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Hiten Shah

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20 libros en la lista
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Million Dollar Consulting, Sixth Edition book cover
Million Dollar Consulting, Sixth Edition
The Professional's Guide to Growing a Practice
Alan Weiss - 2003-08-05 (publicado por primera vez en 1992)
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Revitalize your consulting business for the 21st century with the sixth edition of this bestselling guide from renowned consultant, Alan Weiss. With step-by-step advice on adapting to disruptive technologies and evolving business models, Weiss shows you how to raise capital, attract clients, and create a successful marketing strategy. Learn to use volatility to your advantage, maximize your fees, and build powerful alliances for increased impact. Whether you're a solo consultant, coach, or entrepreneur, Million Dollar Consulting has everything you need to take your business to the next level.
Hiten Shah
@Producthoe Contracts with revision counts are important. This is my favorite book on the topic of consulting.      fuente
Recomendado por
Noah Kagan
The Startup Owner's Manual book cover
The Startup Owner's Manual
The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company
Steve Blank - 2012-01-01
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Welcome to The Startup Owner's Manual, a near-encyclopedic manual that will teach you * How to incorporate the Business Model Canvas as the organizing principle for startup hypotheses * How to find Product-Market fit * How to Get, Keep and Grow customers * How to fuel growth with metrics that matter The Startup Owner's Manual walks you, step-by-step, through the tested and proven Customer Development process created by startup expert Steve Blank, unlocking the secrets to building a successful, scalable company. This book: * Guides startups of all types in their search for a scalable, profitable business model * Explains the 9 deadly sins startups commit most often - and helps you avoid them * Provides separate paths and advice for physical versus web/mobile products * Explains how to test and iterate your company's road to product/market fit * Details strategies and tactics for how to get, keep and grow customers * Teaches a new math for startups -- metrics that matter * Includes detailed checklists at every step of the process ...and provides hundreds of ideas, watch-outs and "how tos" for founders! The Startup Owner's Manual lays out the best practices, lessons and tips that have swept the startup world, offering a wealth of proven advice and information for entrepreneurs of all stripes. It is used by thousands of startups, leading universities (including Stanford, U.C. Berkeley and Columbia) and the U.S. National Science Foundation, among many others. Use it in conjunction with The Startup Owner's Manual -- Founder's Workbook (bit.ly/SlPQqc), an interactive tool for tracking your progress through the Customer Development method.
Hiten Shah
@KrystynaCoyle @malone_co @jjen_abel Yes! His book: and his blog is great too:      fuente
Tribal Leadership book cover
Tribal Leadership
Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
Dave Logan - 2008-01-22
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Discover how different tribes exist within organizations and learn how to assess and lead them to maximize productivity and growth with this essential business management book. Tribal Leadership provides insight into how people interact and succeed, offering a nuanced view of high-performance cultures. With practical lessons that you can apply for the rest of your life, this book is a must-read for managers and business leaders looking to take better control of their organizations.
Hiten Shah
For founders transitioning to becoming managers. Here are three books worth reading.      fuente
Recomendado por
Sahil Lavingia
Cómo aumentar el rendimiento de los directivos book cover
Cómo aumentar el rendimiento de los directivos
Andrew S. Grove - 1995-08-29 (publicado por primera vez en 1983)
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This is a user-friendly guide to the art and science of management from Andrew S. Grove, the president of America's leading manufacturer of computer chips. Groves recommendations are equally appropriate for sales managers, accountants, consultants, and teachers--anyone whose job entails getting a group of people to produce something of value. Adapting the innovations that have made Intel one of America's most successful corporations, High Output Management teaches you: what techniques and indicators you can use to make even corporate recruiting as precise and measurable as manufacturing how to turn your subordinates and coworkers into members of highly productive team how to motivate that team to attain peak performance every time Combining conceptual elegance with a practical understanding of the real-life scenarios that managers encounter every day, High Output Management is one of those rare books that have the power to revolutionize the way we work
Hiten Shah
For founders transitioning to becoming managers. Here are three books worth reading.      fuente
Atrévete a no gustar book cover
Atrévete a no gustar
Libérate de tus miedos y alcanza la verdadera felicidad (Autoayuda y superación)
Ichiro Kishimi - 2019-01-03 (publicado por primera vez en 2013)
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Atrévete a no gustar te mostrará cómo desatar todo tu poder interior para tener el valor ser tú mismo, enseñándote una forma de pensar profundamente liberadora que te permitirá desarrollar el coraje para cambiar e ignorar las limitaciones que nosotros y las personas que nos rodean nos han impuesto. Escrito en forma de diálogo entre un filósofo y un joven, al estilo socrático, este libro es un acercamiento al mundo del autoconocimiento y las enseñanzas de Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung y Alfred Adler al alcance de todos.
