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Ryan Hoover

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11 libros en la lista
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La liberacion del alma book cover
La liberacion del alma
The Journey Beyond Yourself
Michael A. Singer - 2007-10-03
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¿Quién eres tú realmente? ¿Cómo sería poder elevarte sobre tus barreras y vivir libre de limitaciones? ¿Qué puedes hacer cada día para liberarte y hallar paz interior? La liberación del alma ofrece una respuesta sencilla y profundamente intuitiva a esas cuestiones. Tanto si esta es la primera vez que exploras tu espacio interior como si has dedicado toda tu vida al viaje interno, este libro transformará tu relación contigo mismo y con el mundo que te rodea. En La liberación del alma Michael Singer emplea el Gnana Yoga (el yoga del intelecto) para llevarnos paso a paso hasta la Fuente con elegante simplicidad.
Ryan Hoover
Just finished reading The Untethered Soul. This quote resonated with me the most: “You cannot spend your life avoiding things that are not actually happening, or everything will become negative”      fuente
The Great CEO Within book cover
The Great CEO Within
The Tactical Guide to Company Building
Matt Mochary - 2019-12-05
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Discover effective leadership and business-operating tools from a Silicon Valley coach who works with CEOs of the fastest-scaling tech companies. The Great CEO Within offers a system of accountability, problem-solving, and transparent feedback to efficiently scale your business from startup to corporation. With this book, any CEO or manager can learn to become a great leader and successfully guide their company to growth.
Ryan Hoover
Highly recommended read, especially for CEOs by @mattmochary and @maccaw      fuente
Indistractable book cover
How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life
Nir Eyal - 2019-09-10
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Discover how to become "indistractable" with this groundbreaking book by a former Stanford lecturer and behavioral design expert. Revealing the hidden psychology driving us to distraction, the author provides a four-step, research-backed model to help us finally follow through on our intentions. Learn how to get the best out of technology without letting it get the best of us, how to fix a dysfunctional company culture, and how to raise indistractable children in an increasingly distracting world. Practical and empowering, this book will help you control your time and attention to live the life you really want.
Ryan Hoover
Nir Eyal, author of Hooked, just published his next book, Indistractible 👏🏼 (I’m grabbing the audiobook)      fuente
Mindful Design book cover
Mindful Design
How and Why to Make Design Decisions for the Good of Those Using Your Product
Scott Riley - 2019-01-14
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"Mindful Design" by Scott Riley is a must-read for designers who want to create seamless designs that align with human behavior. This book explores brain science to help designers understand how to integrate product design into people's lifestyle, instead of disrupting it. The book introduces neurological aspects and limitations of human vision and perception, musical harmony, pattern recognition and cognitive perception, which are important to designers. The second half of the book focuses on practical application using real-world examples of interaction and interface design. Design is a responsibility and this book shows you how to make the right design choices that benefit users.
Ryan Hoover
This looks like a great book for product designers. Bookmarking for myself.      fuente
Taking the Work Out of Networking book cover
Taking the Work Out of Networking
Your Guide to Making and Keeping Great Connections
Karen Wickre - 2018-11-27
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Networking can be a necessary evil, particularly for introverts. But Karen Wickre's approach is all about embracing your quiet side and making genuine connections that last. As a former Google executive and self-described introvert who has worked in Silicon Valley for thirty years, she offers practical and creative strategies that allow you to nurture a vibrant circle of reliable contacts without leaving your comfort zone. This easy-to-use guide is perfect for anyone who finds themselves shying away from traditional networking activities, or who would prefer to be curled up with a good book.
Ryan Hoover
ATTN INTROVERTS: This new book by @kvox (ex-Google and Twitter) might speak to you: h/t @sacca      fuente
Atrévete a no gustar book cover
Atrévete a no gustar
Libérate de tus miedos y alcanza la verdadera felicidad (Autoayuda y superación)
Ichiro Kishimi - 2019-01-03 (publicado por primera vez en 2013)
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Atrévete a no gustar te mostrará cómo desatar todo tu poder interior para tener el valor ser tú mismo, enseñándote una forma de pensar profundamente liberadora que te permitirá desarrollar el coraje para cambiar e ignorar las limitaciones que nosotros y las personas que nos rodean nos han impuesto. Escrito en forma de diálogo entre un filósofo y un joven, al estilo socrático, este libro es un acercamiento al mundo del autoconocimiento y las enseñanzas de Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung y Alfred Adler al alcance de todos.
Ryan Hoover
It's like this book was written just for me. I came away with so many "aha!" moments that have helped me better understand myself.      fuente
Enganchado (Hooked) book cover
Enganchado (Hooked)
Cómo construir productos y servicios exitosos que formen hábitos
Nir Eyal - 2014-11-04 (publicado por primera vez en 2013)
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¿Por qué algunos productos capturan nuestra atención, mientras otros fracasan? ¿Qué hace que nos relacionemos con ciertos productos? ¿Hay un patrón que subyace a cómo nos enganchan algunas tecnologías? Este libro introduce a los lectores en el "Modelo Hook", un proceso de cuatro pasos que las empresas usan para construir hábitos. A través de ciclos de enganche (hook) consecutivos, los productos exitosos consiguen el objetivo final de atraer repetidamente a los usuarios - sin depender de costosa publicidad o agresivos mensajes. Enganchado (Hooked) es una guía para construir productos que la gente no pueda dejar. Escrito para gerentes de producto, diseñadores, gerentes de marketing, emprendedores, gerentes de desarrollo de clientes y gente ansiosa de aprender más acerca de elementos que nos ayuden a controlar nuestras conductas. Este libro entrega a los lectores: - Ideas prácticas para crear hábitos intensos en los usuarios. - Pasos accionables para construir productos que la gente ame. - Técnicas usadas por Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, y otros productos que forman hábitos. Nir Eyal resumió años de estudios, consultoría y experiencia práctica para escribir un manual para crear productos que forman hábitos. Nir ha enseñado en el Graduate School of Business de la Universidad de Stanford y en el Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school) de esa misma universidad. Sus escritos sobre tecnología, sociología y negocios aparecen en medios como el Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, TechCrunch, y Psychology Today.
Ryan Hoover
I've learned a lot about product design from @nireyal 👉🏼      fuente
Recomendado por
Joe MartinMarc Goodman
The Four Steps to the Epiphany book cover
The Four Steps to the Epiphany
Steve Blank - 2013-07-17 (publicado por primera vez en 2003)
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Learn how to successfully bring a product to market, write a business or marketing plan, and organize sales and business development with "The Four Steps to the Epiphany." Discover the importance of strategy and gain insight into what makes some startups successful while others fail. Packed with real-life examples, this book equips you with the skills to achieve success in your business ventures.
Ryan Hoover
Just finished reading The Four Steps to the Epiphany. Too much (good) info but thankfully there's a summary in the Appendix.      fuente
Recomendado por
Guy KawasakiRon Conway
Crush It! book cover
Crush It!
Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
Gary Vaynerchuk - 2009-10-14
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Learn how to turn your passion into a profitable business with the help of the Internet. In this book, the author shares his secrets on how to build your personal brand and make your entrepreneurial dreams come true. Follow his step-by-step guide and make use of modern business tactics to succeed. This is the ultimate driver's manual for anyone looking to cash in on their passion.
Ryan Hoover
@johnnyfontana Motivating stuff, isn't it? :) I love how he cuts to the point - no BS. #CrushIt      fuente
Recomendado por
Matt D'AvellaMark Bell
The Courage to be Happy by Ichiro Kishimi
The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell