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Jeff Atwood

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Jeff Atwood is an American software developer, author, blogger, and entrepreneur. He writes the computer programming blog Coding Horror
18 libros en la lista
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Seeing with Fresh Eyes book cover
Seeing with Fresh Eyes
Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
Edward R. Tufte - 2020-01-01
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"Seeing with Fresh Eyes" by Edward R. Tufte is a groundbreaking book that challenges conventional models of thinking and encourages readers to question everything. With a focus on meaning and space, Tufte explores the power of typography, redesigning sentences, and the art of annotations. He also tackles data analysis and the relationship between evidence and conclusions. With practical tips on how to make smarter, shorter meetings and how to remodel the back-matter in books, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to see the world in a new light.
Jeff Atwood
And the final version! Thank you @EdwardTufte .. be sure to pick up a copy, these books profoundly influenced my work.      fuente
Top 10 Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself book cover
Top 10 Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself
Second Edition
J. Theophrastus Bartholomew - 2019-02-27
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Create and explore immersive stories that you control in "Top 10 Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself." No need for peripherals or extra materials, just rely on the ultimate gaming engine, your mind. Edited and updated by Sam Gorski and D.F. Lovett, this collection features mind-games that let you create your own breathing, living story and come back to it time and time again. Filled with surprises and endless possibilities, these games are sure to keep you engaged and entertained.
Jeff Atwood
This book is *profoundly* weird... next level galaxy brain weird. I mean that as a compliment! 🥴      fuente
The 100 Deadliest Karate Moves book cover
The 100 Deadliest Karate Moves
Ted Gambordella - 1982-01-01
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Discover the ultimate guide to lethal karate combat with this book. Explore the top 100 deadliest moves, including snap kicks and vital point strikes, used by the world's most skilled karate masters. With over 100 action-packed photos, learn how to master street-fighting techniques and take your martial arts skills to the next level.
Jeff Atwood
@Seanbabydotcom YES I OWN THIS BOOK AND IT IS MAGNIFICENT      fuente
59 segundos book cover
59 segundos
Piensa un poco para cambiar mucho (NO FICCIÓN)
Richard Wiseman - 2010-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2009)
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«Sophie es una treintañera inteligente y triunfadora, con un puesto de responsabilidad en una empresa de asesoría de gestión. Sophie me explicó que acababa de comprar un libro bastante conocido sobre cómo ser más feliz y me preguntó qué pensaba de la industria. Empecé a describir algunos de los complejos trabajos académicos sobre la felicidad y, al cabo de unos quince minutos, ella me detuvo y me explicó que, por muy interesante que fuera lo que le contaba, era una persona ocupada. Así que me preguntó si podría darle un consejo eficaz que no llevase tanto tiempo. Yo repuse que de cuánto tiempo disponía. Sophie miró la hora, sonrió y contestó: “Más o menos un minuto”. El comentario de Sophie me hizo pararme a pensar». Richard Wiseman Es profesor en la Universidad de Hertfordshire en Gran Bretaña, y es célebre internacionalmente por sus investigaciones en materias poco comunes como el engaño, la suerte y el humor. Además de su actividad docente, es un apasionado defensor y divulgador de la ciencia, e interviene en los medios de comunicación, en conferencias para públicos no especializados o en estudios de mercado para el sector privado.
Jeff Atwood
@jonobacon highly recommend this book as well      fuente
The Great Brain book cover
The Great Brain
John D. Fitzgerald - 2004-02-09 (publicado por primera vez en 1967)
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This book follows the adventures of the Great Brain, a ten-year-old con artist in the Midwest. With his silver tongue and knack for turning a profit, he manages to save the day and line his pockets at the same time. From rescuing friends to helping out new kids in school, the Great Brain always comes out on top.
