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Jonathan Haidt

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Jonathan David Haidt is an American social psychologist, Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University's Stern School of Business, and author. His main areas of study are the psychology of morality and the moral emotions. Haidt's main scientific contributions come from the psychological field of moral foundations theory.
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Lincoln and the Fight for Peace book cover
Lincoln and the Fight for Peace
John Avlon - 2022-02-15
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Explore the inspiring story of Abraham Lincoln's quest for a just and lasting peace after the Civil War. This groundbreaking history delves into how Lincoln's vision inspired future presidents and famous peacemakers, including Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Discover how Lincoln's personal example of depolarizing bitter debates and balancing moral courage with moderation continues to inspire generations today in their own quests for peace. This is a story of war and peace, race and reconciliation, and the unfinished symphony of Lincoln's plan for a magnanimous peace.
Jonathan Haidt
If you want to read a great book about a great man who was the moral leader that America desperately needed, read @JohnAvlon's moving bio of Lincoln's last weeks, and the long reach of his early death. Here's my Amazon review of it:      fuente
Of Boys and Men book cover
Of Boys and Men
Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It
Richard V. Reeves - 2022-09-27
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A thought-provoking book on the crisis of masculinity in today's world. With profound socio-economic changes pushing many guys back in life, the author offers innovative and practical solutions to bridge the gap. A must-read for anyone interested in gender equality and helping boys and men become their best selves.
Jonathan Haidt
Here is my blurb for @RichardvReeves's important book Of Boys and Men:      fuente
The Opposite of Spoiled book cover
The Opposite of Spoiled
Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money
Ron Lieber - 2015-02-03
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This taboo-shattering manifesto explains how talking openly to children about money can help parents raise financially wise young adults. Written by a personal finance columnist and father, it provides a practical guidebook and a values-based philosophy on how to handle topics like allowance, charity, and college tuition. This book shares how to embrace the topic of money to help parents raise kids who are more generous and less materialistic, and promises to make our kids better with money than we are.
Jonathan Haidt
I'm reading a wonderful book for those who want to raise uncoddled kids: "Unspoiled," by NYT columnist @ronlieber. It's about how to teach virtues while teaching kids how to handle money. I wish i had read it when my kids were in elementary school. Here's a gem: @LetGrow      fuente
Nadie pierde book cover
Nadie pierde
La teoría de juegos y la lógica del destino humano
Robert Wright
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In his bestselling The Moral Animal, Robert Wright applied the principles of evolutionary biology to the study of the human mind. Now Wright attempts something even more ambitious: explaining the direction of evolution and human history–and discerning where history will lead us next. In Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny, Wright asserts that, ever since the primordial ooze, life has followed a basic pattern. Organisms and human societies alike have grown more complex by mastering the challenges of internal cooperation. Wright's narrative ranges from fossilized bacteria to vampire bats, from stone-age villages to the World Trade Organization, uncovering such surprises as the benefits of barbarian hordes and the useful stability of feudalism. Here is history endowed with moral significance–a way of looking at our biological and cultural evolution that suggests, refreshingly, that human morality has improved over time, and that our instinct to discover meaning may itself serve a higher purpose. Insightful, witty, profound, Nonzero offers breathtaking implications for what we believe and how we adapt to technology's ongoing transformation of the world. From the Trade Paperback edition.
Jonathan Haidt
My thinking has been very influenced by @robertwrighter's book NonZero, which is just as relevant today as it was in 1999. There IS a future in which digital media gives us a far better democratic society than we have today. But it may be hard to get from here to there.      fuente
Agridulce (Bittersweet) book cover
Agridulce (Bittersweet)
How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole
Susan Cain - 2022-04-05
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Si alguna vez te has preguntado por qué te gusta la música triste... Si encuentras consuelo o inspiración en un día lluvioso... Si reaccionas intensamente a la música, el arte, la naturaleza y la belleza... Entonces, probablemente, te identifiques con el sentimiento agridulce. Esta obra maestra es una mezcla de investigación, narración de historias y memorias que ahonda en los sentimientos de tristeza y añoranza, llegando a la conclusión de que aceptar la condición agridulce de la vida es el verdadero camino hacia la creatividad, la conexión y la trascendencia. Susan Cain demuestra que el sentimiento agridulce es la fuerza silenciosa que nos ayuda a trascender nuestro dolor personal y colectivo. Si no reconocemos nuestro propio dolor, dice, podemos terminar infligiéndolo a los demás a través del abuso, la dominación o la negligencia. Pero si nos damos cuenta de que todos los seres humanos conocen, o conocerán, la pérdida y el sufrimiento, podemos volvernos unos hacia otros. En una época de discordia y ansiedad personal, Agridulce nos une de manera profunda e inesperada.
