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Simon Sinek

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Simon Sinek is an American author and motivational speaker. He is the author of five books, including Start With Why and The Infinite Game.
14 libros en la lista
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Finite and Infinite Games book cover
Finite and Infinite Games
James P. Carse - 1987-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1986)
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Discover the intriguing world of finite and infinite games with this fascinating book. Author James P. Carse delves into the two types of games and explores the purpose of each. While finite games are played to be won, infinite games focus on continuing the play. Carse uncovers the impact these games have on our lives, from the nature of power and glory to the subtleties of love and science. This rich and insightful read is a journey of observation and enlightenment that will leave you thinking for years to come.
Everybody Matters book cover
Everybody Matters
The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family
Bob Chapman - 2015-10-06
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This book challenges the misconception that being a great leader means getting the "right" people on board. Instead, the authors suggest that real leaders focus on bringing out the best in the people who are already on the team. Through powerful stories from companies that have undergone successful cultural transformations, you'll learn how to create an environment of care, compassion, and human connection that fosters personal and professional growth. With actionable techniques for establishing an organizational vision, empowering employees through recognition and collaboration, and more, this book will equip you to lead with heart and create thriving work environments.
Simon Sinek
Bob Chapman's new book just came out! He is a remarkable example of how a company SHOULD run: putting people first      fuente
El poder de los introvertidos en un mundo incapaz de callarse book cover
El poder de los introvertidos en un mundo incapaz de callarse
The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Susan Cain - 2012-01-24
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El carácter, que determina en gran medida nuestra trayectoria personal y profesional, transita entre dos polos opuestos y complementarios: la introversión y la extroversión. Todos nosotros nos situamos en algún punto entre esos dos conceptos. La clave para maximizar nuestros talentos está en emplazarnos en la zona de estimulación más adecuada a nuestra personalidad. Así, los introvertidos se sentirán más vivos, más activos y más capaces en ambientes tranquilos, mientras que los extrovertidos ansiarán la estimulación.
Simon Sinek
Leaders needn’t be the loudest. Leadership is not about theater. It’s not about dominance. It is about putting the lives of others before any other priority. In Quiet, Cain affirms to a good many of us who are introverts by nature that we needn’t try to be extroverts if we want to lead. Simply being ourselves is more important — and more effective.      fuente
Dar y recibir book cover
Dar y recibir
Por qué ayudar a los demás conduce al éxito (MARKETING Y VENTAS)
Adam Grant - 2013-04-09
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Dicen que la gente de éxito tiene tres cosas en común: motivación, capacidad y oportunidad. Si queremos alcanzar el éxito, necesitaremos además trabajo, talento y suerte. Hay, sin embargo, un cuarto ingrediente, un ingrediente crítico pero que a menudo pasa desapercibido: el éxito depende en gran parte de cómo interactuamos con los demás. Cada vez que interactuamos con alguien, debemos elegir entre intentar conseguir el máximo valor posible para nosotros o contribuir a que el otro consiga valor sin preocuparnos por lo que recibimos. Es decir, elegir entre ser «receptores » o ser «donantes». Dar y recibir te descubrirá la clave del éxito de quienes se vuelcan en los demás y cambiará para siempre tus percepciones sobre el triunfo y el fracaso. Pero te enfrentará a una paradoja: poner en práctica las ideas de este libro no te funcionará si sólo te mueve la ambición por conseguir el éxito.
Simon Sinek
Gotta say, I'm pretty flattered every time asks me if I've read @AdamMGrant book Give and Take. Good guy. Good book.      fuente
Bend, Not Break book cover
Bend, Not Break
A Life in Two Worlds
Ping Fu - 2012-12-31
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From hunger and humiliation to entrepreneurial success, follow the inspiring journey of a survivor of Mao’s Red Guard. Born in China during the Cultural Revolution, Ping Fu was separated from her family at a young age and overcame impossible odds to make it to the US with only $80 and a few phrases in English. This powerful memoir shares the lessons she learned from her harrowing childhood and how they guided her to become a strong, independent leader. Critics praise the book for its candor, heart-rending moments, and triumph over adversity.
Simon Sinek
If you know someone who thinks they're a victim of their circumstances, inspire them with this book @pfugeomagic      fuente
It's Your Business book cover
It's Your Business
183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business
JJ Ramberg - 2012-10-16
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This book provides essential guidance for small business owners on topics ranging from HR to finance, PR to sales. Featuring advice from successful entrepreneurs like Blake Mycoskie and Guy Kawasaki, the author presents simple and effective guidance that can be put to use right away. A must-read for business owners of all types and sizes.
Simon Sinek
If you know an entrepreneur, give them a copy of @jjramberg new book to help them on their journey      fuente
¡Cambia el barco de rumbo! book cover
¡Cambia el barco de rumbo!
Una historia real sobre cómo transformar a seguidores en líderes
L. David Marquet - 2013-05-16
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David Marquet, oficial de la Navy con una gran experiencia, estaba acostumbrado a dar órdenes. Cuando accedió al cargo de capitán del submarino nuclear USS Santa Fe, tenía bajo su mando a más de cien marines en las profundidades del mar. Marquet seguía el modelo tradicional de liderar el barco, hasta que un día, involuntariamente, dio una orden imposible y, pese a ello, su tripulación intentó cumplirla. Marquet descubrió entonces que estaba rodeado de seguidores, y que todos estarían en peligro hasta que no se produjera un cambio radical. ¡Cambia el barco de rumbo! es la historia real de cómo el Santa Fe, tras cuestionarse el tradicional modelo líder-seguidor de la Navy, pasó de ser el barco peor valorado de toda la flota a convertirse en el mejor de todos. Su tripulación empezó a sentirse plenamente comprometida y a desarrollar todo su potencial. Independientemente del lugar que ocupe en su empresa, usted también podrá aplicar el modelo de Marquet para cambiar radicalmente el rumbo de su barco. Su recompensa: una organización en la cual las personas asumen plenamente sus responsabilidades, y donde son, en definitiva, más felices.
Simon Sinek
Very excited! David Marquet's book just came out! I'm a huge fan of his & learn A LOT from him. @totheleadernyou      fuente
Ghost Wars book cover
Ghost Wars
The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
Steve Coll - 2004-12-28
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Discover the true story behind the CIA's secret role in al-Qaeda's evolution in this Pulitzer Prize-winning book. Journalist Steve Coll draws from years of reporting in the Middle East, government files, and interviews with officials to provide an inside look into the covert funding of an Islamic jihad against Soviet forces in Afghanistan. Follow the rise of Bin Laden's global network and the battles within the US government over national security. Ghost Wars lays bare American intelligence's failure to comprehensively assess the growing threat of terrorism leading up to 9/11.
Simon Sinek
@varf27 Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl is a life changing book. I really liked Ghost Wars about rise of Bin Laden. Fascinating.      fuente
Unbinding the Heart book cover
Unbinding the Heart
A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love
Agapi Stassinopoulos - 2012-02-01
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Unbinding the Heart takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the conditions we put on our happiness and the ways in which we disconnect from our true selves. Through heartfelt stories full of insight and humor, the author shares her own path to finding authentic expression, inspiring readers to let go of beliefs that bind them and embrace a deeper understanding of life and love.
Simon Sinek
My friend @agapisays has a new book that passes on some wonderful lessons.      fuente
El hombre en busca de sentido by Viktor E. Frankl
Heroes for My Son by Brad Meltzer
Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky
Armas, gérmenes y acero by Jared Diamond
1421 by Gavin Menzies