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Sidin Vadukut

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Sidin Vadukut is a columnist, writer and blogger from India. He is currently the managing editor of Livemint.com. In January 2010, Vadukut's debut novel Dork: The Incredible Adventures of Robin 'Einstein' Varghese was published.
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Tombland book cover
C.J. Sansom - 2019-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2018)
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Travel back in time to Tudor-era England and explore a kingdom in chaos. In this historical detective novel, follow Matthew Shardlake as he investigates the gruesome murder of a distant relative of Lady Elizabeth, Henry VIII's daughter. As rebellion stirs among the peasantry, Shardlake must navigate the political upheaval and decide where his loyalties lie. For fans of Hilary Mantel, don't miss this overlooked gem in the genre.
Sidin Vadukut
Stunning book. It will take me many days to recover from it. Just superb. And a detailed historical essay at the end of it. Also man it will destroy you by the end.      fuente
The Abbasid Caliphate book cover
The Abbasid Caliphate
A History
Tayeb El-Hibri - 2021-03-01
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Explore the influential period of the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258) and its role in shaping Islamic civilization. This historical account examines the Caliphate's foundation, golden age under Harun al-Rashid, and ultimate demise with the Mongol conquest of Baghdad. Discover the resilience of the Caliphate as an institution, its religious definitions, and its impact on modern Islamic monarchies. Separating fact from fiction, this insightful read delves into the legacy of the caliphs and their continuing resonance in today's world.
Sidin Vadukut
Extremely good book. Just zips along and lots of references to coinage. Available on Kindle India.      fuente
The Path Between the Seas book cover
The Path Between the Seas
The Creation of the Panama Canal, 1870-1914
David McCullough - 2004-06-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1977)
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This book tells the story of the creation of the Panama Canal, which became one of the greatest engineering feats of its time. It covers the events leading up to the Canal's construction and the struggles faced by the thousands of workers involved in the project. The story is full of drama, including a wave of fortune seekers, bankrupt French entrepreneurs, and even a revolution. David McCullough's masterful history is a captivating read for anyone interested in this iconic feat of engineering.
Sidin Vadukut
This is a good book BTW:      fuente
The Subterranean Railway book cover
The Subterranean Railway
How the London Underground was Built and How it Changed the City Forever
Christian Wolmar - 2005-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2004)
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Explore the rich history of London's Underground in this fascinating read. From its early days of steam to modern, driverless trains, discover how the Tube has played a vital role in the city's economy and daily life. This wide-ranging history delves into the ambitious Victorian pioneers who dreamed up the revolutionary transport system and the men who tunneled to make it a reality. Learn about its contributions to twentieth-century industrial design and its role during two world wars, as well as the ongoing debates over the future of the system. A celebration of London's hidden wonder, this book shows how the subterranean railway helped shape the city we know today.
Sidin Vadukut
In the end it all boils down to: land acquisition. From bullet train to metros. Who gives up land, what do they get in return, what is changed forever. And who pays for it all. Tricky stuff that looks glamorous only much later. Anyway this is a great book. 2/2.      fuente
India Moving book cover
India Moving
A History of Migration Tumbe, Chinmay
Chinmay Tumbe - 2018-07-13
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"India Moving" is a groundbreaking exploration of the many facets of the great migrations of India and the world. This book takes readers on a journey that covers everything from the slave trade and migration of workers, to the refugee crises and contemporary mass migration. From Kashmir to Kerala, Japan to Jamaica, and beyond, the author uses evidence, argument, and wit to provide unique insights into the fascinating story of Indian mobility. Discover how the scale and variety of Indian migration is key to preserving the country's pluralistic traditions.
Sidin Vadukut
Chinmay Tumbhe’s India Moving is really a wonderful book. Great stories, great sources, data, optimism, and just all round superb. Cannot recommend enough. Buy immediately and read urgently.      fuente
Recomendado por
Rafat Ali
Chernobyl book cover
The History of a Nuclear Catastrophe
Serhii Plokhy - 2018-05-15
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A harrowing true account of the worst nuclear disaster in history, told by a Chernobyl survivor and award-winning historian. This vivid and empathetic book exposes the flaws of the Soviet nuclear industry, and the authoritarian nature of communist rule. Drawing on new sources, the author chronicles the heroic efforts of firefighters, scientists, and soldiers who battled the nuclear inferno. With the risk of another Chernobyl looming, this urgent call to action is a moving and definitive read.
Sidin Vadukut
Superb book. And a particularly strong final third section. Recommended.      fuente
Recomendado por
Nigel Warburton
Historia de la cristiandad book cover
Historia de la cristiandad
The First Three Thousand Years
Diarmaid MacCulloch - 2009-01-01
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En cada generación, un historiador escribe la obra clave que servirá para definir las siguientes décadas de trabajo en su disciplina. Escrita con desbordante erudición y habilidad narrativa, la Historia de la Cristiandad de Diarmaid MacCulloch será sin duda un libro de referencia, la primera historia global de la religión cristiana..Esta impresionante obra, ganadora del premio Cundill de Historia, el más importante del mundo, se ocupa de la Cristiandad desde sus orígenes en el judaísmo y aborda los principales ejes de la fe cristiana. Al seguir la evolución del cristianismo y sus ramificaciones, examina cuestiones casi olvidadas sobre el mensaje de Jesús y la compilación del Nuevo Testamento, así como su difusión por todos los rincones del planeta: Africa, Asia, América o Europa. Es un libro que abarca la historia intelectual de esta religión, sin olvidarse de monjes y cruzados, santos y herejes, traficantes de esclavos y abolicionistas, y que nos revela el papel esencial del cristianismo en la Ilustración o durante las guerras mundiales..Vivimos una época de intensa conciencia religiosa salpicada de actos violentos que se ejecutan en nombre de Dios, y en la que creyentes y no creyentes cuestionan valores como la religión y la tradición. Este imponente libro marca un nuevo hito en la historia de una fe que sigue modelando nuestro mundo... "Una combinación casi perfecta de destreza narrativa y rigor analítico." Jurado del premio Cundill.
Sidin Vadukut
Damn good book. Highly recommend. Very big.      fuente