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Caroline McCarthy

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6 libros en la lista
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Wild New World book cover
Wild New World
The Epic Story of Animals and People in America
Dan Flores - 2022-10-25
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Winner of the 2023 Rachel Carson Environment Book Award...
Caroline McCarthy
What are your favorite recent books that weave history and culture together with multiple sciences? I’m currently reading this one by Dan Flores (his prior book about coyotes was recommended to me on Twitter and I loved it) and I can’t get enough of this genre of nonfiction.      fuente
El solitario del desierto book cover
El solitario del desierto
A Season in the Wilderness
Edward Abbey - 1971-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1968)
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Este relato poético es un auténtico manifiesto contra el saqueo de los paisajes naturales cometido por el hombre. Edward Abbey trabajó como ranger en el Parque Nacional de los Arcos, al sur de Utah, donde, en contacto íntimo con su característico mundo mineral, vivió una experiencia casi mística. Su elogio del esplendor del desierto, de las rocas de gres rosa y rojo esculpidas por la erosión, de las matas de enebro, se acompaña con una denuncia sin tapujos de la sociedad de consumo. Precursor del radicalismo de la contracultura norteamericana, Abbey se sitúa en la tradición de Henry David Thoreau y su obra es una de las más destacables de la escritura contemporánea sobre la naturaleza. El solitario del desierto es una obra que refleja un profundo amor hacia la naturaleza y un amargo aborrecimiento de todo aquello que supone profanarla. Detalla aventuras únicas y aborda el conflicto sobre cómo hacer frente a los daños causados por el desarrollo o el turismo excesivo. Pero no es una mera colección de historias, sino un libro de memorias filosóficas, lleno de reflexiones: el desierto como una paradoja, hermoso y liberador, y al mismo tiempo aislado y cruel. En definitiva, una poderosa discusión de los misterios de la vida con un trasfondo de agitación social, escrita desde el corazón del desierto norteamericano.
Caroline McCarthy
@BenjiBacker Have you read Desert Solitaire? There’s a big rant about this in the book (which was written in 1968) and Abbey’s solutions would frankly be rejected today for making outdoors access impossible for the elderly/disabled. It’s a really interesting problem.      fuente
Recomendado por
Maria Popova
El corazón del mundo book cover
El corazón del mundo
Una nueva historia universal (Serie Mayor)
Peter Frankopan - 2015-08-27
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El corazón que ha movido la historia del mundo, nos dice Peter Frankopan, investigador de la Universidad de Oxford, se encuentra en las tierras de Eurasia que recorrían las rutas de la seda. Allí surgieron los grandes imperios de la antigüedad y las grandes religiones de alcance universal. Allí se han desarrollado las mayores batallas de la historia, desde las conquistas de Alejandro a las dos Guerras Mundiales, pasando por las Cruzadas. Allí se libra también, desde hace más de cien años, la gran guerra por el petróleo que desangra a Oriente Próximo. Dominar este corazón del mundo era el sueño que perseguía Hitler y el que ha enfrentado, desde la guerra de Crimea hasta la actualidad, a Rusia con sus rivales. En un libro original y provocador, basado en una extraordinaria erudición, Peter Frankopan nos propone una nueva visión de la historia, nos descubre relaciones insospechadas entre los hechos del pasado y nos estimula a ver con una mirada distinta los acontecimientos del presente.
Caroline McCarthy
@kittypurrzog On a non-joking note... I truly cannot recommend this book enough      fuente
How the Irish Became White book cover
How the Irish Became White
Noel Ignatiev - 1996-08-21 (publicado por primera vez en 1995)
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This groundbreaking study explores the transformation of Irish immigrants in America from oppressed to oppressors. The book showcases how the Irish were able to achieve acceptance in their new country by being more brutal in their oppression of African Americans than the native population. Discover the social hierarchy that was based on skin color and the journey that led to the Irish becoming part of the ruling class in America. How the Irish Became White is a must-read for anyone interested in the complexities of American history.
Caroline McCarthy
@KaylaJNuss @philosipede @innonate @yashar YES. This. "How The Irish Became White" is a fantastic book that details how WASP elites leveraged white identity to split the working class by race to prevent populist revolts.      fuente
Wild City book cover
Wild City
A Brief History of New York City in 40 Animals
Thomas Hynes - 2020-05-26
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Discover 40 of New York City's most surprising ecological citizens through Wild City. From refugee parrots to vengeful groundhogs, this illustrated guide tells funny, quirky, and memorable stories of non-human residents. Learn about the creatures who are just as much New Yorkers as their human counterparts in this celebration of the city's surprising residents and evolving metropolis. If you're an animal lover or Big Apple devotee, Wild City is a must-have.
Caroline McCarthy
This book is so freaking amazing. From sewer alligators to gay penguins to the Montauk Monster to the raccoons who rule Central Park to the former stray cat who now sleeps in my bed, it is all about how non-human residents make NYC the wild and wonderful place that it is.      fuente
Nueve gigantes book cover
Nueve gigantes
How the Tech Titans and Their Thinking Machines Could Warp Humanity
Amy Webb - 2019-03-05
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A call-to-arms about the broken nature of artificial intelligence, and the powerful corporations that are turning the human-machine relationship on its head. We like to think that we are in control of the future of "artificial" intelligence. The reality, though, is that we--the everyday people whose data powers AI--aren't actually in control of anything. When, for example, we speak with Alexa, we contribute that data to a system we can't see and have no input into--one largely free from regulation or oversight. The big nine corporations--Amazon, Google, Facebook, Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Microsoft, IBM and Apple--are the new gods of AI and are short-changing our futures to reap immediate financial gain. In this book, Amy Webb reveals the pervasive, invisible ways in which the foundations of AI--the people working on the system, their motivations, the technology itself--is broken. Within our lifetimes, AI will, by design, begin to behave unpredictably, thinking and acting in ways which defy human logic. The big nine corporations may be inadvertently building and enabling vast arrays of intelligent systems that don't share our motivations, desires, or hopes for the future of humanity. Much more than a passionate, human-centered call-to-arms, this book delivers a strategy for changing course, and provides a path for liberating us from algorithmic decision-makers and powerful corporations.
Caroline McCarthy
If your 2020 resolutions involve more reading, the book I recommended to the most people in 2019 -- and continue to do so -- is @amywebb's THE BIG NINE. An essential primer on AI and the US-China tech rivalry. (It is a must for the entire #YangGang btw.)      fuente
Recomendado por
Kirk Borne