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Matt McGorry

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Matthew David McGorry is an American actor and activist. He is best known for his roles as John Bennett in the Netflix comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black and as Asher Millstone on ABC's How to Get Away with Murder.
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¿Son obsoletas las prisiones? book cover
¿Son obsoletas las prisiones?
Angela Y. Davis - 2003-04-01
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Amid rising public concern about the proliferation and privitization of prisons, and their promise of enormous profits, world-renowned author and activist Angela Y. Davis argues for the abolition of the prison system as the dominant way of responding to America's social ills. “In thinking about the possible obsolescence of the prison,” Davis writes, “we should ask how it is that so many people could end up in prison without major debates regarding the efficacy of incarceration.” Whereas Reagan-era politicians with “tough on crime” stances argued that imprisonment and longer sentences would keep communities free of crime, history has shown that the practice of mass incarceration during that period has had little or no effect on official crime rates: in fact, larger prison populations led not to safer communities but to even larger prison populations. As we make our way into the twenty-first century—two hundred years after the invention of the penitentiary —the question of prison abolition has acquired an unprecedented urgency. Backed by growing numbers of prisons and prisoners, Davis analyzes these institutions in the U.S., arguing that the very future of democracy depends on our ability to develop radical theories and practices that make it possible to plan and fight for a world beyond the prison industrial complex.
Matt McGorry
Repost from @behindmirror_ . “Are Prisons Obsolete?” by Angela Davis is a must read. All of her books are very important and worth reading!      fuente
Feminist Theory book cover
Feminist Theory
From Margin to Center
Bell Hooks - 1984-01-01
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Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by Bell Hooks presents a blueprint for the feminist movement that is just as thought-provoking and relevant today as it was when first published. Hooks's direct style challenges readers to consider a new vision for feminism and to find a common language to create a global movement.
Matt McGorry
"Feminist Theory: From Margin To Center" by bell hooks # bell hooks is my favorite author. This book is definitely a must-read for any one interested in better understanding feminism. # Initially, my understanding…      fuente
Fearing the Black Body book cover
Fearing the Black Body
Strings - 2019-05-07
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This book explores the historical development of ideologies that support Western, patriarchal white supremacy, specifically the yoking of beauty to Protestant, Anglo-Saxon whiteness. Beginning in the Renaissance and ending in the 1990s, the author charts the development of ideals of race and beauty that juxtaposed slim, desirable white women against corpulent black women. Interestingly, the author does not address fat from a health standpoint or previous attitudes held towards corpulence.
Matt McGorry
“Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia” by #SabrinaStrings @SaStrings So grateful for this book. It is a truly remarkable piece of work that offers great insight into the history of fatphobia and its origins in the fear and hatred of the Black body. #mcgreads      fuente
Shrill book cover
Lindy West - 2016-05-17
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A hilarious and unapologetic memoir on feminism, self-discovery, and body positivity, where writer and humorist Lindy West narrates her life with vulnerability and charm. From her childhood struggles with body image to her stand against rape jokes and online trolls, Shrill is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and courage in a world that doesn't always treat them with respect.
Matt McGorry
"Shrill: Notes From a Loud Woman" by Lindy West @TheLindyWest # Lovvvvveeedddd, loved, loved, loved this book!!!  West is a truly remarkable writer and her stories are beautifully poignant while dosed with her…      fuente
Putas Insolentes book cover
Putas Insolentes
The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights
Molly Smith - 2018-06-26
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El debate sobre la prostitución está mesiánicamente copado por postura simplistas y criminalizantes, rayanas en el prohibicionista; posturas que, desde un punto de vista moralista, puritano y excluyente, niegan la palabra alas trabajadoras sexuales y, por lo tanto, impiden cualquier debate que atienda a las complejidades materiales y sociales que atraviesan esta cuestión. En este contexto, este libro resulta doblemente necesario. Justificaría su necesidad el que lo hayan escrito trabajadoras sexuales y que se base en la labor militante y en la experiencia de los colectivos de trabajadoras sexuales de todo el mundo. Pero su mayor virtud reside en que nunca pierde de vista el eje y la meta sobre la que deben articularse todas las políticas y las discusiones sobre la prostitución: las vidas, los derechos y el bienestar de las personas que se dedican al trabajo sexual. En este sentido, hablar desde la defensa de la vida y el bienestar de las personas que se dedican al trabajo sexual supone hablar de las realidades que conforman su existencia: sexo, trabajo, pobreza, migración, fronteras, racismo, sexismo, transforma, así como de las consecuencias que cada uno de los modelos de regulación legal de la prostitución tienen para su supervivencia y su seguridad. Por esta perspectiva poliédrica, compleja a partir de la experiencia militante, Putas Insolentes es seguramente la mejor aproximación a la controvertida cuestión del trabajo sexual publicada en castellano.
