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Chip Conley

Libros Recomendados

Chip Conley is an American hotelier, hospitality entrepreneur, author, and speaker.
21 libros en la lista
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Últimas recomendaciones primero
Re-educated book cover
Lucy Kellaway - 2022-07-14
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'A beautifully told story of courage, determination and, above all, magnificent defiance' Alan Johnson'Bracing and inspirational' Nigella Lawson'A wonderful writer... life-affirming' Jon Snow'There are lots of reasons to read this book, which has the fineness of detail, sharpness of humour and grace of a novel by Penelope Lively. But it's this busi...
Chip Conley
So far, my favorite book of 2021 is @lucykellaway's recently published book called “Re-educated: How I Changed My Job, My Home, My Husband and My Hair”. Her personal memoir doubles as a Modern Elder Academy manifesto.      fuente
Work book cover
A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots
James Suzman - 2020-09-03
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Discover the grand history of work and its impact on humankind in this revolutionary new book by leading anthropologist James Suzman. From the origins of life on Earth to our automated present, Suzman challenges our assumptions about work and how it defines our identity, relationships, and values. Drawing insights from various fields, he explores the transition from foraging to food production and the impact it had on humanity. Suzman argues that we are at a transformative point in history and that automation could lead to a more sustainable and equitable future.
Chip Conley
Here’s my list of recommended books for the first half of 2021 (a book a month), featuring authors @harari_yuval, @Isabelwilkerson, @konmari_co, @anthrowittering, @AdamMGrant, and @PaulHawken. Hope you enjoy!      fuente
Piénsalo otra vez book cover
Piénsalo otra vez
The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
Adam Grant - 2021-02-02
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Por lo general, asumimos que la inteligencia es la habilidad de pensar y aprender, pero en un mundo que cambia rápidamente como el actual, las habilidades para repensar y desaprender empiezan a valorarse más. Muchas personas privilegian la comodidad y la convicción por encima de la incomodidad y la duda; escuchan solo aquellas opiniones que les hacen sentir bien, en vez de las ideas que los desafían; ven el desacuerdo como una amenaza para su ego, en vez de una oportunidad para aprender; se rodean de personas que apoyan sus puntos de vista, en vez de gravitar en torno a sus contradictores. Cuanto más brillantes se creen, menos ven sus propias limitaciones. En este libro, el psicólogo organizacional Adam Grant, autor del bestseller mundial Originales (Paidós Empresa, 2017), muestra por qué no debemos creer todo aquello que pensamos ni tomarnos a pecho todo lo que sentimos, al tiempo que explica las ventajas de aprender a vivir en un estado de permanente aprendizaje y cuestionamiento. Piénsalo otra vez es una invitación para soltar aquello que no sirve y privilegiar la flexibilidad mental por encima de la rigidez obstinada y paralizante. Si el conocimiento empodera, saber que no lo sabemos todo, nos hace sabios.
Chip Conley
Adam Grant’s books are reliable bestsellers and this one is made for our times as it explores the science of rethinking our own opinions, opening other people’s minds, and building cultures that prize humility, curiosity, and mental flexibility over foolish consistency. He writes, “If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom.”      fuente
Casta book cover
El origen de lo que nos divide (Contextos)
Isabel Wilkerson - 2020-08-04
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In this book, Isabel Wilkerson gives us a portrait of an unseen phenomenon in America as she explores, through an immersive, deeply researched narrative and stories about real people, how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system, a rigid hierarchy of human rankings. Beyond race, class, or other factors, there is a powerful caste system that influences people's lives and behavior and the nation's fate. Linking the caste systems of America, India, and Nazi Germany, Wilkerson explores eight pillars that underlie caste systems across civilizations, including divine will, bloodlines, stigma, and more. Using riveting stories about people--including Martin Luther King, Jr., baseball's Satchel Paige, a single father and his toddler son, Wilkerson herself, and many others--she shows the ways that the insidious undertow of caste is experienced every day. She documents how the Nazis studied the racial systems in America to plan their out-cast of the Jews; she discusses why the cruel logic of caste requires that there be a bottom rung for those in the middle to measure themselves against; she writes about the surprising health costs of caste, in depression and life expectancy, and the effects of this hierarchy on our culture and politics. Finally, she points forward to ways America can move beyond the artificial and destructive separations of human divisions, toward hope in our common humanity.
Chip Conley
Isabel Wilkerson’s book, with the subtitle “The Origins of our Discontents,” was my most insightful, jaw-dropping read of last year as it helped me understand race relations in the U.S. with a whole new lens. And, she’s a poignant storyteller.      fuente
La felicidad en el trabajo book cover
La felicidad en el trabajo
Organizing Your Professional Life
Marie Kondo - 2020-04-07
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El puesto de trabajo es un imán para el desorden y el caos. ¿Quién no se ha sentido agotado por reuniones improductivas, papeles revueltos, interminables correos electrónicos y tareas innecesarias? Todo esto consume tu motivación, limita tus posibilidades de progreso y socava tubienestar. La felicidad en el trabajo aplica el famoso método KonMari al espacio donde ejerces tu actividad laboral. Ofrece historias, consejos prácticos y estrategias para eliminar el desorden en el lugar donde trabajas y disfrutar de la productividad, el éxito y la felicidad que conllevan un entorno laboral y una mente ordenados. Los autores te guían mientras organizas tu vida laboral, ayudándote a desarrollar la confianza, a aumentar el éxito profesional y, por supuesto, a generar alegría.
