can create a solid strategic foundation using the Logical Framework - a Systems Thinking approach. Avoid adhoc and haphazard methods and execute your strategies successfully with this unique and memorable book.
Presentado en 22 artículos
Discover the ultimate guide to real-world project management methods, tools, and techniques with this comprehensive book. Written by an industry-leading expert, it features cutting-edge ideas and hard-won wisdom delivered in short, lively segments. Learn how to navigate complex management issues, master key concepts and real-world applications, and keep your project on track, on time, and on budget. With new case studies, content integration, and guidance on using Agile techniques, this fifth edition is a treasure trove of insights for aspiring project managers.
Presentado en 20 artículos
“Si hubiera un Premio Nobel para management, y si hubiera justicia en el mundo, confío en que ese premio sería, entre otros, para Jeff Sutherland.” Steve Denning
El autor de este libro se ha interesado en el tema de la gestión empresarial y en los últimos años desarrolló un método llamado “Scrum” que le ha permitido a numerosas compañías obtener resultados sobresalientes. Se trata de un método de gestión de proyectos que se basa en la responsabilidad del equipo y la participación del cliente. La eficacia de tal sistema no se aplica sólo a las empresas, sino también fuera de ellas.
Presentado en 20 artículos

The lazy project manager, 2nd edition
How To Be Twice As Productive And Still Leave The Office Early
Discover the art of lazy productivity with this must-have project management guide. Written by a leading expert in the field, the second edition of this popular book offers simple techniques that anyone can use to work more effectively and achieve a better work-life balance. Say goodbye to stress and hello to success with The Lazy Project Manager.
Presentado en 17 artículos
Brilliant Project Management by Stephen Barker
Project Management by Harold Kerzner
Empresas Que Sobresalen by Jim Collins
El ejecutivo eficaz by Peter F. Drucker
Peopleware by Tom Demarco
Rescue the Problem Project by Todd C. Williams Pmp
Alpha Project Managers by Andy Crowe Pmp Pgmp
Project Management for Humans by Brett Harned
El poder de los hábitos by Charles Duhigg
El método Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Las cinco disfunciones de un equipo by Patrick Lencioni
The Deadline by Tom Demarco
Agile Project Management For Dummies by Mark C. Layton
Project Management For Dummies by Stanley E. Portny
Project Management Lite by Juana Clark Craig
The Plugged-In Manager by Terri L. Griffith
Epiphanized by Bob Sproull
Project Management JumpStart by Kim Heldman
Los 7 habitos de la gente altamente efectiva by Stephen R. Covey
The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim
Sprint by Zeratsky Jake Knapp
Essential Scrum by Kenneth S. Rubin
El efecto checklist by Atul Gawande
Coaching Agile Teams by Lyssa Adkins
The Software Project Manager's Bridge to Agility by Michele Sliger
Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber
Empieza con el porqué by Simon Sinek
Desarrollo y Gestion de Proyectos Informáticos by Steve McConnell
Doing Agile Right by Darrell Rigby, Sarah Elk, Steve Berez
The Agile Mind-Set by Gil Broza
Advanced Multi-Project Management by Gerald I. Kendall
Project Pain Reliever by Dave Garrett
Project Management Case Studies by Harold Kerzner
Project Management the Agile Way by John Goodpasture
Las claves del éxito de TOYOTA by Jeffrey Liker
Risk Up Front by Adam Josephs
Be Fast or Be Gone by Andreas Scherer
Decídete by Steve McClatchy
The project manager who smiled by Peter Taylor
¿Cuándo? by Daniel H. Pink
Inspirado by Marty Cagan
Traccion by Gino Wickman
Construction Management JumpStart by Barbara J. Jackson
La sorprendente verdad sobre qué nos motiva by Daniel H. Pink
The Lean Product Playbook by Dan Olsen
Escritos Fundamentales / The Essential Drucker by Peter F. Drucker
Lead Inside the Box by Victor Prince
The Project Management Answer Book by Jeff Furman
Performance-Based Project Management by Glen Alleman
Leadership in Project Management by Mohit Arora, Haig Baronikian
The New Rules of Management by Peter Cook
Mide lo que importa by John Doerr
The Project Management Coaching Workbook by Susanne Madsen
The Project Manager's Guide to Mastering Agile by Charles G. Cobb
Guía HBR by Harvard Business Review
Agile Project Management by Jim Highsmith
El dilema de los innovadores by Clayton M. Christensen
Project Management in the Hybrid Workplace by Phil Simon
Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn
Cracking the PM Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Head First PMP by Jennifer Greene
What You Need to Know about Project Management by Fergus O'Connell
Be Fast or Be Gone by Andreas Scherer
Cómo ganar amigos e influir sobre las personas by Dale Carnegie, Robert Petkoff, Donna Dale Carnegie, Simon & Schuster Audio
Creatividad, S. A., Cómo llevar la inspiración hasta el infinito y más allá by Ed Catmull
Brilliant Project Leader by Mike Clayton
La meta by Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Lo único by Gary Keller
Good Strategy Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt
Los líderes comen al final by Simon Sinek
Influencia. La psicología de la persuasión by Robert B. Cialdini
Fueras de serie by Malcolm Gladwell
La nueva fórmula del trabajo by Laszlo Bock
The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo by John C. Maxwell
Conversaciones Cruciales by Kerry Patterson
Originales by Adam Grant
Código limpio by Robert C. Martin
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
El arte de la guerra by Sun Tzu
Factfulness by Hans Rosling
Fluir by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Enganchado (Hooked) by Nir Eyal
¡Cambia el barco de rumbo! by L. David Marquet
No me hagas pensar. Una aproximación a la usabilidad en la Web by Steve Krug
Emprender y liderar una startup by Ben Horowitz
The Manager's Path by Camille Fournier
Preparación para el Examen PMP by Rita Mulcahy