Hiten Shah
If the title resonates with you, read this book.      fuente
Los 5 Elementos del pensamiento efectivo book cover
Los 5 Elementos del pensamiento efectivo
Edward B. Burger - 2012-08-26
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Los 5 elementos del pensamiento efectivo nos ofrece técnicas prácticas, entretenidas e inspiradoras para mejorar nuestra forma de pensar a partir de una idea simple: podemos aprender a pensar mejor adoptando estrategias específicas. La gente brillante no viene de otro mundo, simplemente usan su mente de forma diferente. Las técnicas propuestas en este libro nos enseñan a encontrar soluciones imaginativas a retos complicados, y a descubrir nuevas formas de ver el mundo y a nosotros mismos, encontrando nuevas oportunidades que nos habían pasado desapercibidas. Los 5 elementos que nos proponen los autores para pensar mejor son: 1 – Tierra: Fundamentar nuestro pensamiento; entender bien las cosas. 2 – Fuego: Aprender de los errores para enfocar las cosas de manera distinta y provechosa. 3 – Aire: Sé tu propio Sócrates: Plantearnos preguntas 4 – Agua: Seguir el flujo las ideas: mirar atrás, mirar hacia delante, crear nuevas ideas a partir de las viejas. 5 – elemento: Los cuatro elementos anteriores no sirven de nada si no se practican y no nos implicamos en el cambio. El libro también contiene ejemplos de historias reales y métodos concretos que nos permitirán desarrollar nuestra capacidad de razonar correctamente. Y, por último, descubriremos que todos somos capaces de cambiar.
Hiten Shah
@provisionalidea @araghougassian That is quite a long conversation. Plus everyone has different tactics that work from them. The commonality for successfully navigating strategy is seeking truth by willing to entertain ideas you reject at first. This book is pretty helpful.      fuente
Recomendado por
Derek Sivers
The Four Steps to the Epiphany book cover
The Four Steps to the Epiphany
Successful Strategies for Products that Win 2nd edition by Steven Gary Blank (2005) Paperback
Steven Gary Blank
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Hiten Shah
I heard @toddmckinnon speak last week. He talked about how important customer development was to @okta in the early days. He recommended @sgblank’s original book. I highly recommend this book for founders and early startup teams.      fuente
Founding Sales book cover
Founding Sales
The Early Stage Go-to-Market Handbook
Peter R Kazanjy - 2020-12-08
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This book is essential for founders leading B2B organizations that require direct sales interactions with buyers. Focused primarily on B2B SAAS software, it offers examples for new and potentially innovative offerings coming to market. Whether you're a first-time salesperson or manager in these types of organizations, this book will provide valuable insights for transitioning into a sales role.
Hiten Shah
Must-read sales and marketing books for startups.      fuente
Demand-Side Sales 101 book cover
Demand-Side Sales 101
Stop Selling and Help Your Customers Make Progress
Bob Moesta - 2020-09-14
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Learn how to shift your sales approach from icky selling to empowering your customers with Demand-Side Sales 101. Bob Moesta, co-architect of the “Jobs to be Done” theory, shares his unique perspective on how to help people buy and make progress in their lives. Discover how to understand your customers and be a more effective and innovative salesperson. Get ready to want to help people make progress!
Hiten Shah
Must-read sales and marketing books for startups.      fuente
Category Creation by Anthony Kennada
El Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick
Obviously Awesome by April Dunford
The Making of a Manager by Julie Zhuo
Smartcuts by Shane Snow
A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead by David Meerman Scott
Influencia. La psicología de la persuasión by Robert B. Cialdini
Mindset by Carol S. Dweck
La Guerra del Arte by Steven Pressfield
¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás! by Dr. Seuss