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American Prometheus
The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer
"American Prometheus" is a captivating biography that unveils the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer in unprecedented detail. Oppenheimer, the iconic "father of the atomic bomb," was the brain behind the scientific progress surrounding America during WWII. The book follows his journey from education at New York City's Ethical Culture School, to his social justice involvement and establishment of America's leading school of theoretical physics in California. The biography concludes at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where he directed from 1947 to 1966. This book is an essential read for those interested in WWII and Cold War history and how it has influenced our present and future.
El doctor Frankl, psiquiatra y escritor, suele preguntar a sus pacientes aquejados de múltiples padecimientos: «¿Por qué no se suicida usted?» Y muchas veces, de las respuestas extrae una orientación para la psicoterapia a aplicar: a éste, lo que le ata a la vida son los hijos; al otro, un talento, una habilidad sin explotar; a un tercero, quizás, sólo unos cuantos recuerdos que merece la pena rescatar del olvido. Tejer estas tenues hebras de vidas rotas en una urdimbre firme, coherente, significativa y responsable es el objeto con que se enfrenta la logoterapia.
En esta obra, Viktor E. Frankl explica la experiencia que le llevó al descubrimiento de la logoterapia. Prisionero, durante mucho tiempo, en los desalmados campos de concentración, él mismo sintió en su propio ser lo que significaba una existencia desnuda. ¿Cómo pudo él que todo lo había perdido, que había visto destruir todo lo que valía la pena, que padeció hambre, frío, brutalidades sin fin, que tantas veces estuvo a punto del exterminio, cómo pudo aceptar que la vida fuera digna de vivirla? El psiquiatra que personalmente ha tenido que enfrentarse a tales rigores merece que se le escuche, pues nadie como él para juzgar nuestra condición humana sabia y compasivamente. Las palabras del doctor Frankl alcanzan un temple sorprendentemente esperanzador sobre la capacidad humana de trascender sus dificultades y descubrir la verdad conveniente y orientadora.
Discover the transformative power of the macrobiotic lifestyle with this essential guide. Explore the central principles of macrobiotics, including plant-based whole foods and their impact on both the body and the environment. Learn cooking techniques, essential supplies, and delicious recipes for a macrobiotic kitchen. Explore the philosophy behind this approach to diet and lifestyle, and discover its role in natural healing. This updated edition of a classic guide is a must-read for anyone seeking inner peace and harmony with the world around them.
David Blaine
This humorous, heartfelt book takes a unique approach to memoir writing. Through hilarious anecdotes about his family and colorful storytelling, the author presents his unconventional worldview with a sharp tongue and generous heart. From impersonations of a nervous child to a Kerouac-inspired journey with a quadriplegic companion, this book is an entertaining and poignant exploration of life, death, and everything in between.
This book delves into the themes of spiritual poverty, asceticism, futility, and alienation of the modern artist. The author's edit before his death contributed to the power of these stories, making them his best-known and defining work. The title story, "A Hunger Artist," is a fatal fulfillment expressing Kafka's desire for permanence. The book contains four inspired stories, newly published in separate editions, each with its own illustrator from the Prague community.
David Blaine
Explore the mysterious life and influential works of one of the most significant writers in history. From his early days seeking fortune as a soldier, to his time spent as a captive in North Africa, to his unexpected success as an author, this book provides a deep dive into the life of Cervantès. Written by renowned Cervantès expert Jean Canavaggio, this book is a fascinating mix of historical fact and literary analysis that will appeal to anyone interested in the history of literature.
A chemist details his firsthand experience in the German concentration camps during World War II with clarity and poise. He does not shy away from the horrors he witnessed, but also finds beauty in the world. The memoir is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
Recomendado por
Esther Perel