Jonathan Haidt
A gorgeous book was published yesterday. Bittersweet, by @susancain. My blurb for it: "She takes you to a room in your own heart full of treasures that you had forgotten about. This is a book to read, feel, and savor."      fuente
Breaking the Social Media Prism book cover
Breaking the Social Media Prism
How to Make Our Platforms Less Polarizing
Chris Bail - 2021-04-06
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Explore the deep social divisions powered by user behavior on social media and discover how we can defeat political tribalism in Chris Bail's insightful book, Breaking the Social Media Prism. Bail challenges common myths about echo chambers and radicalizing algorithms, revealing that the solution to political polarization lies within ourselves. Drawing on online experiments and interviews with users from across the political spectrum, he provides fresh solutions to counter tribalism, introduces new apps and bots, and explores the possibility of redesigning social media from scratch. This data-driven book offers recommendations for strengthening our social media connections and combating online polarization without resorting to deleting our accounts.
Jonathan Haidt
.@chris_bail wrote a superb book "Breaking the Social Media Prism," based on his research. In this Nature commentary he lays out what kind of research we most need now to figure out how to make social media less harmful:      fuente
Recomendado por
Timothy Keller
The Way Out book cover
The Way Out
How to Overcome Toxic Polarization
Peter T. Coleman - 2021-06-01
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This book delves into the toxic political polarization in the United States that has led to fear and hatred between opposing parties. The author, a social psychologist, offers an escape from this rut by exploring how conflict resolution and complexity science provide guidance for dealing with seemingly intractable political differences. With personal accounts and lessons from leading-edge research, this vital and timely guide provides principles and practices for navigating and healing difficult divides in our homes, workplaces, and communities.
Jonathan Haidt
Great advice on how to avoid arguments and connect with people instead, with many insights from @PeterTColeman1 and his excellent book The Way Out.      fuente
Let's Be Reasonable book cover
Let's Be Reasonable
A Conservative Case for Liberal Education
Jonathan Marks - 2021-02-09
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"Let's Be Reasonable" is a thought-provoking defense of liberal education by conservative professor, Jonathan Marks. Using the ideas of John Locke and others, Marks argues that the true purpose of college is to encourage people to be reasonable, and why the health of our democracy is at stake. He reveals why conservative nightmare visions of liberal persecution and indoctrination bear little resemblance to what actually goes on in college classrooms. This book offers a compelling case for why conservatives must not give up on higher education and shows why reason is more than just a tool for scoring political points.
Jonathan Haidt
This is a really good book, with new ideas for people on the left and the right about why universities are important and how to improve them in our polarized time. By @marksjo1      fuente
How to Have a Good Day book cover
How to Have a Good Day
Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life
Caroline Webb - 2016-02-02
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Transform your approach to everyday working life with How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb. Drawing on recent findings in behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience, Webb shares science-based techniques to boost workplace performance and enjoyment. Organized around seven practices central to having a good day, this book teaches readers how to prioritize, make productive use of time, have effective conversations, and achieve personal impact. Filled with real stories and cutting-edge research, How to Have a Good Day provides practical ways to apply insights and handle common workplace challenges.
Jonathan Haidt
This should be really good. @Caroline_Webb_ 's book How to Have a Good Day is fantastic -- it's the main text for my pos psych course at @NYUStern. Here she'll apply it to covid times.      fuente
Science Fictions by Stuart Ritchie
Indistractable by Nir Eyal