15 libros en la lista
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En 1937, durante las persecuciones de Stalin, el alma de Genghis Khan desapareció del monasterio budista de Mongolia donde se había guardado durante siglos. Se pretendía eliminar hasta el recuerdo de quien era considerado como un tirano sangriento.Hasta que el descubrimiento de un manuscrito de la Historia secreta de los mo ngoles, que se creía perdida, hizo surgir a la luz la verdad sobre el hombre que conquistó un imperio mayor que el de Roma y asentó en el las bases de una civilización y un progreso que anunciaban el mundo moderno. El profesor Waeatherford comenzó en 1990 a recorrer las rutas seguidas por Genghis Khan en Asia y a trabajar en equipo con arqueólogos e historiadores hasta conseguir esta asombrosa recontrucción de la vida del gran conquistador y de la historia de la guerra mundial de los mongoles, que nos explica en un libro extraordinario, que ha figurado en lugar destacado en las listas de bestsellers del New York Times. Porque, como ha dicho la crítica, Weatherford es, además, una narrador maravilloso.
“Just when you think there can be nothing fresh to be said about the long life of Winston Churchill, along comes biographer Michael Shelden’s page-turner about Churchill from age twenty-six to forty” ( The Washington Times )....

The Strategy of Denial
American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict
Discover a thought-provoking read that addresses America's defense strategy in light of China's growing power and ambition. Written by the lead architect of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, this book offers a clear framework for America's goals in confronting China, how its military strategy must change, and how it must prioritize these goals over its lesser interests. With a focus on realism and deeply engaged in current policy, this insightful book outlines a practical approach to prepare the United States to win a war with China that it cannot afford to lose.
This timeless novel depicts the struggles of individuals against the state during the Soviet Revolution. Through the story of three human beings fighting for the right to pursue their own happiness, readers witness the impact of politics on personal lives. Ayn Rand's We the Living is a powerful portrayal of socialism in action, both for those who resist and those who succumb.
Auren Hoffman
The Most Human Human
What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive
Explore the impact of computers on humanity and what it means to be "human" with this provocative and profound book. Starting with the annual Turing Test, which pits computers against people to determine if computers can "think," the author delves into the philosophical, biological, and moral issues raised by the test. Discover how the quest to be deemed more human than a computer opens a window onto our own nature and challenges our understanding of what makes us unique as a species.
Discover the true nature of disasters with this insightful and urgent book. Renowned author Niall Ferguson explains why we are failing to handle catastrophes, using historical events and modern-day crises as examples. With a focus on pandemics, earthquakes, wildfires, financial crises, and wars, Doom offers not only a history but a theory of disasters. Drawing from economics, cliodynamics, and network science, Ferguson highlights why our bureaucratic and complex systems are getting worse at handling these events. Urgently needed, Doom is a lesson in history to help us avoid irreversible decline.
Generations is a thought-provoking study of America's history as a succession of generational biographies, with each generation belonging to one of four types that repeat in a fixed pattern. This theory allows us to plot a cycle of spiritual awakenings and secular crises throughout American history, from its founding colonists to today. This book is a refreshing historical narrative that reorders our expectations for the twenty-first century.
Auren Hoffman
2022-05-02T14:46:06.000ZRecomendado por
Dev Khare
Los outsiders
Ocho CEOs no convencionales y su modelo radicalmente racional para el éxito
Qué es un CEO de éxito? A la mayoría de gente le viene a la mente una definición familiar: un dirigente experimentado con una gran experiencia en el sector. Otros señalarán las cualidades de los denominados CEOs famosos de hoy: carisma, habilidades de comunicación talentosas y un estilo de dirección seguro de sí mismo. Pero ¿qué importa realmente cuando se dirige una organización? ¿Cuál es el sello distintivo del excepcional desempeño de un CEO? Muy sencillo, son los retornos a largo plazo para los accionistas de esa empresa.
Learn practical strategies and insightful lessons from successful and failed coup attempts throughout the twentieth century. From Nigeria to Iraq, explore this violent and rarely-seen world of shifting power. This unique textbook for armchair revolutionaries and idealists alike offers practical guidance on everything from evaluating the political climate to recruiting and training personnel to ensuring timely transfer of power. Take an insightful glimpse into this world of coups d'etat with How to Stage a Military Coup.
Auren Hoffman
2021-08-23T00:45:29.000ZThe Elephant in the Brain by Kevin Simler
The Address Book by Deirdre Mask
Hillbilly by J. D. Vance
How To Raise An Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims
Cable Cowboy by Mark Robichaux
Conversaciones Dificiles by Douglas Stone