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Live Life in Crescendo
Your Most Important Work Is Always Ahead of You (The Covey Habits Series)
Discover how to live your best life, no matter your age, in this inspiring and encouraging final book from the legendary leadership expert, Stephen R. Covey. Co-written with his daughter, Live Life in Crescendo outlines Covey's vision on how to approach the challenges and opportunities of middle to later life. He urges readers to continually grow in contribution, learning, and influence and to use their time, talents, resources, passion, and influence to enrich the lives of those around them, including their family, community, and the world.
Scott Monty
2022-10-17T18:30:57.000ZThe Everyday Patriot is a powerful reminder of the values that make America great. In this inspiring book, Tom Morris calls on us to embrace the ideals that have defined our nation since its founding. With practical advice for applying these ideals in our daily lives, he shows us how to revive our democracy and come together as a shared enterprise. If you're looking for a way to heal divisions and renew your sense of purpose, this book is an essential read.
A poignant coming-of-age story set in 1979, exploring themes of innocence, growth, and the impact of war. Follow Vincent, a recent high school graduate, as he navigates his final summer before college, working alongside two Vietnam vets and learning valuable life lessons that stay with him 40 years later. A must-read novel about self-discovery and the pursuit of one's own destiny.
Scott Monty
2022-05-02T16:39:40.000ZJohn Livesay, a keynote speaker and author of the business book Better Selling Through Storytelling , presents us with a business fable set in Austin, Texas. It is about a sales representative whose old ways of selling are not working anymore. With the help of his colleague, he learns how to use storytelling in his sales meetings, which wins him m...
Scott Monty
2022-04-28T19:42:51.000Z¿Los líderes nacen o se hacen? ¿De dónde viene la ambición? ¿Cómo afecta la adversidad al crecimiento del liderazgo? ¿El líder hace a los tiempos o los tiempos hacen al líder? En Liderazgo: en tiempos turbulentos, Goodwin recurre a los cuatro presidentes que ha estudiado más de cerca –Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt y Lyndon B. Johnson (en derechos civiles)–, para mostrar cómo reconocieron las cualidades de liderazgo dentro de sí mismos y fueron reconocidos como líderes por parte de otros. Al recordar sus primeros pasos en la vida pública, los encontramos en un momento en que sus caminos estaban llenos de confusión, temor y esperanza a la vez.Liderazgo: en tiempos turbulentos, cuenta la historia de cómo todos ellos chocaron con drásticos cambios que interrumpieron sus vidas y amenazaron con destruir sus ambiciones para siempre. Sin embargo, todos emergieron preparados para enfrentar las situaciones y dilemas de sus tiempos.Ningún patrón común describe la trayectoria del liderazgo. Aunque se distinguieron por sus orígenes, habilidades y temperamento, estos hombres compartían una ambición feroz y una resiliencia profunda que les permitía superar dificultades inusuales. En su mejor momento, los cuatro fueron guiados por un sentido de propósito moral. En momentos de gran desafío, pudieron utilizar sus talentos para engrandecer las oportunidades y las vidas de los demás.
Scott Monty
2021-01-21T14:27:09.000ZDiscover the inspiring leadership techniques of one of America's greatest presidents with this bestselling and award-winning book. Team of Rivals is a thrilling narrative history that shows how Abraham Lincoln saved America by appointing his fiercest rival to key cabinet positions. This book was so impactful that it inspired Barack Obama during his presidency. Doris Kearns Goodwin, one of the most acclaimed non-fiction authors, presents a compelling portrait of Lincoln as a virtuosic politician and managerial genius.
Scott Monty
El poder de los introvertidos en un mundo incapaz de callarse
The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
El carácter, que determina en gran medida nuestra trayectoria personal y profesional, transita entre dos polos opuestos y complementarios: la introversión y la extroversión. Todos nosotros nos situamos en algún punto entre esos dos conceptos. La clave para maximizar nuestros talentos está en emplazarnos en la zona de estimulación más adecuada a nuestra personalidad. Así, los introvertidos se sentirán más vivos, más activos y más capaces en ambientes tranquilos, mientras que los extrovertidos ansiarán la estimulación.
Discover how the little things can change everything with this Wall Street Journal Bestseller. Andy Andrews shares exclusive material used to teach and coach some of the most successful corporations, teams, and individuals around the world. Learn how concentrating on the smaller things can add value and margin, as well as provide a new perspective and game plan for meeting life's challenges. Gain insight on managing life in a constantly offended society, creating permanent change, increasing results, and understanding our spiritual connection with God. This book is perfect for those looking to recognize the smallest details that ensure the greatest success.
Scott Monty
2020-07-14T16:06:25.000ZDiscover how to become "indistractable" with this groundbreaking book by a former Stanford lecturer and behavioral design expert. Revealing the hidden psychology driving us to distraction, the author provides a four-step, research-backed model to help us finally follow through on our intentions. Learn how to get the best out of technology without letting it get the best of us, how to fix a dysfunctional company culture, and how to raise indistractable children in an increasingly distracting world. Practical and empowering, this book will help you control your time and attention to live the life you really want.
Scott Monty
2019-11-29T01:20:43.000Z21 lecciones para el siglo XXI by Yuval Noah Harari