Matt McGorry
“Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight For Sex Workers’ Rights” by Juno Mac & Molly Smith (@fornicatrix & @pastachips) This book is a MUST READ for anyone that cares about liberation for the most marginalized. The narrative around sex work MUST change. #McGReads      fuente
Yes Means Yes! book cover
Yes Means Yes!
Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape
Jaclyn Friedman - 2008-12-02
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This groundbreaking anthology edited by feminist writers Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti presents a new approach to the conversation around rape culture. Through a variety of perspectives and experiences, the book aims to dismantle the "No Means No" model and promote a genuine understanding and respect for female sexual pleasure. Its radical ideas discuss educating people to value female sexuality and pleasure, and rewriting the narrative around rape to end it. Essential reading for anyone interested in feminist theory and politics.
Matt McGorry
“Yes Means Yes: Visions Of Female Sexual Power & A World Without Rape” by @jaclynf & @JessicaValenti May those of us who seek to be allies and accomplices never stop learning. Great knowledge and diversity of perspectives featured in this book/anthology. #McGReads      fuente
Mujeres, raza y clase book cover
Mujeres, raza y clase
Angela Y. Davis - 1983-02-12 (publicado por primera vez en 1981)
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El presente libro trata de desvelar las causas que llevaron a que las reivindicaciones de las mujeres negras fueran sistemáticamente invisibilizadas a pesar del potencial revolucionario que encerraba un movimiento semejante. En sus distintos capítulos, Angela Y. Davis ofrece un análisis riguroso y esclarecedor que no sólo pone de manifiesto las estrategias de lucha de las mujeres negras, sino los problemas de composición de las diferencias que siguen desgarrando los movimientos políticos actuales.
Matt McGorry
“Women, Race, & Class” by Angela Y. Davis (*Trigger Warning on book pages- descriptions of sexual and racist violence) Important book giving historical context for the necessity of centering the needs of (poor/working class) women of color in gender & racial justice. #McGReads      fuente
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? book cover
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
And Other Conversations About Race
Beverly Daniel Tatum - 2017-09-05 (publicado por primera vez en 1997)
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This insightful book delves into self-segregation among youth in racially mixed high schools. Renowned psychology of racism expert Beverly Daniel Tatum argues that open dialogue about our racial identities is key to bridging divides. As the national conversation about race grows increasingly urgent, this updated edition is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of race in America. "An unusually sensitive work about the racial barriers that still divide us in so many areas of life." -Jonathan Kozol.
Matt McGorry
Looking to better understand race/racism? Highly recommend this book by @BDTSpelman We can't change what we don't understand. #McGReads      fuente
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Bianca Belair
Body of Truth book cover
Body of Truth
How Science, History, and Culture Drive Our Obsession with Weight -- and What We Can Do about It
Harriet Brown - 2015-03-24
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Body of Truth explores the harmful obsession with weight and body image in our culture. Harriet Brown delves into the research on weight and health, revealing the four biggest lies, and uncovering how big companies profit from our insecurities. Through interviews, research, and personal experience, Brown offers concrete suggestions for making peace with ourselves and rejecting harmful fad diets and unattainable body ideals. Discover the truth about weight and health in this urgent and eye-opening book.
Matt McGorry
#BodyOfTruth - @HarrietBrown I was an expert trainer for a decade. I rec this book over the next diet/workout book you may buy #McGReads      fuente
No More Heroes by Jordan Flaherty
We Were Feminists Once by Andi Zeisler
Under the Affluence by Tim Wise
Cuestión de justicia (REALIDAD) by Bryan Stevenson
La próxima vez el fuego by James Baldwin