Nick Thompson
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Nicholas Thompson Swisher is an American former professional baseball outfielder and first baseman in Major League Baseball. He was a switch hitter who threw left-handed, and played for the Oakland Athletics, Chicago White Sox, New York Yankees, Cleveland Indians and Atlanta Braves.
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Por qué el budismo es verdad
La ciencia y flosofía de la meditación y la iluminación
Nick Thompson
Recomendado por
Nigel Warburton
Strangers Drowning
Impossible Idealism, Drastic Choices, and the Urge to Help
Explore extreme ethical commitment and the lives of those who devote themselves entirely to helping others in this captivating read. In Strangers Drowning, author Larissa MacFarquhar tells intimate stories of individuals who've made deep sacrifices in pursuit of their beliefs, highlighting their integrity, compromises, bravery, and recklessness, as well as their joys and defeats. MacFarquhar also delves into the literature, philosophy, social science, and self-help that have contributed to a deep suspicion of do-gooders in Western culture. This thought-provoking book challenges us to examine what we truly value and why.
Nick Thompson

Un maravilloso porvenir
Vida, muerte y esperanza en los suburbios de Bombay
"Bombay, 17 de julio de 2008. Se acercaba la medianoche. La mujer coja tenía quemaduras graves y la policía de Bombay iba a venir a buscar a Abdul y a su padre. En una chabola junto al aeropuerto internacional los padres de Abdul tomaron una decisión importante. El padre, enfermo, esperaría dentro de la choza alfombrada de basura con techumbre de hojalata en la que vivían. En el arresto no se opondría. Abdul, el sostén económico de la familia, y no él era quien tenía que escapar…".
Abdul, Asha, Kalu viven en Annawadi, un suburbio de Bombay rodeado de hoteles de lujo cerca del aeropuerto. A diario luchan por sobrevivir en una época de apabullante cambio global, en una realidad que les ofrece su cara más amarga y en la que, sin embargo, todavía son libres para soñar con un futuro fuera de la basura y de la pobreza, con un maravilloso porvenir.
La periodista Katherine Boo, ganadora del premio Pulitzer, construye en Un maravilloso porvenir un retrato conmovedor e íntimo, que se sustenta en una investigación de más de tres años, en el que hace gala de un estilo periodístico magistral y en el que reconstruye la dramática historia de varias familias en India y su empuje y optimismo por avanzar y superar cada obstáculo con la convicción firme de que algún día lograrán un futuro fuera de la miseria y la desigualdad.
Discover the ancient craft of birch-bark canoe-making in The Survival of the Bark Canoe. Follow author John McPhee on a 150-mile journey through the Maine woods with Henri Vaillancourt, who builds these beautiful canoes using the same methods and tools as the Native Americans. The book explores the evolution of the bark canoe and its role in opening up the Canadian North Woods to fur traders. McPhee's talents as a journalist are on brilliant display in this fascinating and effortless read.
In his bestselling The Moral Animal, Robert Wright applied the principles of evolutionary biology to the study of the human mind. Now Wright attempts something even more ambitious: explaining the direction of evolution and human history–and discerning where history will lead us next.
In Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny, Wright asserts that, ever since the primordial ooze, life has followed a basic pattern. Organisms and human societies alike have grown more complex by mastering the challenges of internal cooperation. Wright's narrative ranges from fossilized bacteria to vampire bats, from stone-age villages to the World Trade Organization, uncovering such surprises as the benefits of barbarian hordes and the useful stability of feudalism. Here is history endowed with moral significance–a way of looking at our biological and cultural evolution that suggests, refreshingly, that human morality has improved over time, and that our instinct to discover meaning may itself serve a higher purpose. Insightful, witty, profound, Nonzero offers breathtaking implications for what we believe and how we adapt to technology's ongoing transformation of the world.
From the Trade Paperback edition.