Chip Conley
I invited author Marie Kondo to our Airbnb Open festival in Paris in 2015 and found her a delight as we both are fascinated by the topic of Joy. Here she applies her “tidy up” point of view to our career. Sounds like she might appreciate MEA’s “Great Midlife Edit” ritual.      fuente
Recomendado por
Adam Grant
21 lecciones para el siglo XXI book cover
21 lecciones para el siglo XXI
Yuval Noah Harari - 2018-09-04
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Sapiens es un recorrido por nuestro pasado. Homo Deus, una mirada a nuestro futuro. 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI es una exploración de nuestro presente. ¿Cómo podemos protegernos de las guerras nucleares, los cataclismos ecológicos o las tecnologías disruptivas? ¿Qué podemos hacer contra la propagación de la posverdad o la amenaza del terrorismo? ¿Qué debemos enseñar a nuestros hijos? Con la misma prosa inteligente, fresca y provocadora, Harari vuelve a librerías con un nuevo título,21 lecciones para el siglo XXI, en el que examina algunas de las cuestiones más urgentes de nuestro presente. El hilo dorado que recorre este estimulante nuevo libro es el desafío de mantener nuestro enfoque colectivo e individual frente al constante y desorientador cambio que estamos viviendo. ¿Somos aún capaces de entender el mundo que hemos creado?
Chip Conley
This is required reading.      fuente
Drawdown book cover
The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
Paul Hawken - 2017-04-18
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This book contains 100 practical and realistic solutions to reverse global warming, based on meticulous research by leading scientists and policymakers around the world. Ranging from clean energy to land use practices, these techniques are economically viable and communities throughout the world are currently enacting them with skill and determination. Deployed collectively on a global scale over the next thirty years, they represent a credible path forward to reach drawdown, that point in time when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and begin to decline. These measures promise cascading benefits to human health, security, prosperity, and well-being.
Chip Conley
This book has become our manifesto for creating MEA Regenerative Communities.      fuente
Recomendado por
Katharine Hayhoe
La bailarina de Auschwitz book cover
La bailarina de Auschwitz
Embrace the Possible
Edith Eva Eger - 2017-09-05
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Una emocionante historia de superación sobre la capacidad del ser humano para sanar y vencer la adversidad Eger tenía dieciséis años cuando los nazis invadieron su pueblo de Hungría y se la llevaron con el resto de su familia a Auschwitz. Al pisar el campo, sus padres fueron enviados a la cámara de gas y ella permaneció junto a su hermana, pendiente de una muerte segura. Pero bailar El Danubio azul para Mengele salvó su vida, y a partir de entonces empezó una nueva lucha por la supervivencia. Primero en los campos de exterminio, luego en la Checoslovaquia tomada por los comunistas y, finalmente, en Estados Unidos, donde acabaría convirtiéndose en discípula de Viktor Frankl. Fue en ese momento, tras décadas ocultando su pasado, cuando se dio cuenta de la necesidad de curar sus heridas, de hablar del horror que había vivido y de perdonar como camino a la sanación. Su mensaje es claro: tenemos la capacidad de escapar de las prisiones que construimos en nuestras mentes y podemos elegir ser libres, sean cuales sean las circunstancias de nuestra vida.
Chip Conley
There are few books I’ve read that personally embrace the idea of #growthmindset (without using that term in the book) more than this one. It is a memoir forged on the foundation of forgiveness, resilience, autonomy, and generosity.      fuente
How to Live Forever book cover
How to Live Forever
The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations
Marc Freedman - 2018-11-20
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Discover the secret to happiness, longevity, and living on in this poignant book about mentoring the next generation. With insights from social innovators across the globe and inspiring stories of ordinary people and icons like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the author explores purpose and generativity, the drive for longevity, and the perils of age segregation to answer urgent questions about the increasing years beyond 50. Whether you're young, old, or somewhere in between, How to Live Forever is a deeply personal call to connect with the next generation and forge a legacy of love that lives beyond us.
Chip Conley
@marc_freedman, one of the wisest thought leaders and most committed students in the aging and longevity world, has been my Modern Elder. This book is his masterpiece. @EncoreOrg      fuente
Recomendado por
Joel Stein
The Third Chapter book cover
The Third Chapter
Passion, Risk, and Adventure in the 25 Years After 50
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot - 2009-01-06
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Explore the transformative and generative "third chapter" of life, when we are "neither young nor old," and learn how this period of creative reinvention can inspire individual growth and cultural transformation. Renowned sociologist Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot challenges outdated views of aging and offers passionate stories of risk, vulnerability, resilience, and new learning. Without being a how-to guide, The Third Chapter is a fascinating work of sociology that captures a new moment in history and offers insight and hope for our endless capacity for change and growth.
Chip Conley
I love the humanity of Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot. While this book is nearly 12 years old, it captures some of the vulnerability & bewilderment that people over 50 felt during the Great Recession that might be even further amplified by these pandemic times.      fuente
Taking the Work Out of Networking by Karen Wickre
The Happiness Curve by Jonathan Rauch
The 100-Year Life by Lynda Gratton
Dar y recibir by Adam Grant
Busca en tu interior by Chade-meng Tan
Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
Awake in the Wild by Mark Coleman
Setting the Table by Danny Meyer
El hombre en busca de sentido by Viktor E. Frankl
Meditaciones by Marcus Aurelius
Sobre la brevedad de la vida by Seneca