14 libros en la lista
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Shooting Midnight Cowboy
Art, Sex, Loneliness, Liberation, and the Making of a Dark Classic
A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author takes readers behind the scenes of the controversial and groundbreaking 1969 Oscar-winning film that explored a range of taboo subjects, including sexuality, prostitution, and cultural alienation in 1960's New York. Discover the unlikely convergence of a director, producer, and screenwriter who came together to create a classic cinematic masterpiece that defied the odds in a troubled city at a time of social and cultural change. Featuring interviews with actors and industry insiders, this book is a must-read for fans of American cinema and those interested in the making of an iconic film that pushed boundaries and paved the way for future generations of filmmakers.
Mark Harris
2022-10-26T00:50:53.000ZLa ciudad como paraíso, de Hollywood a Bel Air, y la ciudad como vertedero posmoderno del sueño americano, en sus conflictos raciales, en las guerras de bandas juveniles, en el vagabundeo de los desposeídos del neoliberalismo Reagan-Bush o en la desmedida violencia policial.
Ciudad de cuarzo nos muestra Los Ángeles como espejo del capitalismo avanzado, la doble metáfora de nuestra civilización: construcción imaginaria en el cine y la novela negra, en las leyendas empresariales o en la contracultura de los sesenta, frente a la construcción real, con el desarrollo histórico de sus estructuras de poder: las viejas dinastías del Los Angeles Times, los estudios de cine y la industria aeroespacial o la reciente irrupción del capital japonés en un Los Ángeles cada día más hispano, «nuevo supermercado espiritual», en el que las más delirantes sectas de ciencia ficción se encuentran en el mismo estante que los dogmas religiosos clásicos o los alimentos macrobióticos y las cremas bronceadoras, y en el que campea el carácter represivo de arquitecturas monumentales y posmodernas como la de Frank Gehry.
Tal vez lo que más sorprenda al lector español sea su vibrante denuncia de la devastación del tejido industrial y la cultura obrera y popular, en lo que constituye un conmovedor elogio fúnebre de la conciencia de clase en Norteamérica. Con todo, lo que ha convertido en imprescindible este clásico contemporáneo de Mike Davis es la novedad radical de su aproximación al fenómeno de la ciudad, al que se enfrenta desde múltiples perspectivas, para ofrecernos una visión poliédrica que se expande en varias direcciones.
Rigor incontestable, ácida ironía, implacable lucidez: Mike Davis nos descubre que hasta ahora veíamos las ciudades con mirada engañosa de tarjeta postal, proporcionándonos un aparato óptico para aprender a analizar cualquier ciudad desde su interior, en tres dimensiones y en movimiento, a partir de la memoria y la historia, y hacia el futuro que sus estructuras nos revelan.
Mark Harris
After Cooling
On Freon, Global Warming, and the Terrible Cost of Comfort
This nonfiction book delves into the science and history of Freon, a refrigerant that once threatened to cause irreparable damage to our planet. Through a mix of climate science, road trip anecdotes, and thought-provoking philosophy, the author explores the impact of our actions on the environment, and offers a glimpse of hope for combating global warming. A fascinating and timely read that encourages reflection on our role as caretakers of the earth.
Mark Harris
2021-07-06T23:21:06.000ZEn el mundo del espionaje un topo crea laberintos, encrucijadas y trampas en sus galerías, y quien intente atraparlo corre el riesgo de convertirse en cazador cazado. El jefe del espionaje británico murió sumido en viejos expedientes y recientes sospechas, convenido de que había galerías pero sin encontrar el topo. Smiley fue fiel a su jefe hasta el final, lo que le costó su puesto. Pero nuevos informes vuelven a remover al peligroso fantasma del topo, y Smiley, por supuesto, decide adentrarse extraoficialmente en el laberinto. Al final del mismo sólo encontrará una verdad: que los seres humanos somos demasiados complejos para ser clasificados con una sola palabra, ya sea "héroe", "traidor" o cualquier otra.
Mark Harris
So Many Ways to Lose
The Amazin' True Story of the New York Mets―the Best Worst Team in Sports
Unravel the hilarious and epic baseball history of the New York Mets with So Many Ways to Lose. As a lifelong fan, author Devin Gordon dives deep into the team's struggles and successes, from losing an All-Star to a wild boar charge to blowing a six-run lead during a pennant race. With a knack for doing the impossible and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, the Mets have a unique identity in the sports world. Gordon sheds light on why being gifted at losing is different from simply being bad and how it's part of the true amazin' magic of the Mets. Get ready for a love letter to the art of disaster and a side of baseball that's often overlooked.
Mark Harris
Mike Nichols
Sex, Language, and the Reinvention of Psychological Realism
Explore the groundbreaking work of iconic movie director Mike Nichols in this engaging book. Nichols revolutionized the style of psychological realism in Hollywood cinema through his iconic films of the 1960s, and his legacy continues to shape the industry today. Author Kyle Stevens examines Nichols' classic movies and later works to reveal how his realism lies not in the plausibility of his characters, but in their inherent mystery. He uncovers the subversive potential of cinematic elements and shows how Nichols' satirical oeuvre participated in urgent social, political, and philosophical advances of his time.
Mark Harris
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain
In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain is a literary master class on what makes great stories work and what they can tell us about ourselves—and our world today. George Saunders shares his twenty-year experience teaching a class on Russian short stories to MFA students at Syracuse University. In this book, he pairs iconic short stories by Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Gogol with his technical yet accessible essays on how narrative functions, why we stay immersed in a story, and the bedrock virtues a writer must foster to create compelling fiction. Through this exploration, Saunders illuminates how the mind itself works while reading and how the reading and writing of stories make genuine connection possible.
Mark Harris
Kill Switch
The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of American Democracy
"Kill Switch" explores how the Senate, controlled by a radically conservative minority, hinders progressive decision-making in an increasingly diverse and liberal country. Adam Jentleson argues that the Senate's devolution into a polarized institution can be blamed on both Democrats and Republicans since the 1950s. Without a reevaluation of Senate practices, including ending the filibuster, America may face the prospect of permanent minority rule. A must-read for anyone concerned with the fate of American democracy.
Mark Harris
2021-01-27T18:49:43.000ZRecomendado por
Matt Lieberman
Alright, Alright, Alright
The Oral History of Richard Linklater's Dazed and Confused
The definitive oral history of the iconic cult classic Dazed and Confused, featuring behind-the-scenes stories from the cast, crew, and director Richard Linklater. This book covers how a simple idea turned into a beloved movie that introduced a group of unknown actors who would become the next generation of movie stars. Combining behind-the-scenes photos and insights from nearly the entire cast, it offers an inside look at how a budding filmmaker and a cast of newcomers made a period piece that would feel timeless for decades to come.
Mark Harris
2020-12-09T20:42:39.000ZWow, No Thank You. by Samantha Irby
El secreto del olmo by Tana French
El ferrocarril subterráneo by Colson Whitehead
Montgomery Clift by Patricia Bosworth
Despachos de guerra by Michael Herr