Jeff Atwood
Reading The Great Brain series with my 9 year old son and belatedly realizing I learned everything I know about business from these books, 35 years ago      fuente
Recomendado por
Anne Thériault
Grumpy Cat Little Golden Book Favorites book cover
Grumpy Cat Little Golden Book Favorites
Golden Books - 2018-12-11
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Join the famous feline Grumpy Cat in this hardcover storybook collection featuring three cat-tastic tales: The Little Grumpy Cat That Wouldn't, A Is for Awful, and Yawn!: A Grumpy Cat Bedtime Story. With over 8 million Facebook followers, her own TV movie, a mobile game, and now her very own collection of Little Golden Books, Grumpy Cat is a must-read for fans of all ages. This hardcover Little Golden Book features full-color illustrations and is the perfect addition to any cat lover's library.
Jeff Atwood
The amazing thing about this book is that the cat does not break character the whole time, it's breathtaking      fuente
Code Complete book cover
Code Complete
A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition
Steve McConnell - 2004-07-07 (publicado por primera vez en 1993)
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This practical guide to programming is considered one of the best out there. The updated and revised edition includes hundreds of new code samples that demonstrate the art and science of software construction. Whether you're a novice or experienced developer, you'll discover effective techniques and principles that will inform and stimulate your thinking, helping you to build high-quality code. Learn how to design for simplicity and creativity, collaborate with others, refactor code safely, debug problems quickly, and build a quality project from start to finish.
Jeff Atwood
Q: Why do you recommend Code Complete so much? A: In programming, people can be very dogmatic about what they think is right. Code Complete is not preachy in that way and instead cites a lot of data.      fuente
Recomendado por
Taylor Otwell
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum book cover
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity
Alan Cooper - 2004-02-24 (publicado por primera vez en 1999)
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Discover the power of technology through "The Inmates Are Running the Asylum." Author Alan Cooper sheds light on the common confusion surrounding electronics, computer chips, and other technologies found in everyday life. Cooper offers a new perspective on common sense interactions and offers insight into how technology can be designed to work for us, not the other way around.
Jeff Atwood
Q: One of the books you mention on your blog is Alan Cooper’s The Inmates Are Running the Asylum. When I read the book, I must admit to being a little bit offended by his description of software engineers as loving complexity. A: But they totally do! The book is completely correct! That’s one of my lessons to my fellow programmers: Stop trying to be a great programmer, and focus on trying to be a great human being. How do you build things that human beings can actually use. I’m not saying you have to fall in love with your fellow human beings—they’re a lot harder to love and are a lot more erratic than you’d like. But you have to appreciate that, if you want people to use your stuff, you have to understand human factors. You have to appreciate that you need to ask: What’s the prior art on this? How are other people doing this, from a design perspective? That's absolutely critical to being a great programmer.      fuente
Recomendado por
Brian Armstrong
Peopleware book cover
Productive Projects and Teams (3rd Edition)
Tom Demarco - 1999-02-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1987)
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"Improve Your Team's Success with Peopleware" is a direct and engaging book written for software development-team leaders and managers. Authors Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister offer commonsense wisdom to help teams work together harmoniously and productively, citing failures of teamwork as the cause of most software development project failures. Filled with humorous anecdotes, this refreshing read ranges from simple prioritization to complex team dynamics. Whether you work in technology or not, "Peopleware" offers advice and insight to boost your team's success.
Jeff Atwood
The book Peopleware was actually instrumental in our getting this understanding that 80% of anything you attack is about questions like: How do people interact with the software? How can you get them to interact in a way that makes sense? That’s what you need to worry about. A lot of the time it doesn’t matter if your code is technically correct or pretty. That’s irrelevant if no one can actually understand what the hell it does. So, let’s get to first principles, first causes. Let’s understand what’s going on here.      fuente
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Kevin Kelly
Friday Night Lights by H. G. Bissinger
No me hagas pensar. Una aproximación a la usabilidad en la Web by Steve Krug
About Face by Alan Cooper
Prioritizing Web Usability by Jakob Nielsen
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte
El programador pragmático. Edición especial by David Thomas
Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley
Desarrollo y Gestion de Proyectos Informáticos by Steve McConnell
The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks Jr.